What is this winter doing to your hair?


Well-Known Member
I can't remember what I was doing with my hair this time last your, but I know I was happy with it.

This winter I can't seem to keep it moisturized enough.
As you know i have it braided up, I p[lan to keep it that way until the spring thaw

One of my Girlfriends just moved to Hawaii and she is just head over heels in love with the growth rate of her hair. She said her hair loves the heat.
Wish I could move there:grin:

Anyone else having Winter hair issues?
the winter is making my hair dry as straw!... I am in Cali so it isnt very cold but for some reason my hair is extra "unhappy" this winter.

I have been doubling up on my moisture game so hopefully I can get over this!
My hair is doing HORIBBLY with this winter and the accompanying dry heat in my house. Im going to braid it up and try some different moisturizers. (My hair loves glycerin ...but this winter it is my enemy!)
I'm in Southern California and I'm not really experiencing any trouble because of the weather. But, I do know that when the summer rolls around, I have faster hair growth.
hmmmm, i can't really tell cause i'm ps (wigs) I'm a little dryer which is typical. I'm glad I'm a natural cause with a relaxer that could create some issues.
I am in VA and it seems like after we had that big snowfall in DEC it was all over with.

I didn't know the heater in my house could be affecting my hair. dang I guess I will have to baggie around clock, cus I ain't turning off the heat LOL
Not a dang on thang! LOL, but only because I'm wearing a wig for the winter. I've read the horror stories of freezing weather and dry hair so decided to take the safe route. I do steam it at night (with my leave in and a showeer cap) in the shower though, just to add more moisture.
Well, this is our first winter in our new home. Our previous homes had that horrible dry forced air heat... it sucked the moisture out of everything. I had to be extra :armyhat: to be sure my hair stayed moisturized. Now I'm finding it much easier.

No matter what, though, I always make sure my head is covered when I go outside. Even if it is only for 20 seconds to get the mail, I make sure to put on a wig, or a scarf and hat. I think the shock of going from warmth to dry cold and back to warm air again is too stressful on my hair.

All winter I see women with short chewed up damaged hair standing out in the wind with no kind of protection on their heads :nono: That used to be me! I'd get the growth of summer, and have it all break off during fall and winter :cry3:
I've only been in winters for five years but this one is the absolute WORST! And I wasn't even in the country for the worst of it.

I don't know which is dryer between my skin and my hair. Dry dry dry!
My hair is doing great. I just got a trim my ends are healthy, I usually straighten alot in the winter, the presses last till I decide to wash again....my hair always does well in the wintertime. I may have to put a little EVCO on my ends but thats about it.

I think the reason I never really have big issues with dryness is because I have VERY oily skin, its annoying for the skin on my face but its awesome for my hair...it keeps my hair moisturized naturally and I basically dont have to put any effort into maintaining moisture.

I'm seriously considering putting my hair in a long term PS like kinky twists or crochet braids so I can have a break from regular styling now that I'm away to school again........but I'm indecisive:ohwell:
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What is my hair doing this winter? Kicking my butt every chance it gets, that's what! I thought I'd kis this winter but nooo. I have to cowash once to twice a week. I should mention that I'm 24 weeks post. I didn't think it would be this bad because I steam on my wash days and moisturize when needed. I keep it in a bun all week,I might wear it down on Saturdays if we go out. It's always covered when I go outside. I'm just at my wits end literally:wallbash:
I've only been in winters for five years but this one is the absolute WORST! And I wasn't even in the country for the worst of it.

I don't know which is dryer between my skin and my hair. Dry dry dry!
I had a feeling this winter was worst, and my poor lips, I keep lip balm everywhere, I have a stash upstairs, downstairs, in my car in my purse in my coat. I guess if my lips need that much moisture my hair does too:rolleyes:

What is my hair doing this winter? Kicking my butt every chance it gets, that's what! I thought I'd kis this winter but nooo. I have to cowash once to twice a week. I should mention that I'm 24 weeks post. I didn't think it would be this bad because I steam on my wash days and moisturize when needed. I keep it in a bun all week,I might wear it down on Saturdays if we go out. It's always covered when I go outside. I'm just at my wits end literally:wallbash:

I think after reading everyones post I am going to have to baggie 24/7 particularly when I am in the house.
I am glad I posted this I have learned some things today!
Mine has been pretty good 'considering' the Harsh effects of Winter.:ohwell:

But....I've been Wigging it since Late December......:look:

So, I Wash, DC, Weekly and Apply a Daily Creamy Moisturizer and Seal with Oil and put on my Satin Du-rag and Plop the Wig on Top.:grin:

Head Stays Warm (& outta the elements). Hair Stays Moisturized all day. No/Low Manipulation.

It's workin' 4 Me!:yep:
Everyone I know is having hair issues this winter, both black and white. I don't know. There is something different in the air this year. ends splitting all over the place, dull, lackluster, disturbing actually.
Oh my goodness, it's so bad for me and i live in florida!!! My hair won't hold any moisture, evn though im moisturizing daily. Well, i guess its time to baggy and use that S-curl
My hair is doing fine. I just figured out what works for me this winter, so my hair actually feels more moisturized than it did last winter. Last year around this time I had box braids (no extensions), and I have the same style now. I do live in Southern California, so the winter isn't bad for my hair (more like a wet season here).

I like box braids in the winter because now that my hair is APL, the style has an effect similar to straight hair but without the stress of heat. They hang down straight, have weight and swang, AND they're a PS!
Tryna take all of it when it leaves:sad:

My hair has been ridiculously dry.The only thing keeping that dry hard hair at bay is over- dc'ing.I don't care what anyone says about dc'ing too much because it's the only thing that is keeping my hair on my head,so then,so it shall be.
I'm getting ready to do a towel steam treatment,and i think i will have to get a steamer in a couple of weeks too. This is my first winter as a natural on my hhj,and i feel like i'm in a boxing ring with Old Man Winter and two black eyes:nono:
From the blistering cold wind,to the dry heat everydaggonewhere,this has turned into a straight up battle to keep my hair soft and moisturized for longer than a few hours.
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Everyone I know is having hair issues this winter, both black and white. I don't know. There is something different in the air this year. ends splitting all over the place, dull, lackluster, disturbing actually.

I agree. I've noticed my black and white friends have some extra crispy hair and skin this winter. The Asians who live on my hall seem to be hanging in there though. I honestly think that the issue is environmental in nature...the planet and atmosphere are seriously out of whack, and I think one way that it is manifesting is in people's hair and skin. I can't prove it though.

This winter, my hair and I have gone up and down. In October and November, my hair was dry and splitting all the time. In December, I overhauled my products and since then, it's been pretty smooth sailing.

With once weekly DCs (but twice is better), daily moisture and sealing, bunning, and nightly baggying, all has been right with the world.
It is a lot of work, but I'm not letting this winter defeat me. :armyhat: :brucelee: