What is the deal about this henna thing?

B_Phlyy said:
So how often should the henna be done? I can only use my rinses and glazes at most every 3 weeks, so would I have to wait that long between henna treatments?

Our non-black counterparts henna every six weeks to 3 months. I do mine every week (Friday). It takes a while to get the bling and I wanted it yesterday. But even tho my hair is pretty shiny now, henna still improves my hair's condition every time I use it. So I'm going to keep doing them every week until it doesn't improve anymore. You can do them twice a week if you want or more. People that indigo their hair have to do two treatments the same day. It's totally up to you. You may find you don't need your glazes or rinses tho. :)
I just paypal'd for a sample order of henna (hey, i dont believe in wasting time...) My question is why do you ladies here and on hennaforhair, why do yall prefer to leave the henna in for 4hours +, as opposed to just sitting up under a hairdryer for maybe 30mins???
sareca said:
Our non-black counterparts henna every six weeks to 3 months. I do mine every week (Friday). It takes a while to get the bling and I wanted it yesterday. But even tho my hair is pretty shiny now, henna still improves my hair's condition every time I use it. So I'm going to keep doing them every week until it doesn't improve anymore. You can do them twice a week if you want or more. People that indigo their hair have to do two treatments the same day. It's totally up to you. You may find you don't need your glazes or rinses tho. :)

when you do it this often(every week), do you let the color release each time?
Mizani_Mrs, I think they leave it in because the longer it stays on your hair, the greater the color/conditioning benefits.

I personally sit under a heat cap for 30 minutes, and then go about my business for another hour...that's plenty of time for me. :)
Mizani_Mrs said:
I just paypal'd for a sample order of henna (hey, i dont believe in wasting time...) My question is why do you ladies here and on hennaforhair, why do yall prefer to leave the henna in for 4hours +, as opposed to just sitting up under a hairdryer for maybe 30mins???

Me me me! I only do 40-60 minutes under the dryer. I just don't have 4 hours do this, not every week.
felicia said:
when you do it this often(every week), do you let the color release each time?

No, but I love fiddling with the color each time. So, I mix up a bunch of henna, release it, and leave the leftovers in the frig for next time. So each time I henna I don't have to wait 17 hours for it to release.
Mizani_Mrs said:
I just paypal'd for a sample order of henna (hey, i dont believe in wasting time...) My question is why do you ladies here and on hennaforhair, why do yall prefer to leave the henna in for 4hours +, as opposed to just sitting up under a hairdryer for maybe 30mins???
Strand test, take pics, be patient... you know the drill. :)
Welcome to the red side... :sekret:
naturallady said:
Ok henna queens, you see my hair is jet black. If I used strait henna w/o indigo do you think my hair would still become bright red?

It's not going to be bright red unless you have a lot of gray hair or blonde highlights. On black hair they're all pretty subtle.

Before Henna
Before/After Henna Only versus Henna/Indigo
Before/After Henna/Indigo versus Indigo Only
Before/After Henna Only versus Indigo Only

It's not really that big of a difference. I didn't take one, but I did another henna only and it was back to looking like my henna/indigo'd hair.
O.K., for those with henna/indigo questions, here's a great post from the hennafor hair forum...Catherine showed how the different methods could color the hair of a goat. Yes, a goat. Take a look, it will help you determine what color you're going for (especially if you have grey!):

White mohair goat.

First ........just henna.

Then,indigo mixed INTO the henna.

Then indigo OVER the henna

Oh and let's not forget that henna may loosen the curl of your hair(at least temporarily) which is great for stretchers!!

I noticed the hair around my edges was a little looser after last week's henna.:grin:
So since the henna seems to thicken up the hair, have any of you relaxed ladies had to change your strength or processing time with your relaxer?
B_Phlyy said:
So since the henna seems to thicken up the hair, have any of you relaxed ladies had to change your strength or processing time with your relaxer?

Nawl, it's thicker but it's more tame. It adds more body and volume, but it makes it easier to stretch because it relaxes some of the curl. I don't claim to understand... just statin' the facts as I know 'em.
I just purchased some samples today. See Sareca you have me spending money when I said I was not going to spend anymore money on hair products for awhile.;)
Prince3 said:
I just purchased some samples today. See Sareca you have me spending money when I said I was not going to spend anymore money on hair products for awhile.;)

From hennaforhair?
douglala said:
Thanks ladies!!!! I owe it all to Sareca, Vixxen, Neroli, and the rest of the ladies in the Do ya'll henna thread!!!

Douglala, I am honoured, HONOURED to be mentioned in the same sentence as Sareca and Vixxen. Everything I know know about henna I owe to those lovely ladies. . .

Viva la Revolution!
Candy_C said:
well, its well known that henna is good, but on chemical treated hair it may not be so good, as because its locks on the hair it may lock out moisture too....i dont think i'll be using it...the baq henna sounds kool, but i'm honesty just too scared 2 experiment and lose all my prgress! congrats 2 ladies who its helpin tho

Candy, henna does not lock out the moisture to your hair, in my opinion it only enhances it. I did a henna treatment before and after my touchup a few weeks ago and my hair has never been this moisturized. I did my henna treatment on tuesday and left it on their for about 2 hours and then I gave myself the avocado mask treatment that you recommended. My hair turned out wonderfully! I waited 3 days, gave myself my touchup, deep conditioned, and then hennaed again, and all I can say is I'm in love with my hair. It is soooooo moisturized and shiny. I don't need to use as many products, and my hair is absorbing all the moisture that I put in my hair. My hair use to drip, drip, drip, but now I have no drip because my hair is soaking it up. You just have to give it a try. One of the best things I like about henna, is my hair strands are fine, but I have so much volume. The henna has thicken and strengthen my hair, and my hair ends seem to cement together when I add my oils to the end. I loooooooove henna. Just do a strand test and you will see the difference as well. It's your decision, but just wanted to echo all the comments that are praising henna!
sareca said:
From hennaforhair?

Yes. I do exactly what you all tell me I do not divert(sp) because divertion has gotten me in trouble with my hair. So I do not do that anymore period! That is why you, Vixxen, So193, and the rest cause me to spend so much money.:D :lachen:
naturallady said:
Sareca, which supplier do you get your henna from on the hennaforhair website?

I just switched to Jamila. Catherine sells it, but I got it from mehndiskinart.com wholesale. At wholesale it's $1.55 per 100g (no SH fees or taxes). Catherine sells it for $8 per 100g + SH. But the nice thing about choosing a brand is it's the same no matter who sells it. :yep:

ETA: Don't get MDH body art henna from mehndiskinart.com. It is for body art only. It's greenish on light colored hair.
sareca said:
I just switched to Jamila. Catherine sells it, but I got it from mehndiskinart.com wholesale. At wholesale it's $1.55 per 100g (no SH fees or taxes). Catherine sells it for $8 per 100g + SH. But the nice thing about choosing a brand is it's the same no matter who sells it. :yep:

ETA: Don't get MDH body art henna from mehndiskinart.com. It is for body art only. It's greenish on light colored hair.
OK thank you sooo much! You are so helpful!