What is the deal about this henna thing?

Softresses said:
I hennaed three days before my lye texturizer and then deep condiioned and hennaed again the afternoon of my texturizer.


Also this thread does seem to be getting long. Almost all of the questions here have already been answered in the other thread. Maybe it should become a sticky.


They were answered in the other thread, but I think people are sick of trying to read it 700 some odd post. As soon as we get the FAQ started we'll post it for everybody to contribute 'cause everybody has had different experiences. I even want to know why the nine people that said they'd never henna again wouldn't. In the meantime, I just answer every question like it's the first. So don't be shy! Indian women have had this secret for too long... :)
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tbrown1220 said:
This is a great post. I have been thinking of doing the Cassia (natural henna ) for a while I would just like to have a healthy gloss. But my question is do you use tap water or distilled water? or does it even matter what type of water you use.:confused: :confused:

I use my hard as-all-get-out tap water. Henna takes a lot of water to rinse so I can't see using distilled unless you have 5 gallons. What the heck are we rinsing out? Um, little leaves and veins from the original plant. Takes a long time and they fall out on your shoulders when styling your hair if you don't get 'em all. We all have a different method for getting henna out of our hair. I'd been making several small braids and rinsing one section at a time. Then someone shared that they fill the sink with water and twish their head in it! That works way better and faster than my method. Doesn't matter what type of water you use. You just have to have a whole lot of it.
naturallady said:
I see another 50 page henna thread coming! :lachen:

Alright henna godesses, whats the deal w/ the cassia henna? I read on this thread that its not as effective as the regular dyeing henna. Is that so? I want the full benefit of henna, but I dont want any permanant color. I'd like to experiment w/ color, I just dont want anything permanant b/c 1. it may be jacked up and 2. I dont like things to be permanant. Ilike change too much!

But you CAN still have change! You can get color change if you get some indigo, which is also a natural dye, and mix it with the henna or do it as a two step process. Many people do this to tone down the red in the henna. I change the color of my hair nearly every week depending on my mood. Sometimes I will do a 50/50 mix, more indigo if I am feeling the jet black, or more henna if I want more of a reddish brown tint.

Here's where I posted my pics in the Do ya'll henna thread. You can see the color changes here. Sorry I don't have the pics with me to repost.

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I guess your right Sareca.

I'm just a little different I suppose. I always like to research first and ask what questions I have that were not already answered. I always feel like I may be making other people tired of me. And LORD HELP ME if you ladies lock me out of the henna information network! I just may die! :lol: :lol: :lol:



You are sooo right the Indian ladies have been holding on to this one!!!
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So I just called to get some info on the Cassia Obovata. I basically want to add shine, condition and strengthen my hair and....bring out my brown hair color. I asked Catherine and she suggested mixing the Walnut Husk Powder w/the Cassia Obovata.....

My order has been placed and I'm waiting for my stuff to arrive. I guess I'll do it this weekend and do photos. :bouncegre

Sareca, Thanks so much for all of your help. You have answered everyones questions and provided very in depth info. :)
atlqt said:
Your Majesty Queen Henna (a.k.a Sareca),
Do you do full henna treatments weekly or alternate with neutral henna or henna glossing?

I've ordered my supplies and can't wait to try it, but trying to decide on the frequency.

Note to my impatient self: I will strand test first, I will strand test first, I will..........

Not the Majesty Queen Henna but I do mine weekly. :grin:
In the future I may lower it to bi-weekly.
tbrown1220 said:
This is a great post. I have been thinking of doing the Cassia (natural henna ) for a while I would just like to have a healthy gloss. But my question is do you use tap water or distilled water? or does it even matter what type of water you use.:confused: :confused:

I use tap water to rinse my hair but distilled water in the mix.
douglala said:
But you CAN still have change! You can get color change if you get some indigo, which is also a natural dye, and mix it with the henna or do it as a two step process. Many people do this to tone down the red in the henna. I change the color of my hair nearly every week depending on my mood. Sometimes I will do a 50/50 mix, more indigo if I am feeling the jet black, or more henna if I want more of a reddish brown tint.

Here's where I posted my pics in the Do ya'll henna thread. You can see the color changes here. Sorry I don't have the pics with me to repost.


WOW!!!! I really loved the last reddish brown pic! I want that! So you say its not permanat and I can change the color at will w/ no bad effects??? Hmmm.........ya'll are gonna turn my into a henna junkie!
Softresses said:
I guess your right Sareca.

I'm just a little different I suppose. I always like to research first and ask what questions I have that were not already answered. I always feel like I may be making other people tired of me. And LORD HELP ME if you ladies lock me out of the henna information network! I just may die! :lol: :lol: :lol:



You are sooo right the Indian ladies have been holding on to this one!!!

Oh, yeah. They've been holding out on us. If our LHCF sista don't want to try henna I want it to be because they've decided not to, but not because they didn't know. :nono: I'm tellin' everybody twice. :lachen:
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Ok henna queens, you see my hair is jet black. If I used strait henna w/o indigo do you think my hair would still become bright red?
JLove74 said:
So I just called to get some info on the Cassia Obovata. I basically want to add shine, condition and strengthen my hair and....bring out my brown hair color. I asked Catherine and she suggested mixing the Walnut Husk Powder w/the Cassia Obovata.....

My order has been placed and I'm waiting for my stuff to arrive. I guess I'll do it this weekend and do photos. :bouncegre

Sareca, Thanks so much for all of your help. You have answered everyones questions and provided very in depth info. :)
Awesome! I've never tried the walnut husk powder. That's another one on my henna to-do list.

Um... you don't have nut allergies do you (or anybody you live with)? I'm just checkin'.

I can't wait to see your pics!
sareca said:
Awesome! I've never tried the walnut husk powder. That's another one on my henna to-do list.

Um... you don't have nut allergies do you (or anybody you live with)? I'm just checkin'.

I can't wait to see your pics!

No allergies for me, shooooot I'm eatin' some almonds right now :grin:
No, jet black hair will only have some red highlights when standing in the sun. The indigo will help darken it. My hair is naturally a lighter redish color so it comes out auburn. Blond people and people with very light colored hair are usually the ones who get the bright red color.


Softresses said:
No, jet black hair will only have some red highlights when standing in the sun. The indigo will help darken it. My hair is naturally a lighter redish color so it comes out auburn. Blond people and people with very light colored hair are usually the ones who get the bright red color.


Thanks Softresses! I think I will use strait henna then. I want subtle color. This sounds like the way to go!
Wow! I haven't read the long henna thread because it was too long and i basically already tried every bandwagon there is and decided not to try anything else. BUT this thread has really got me interested! I think i will become a henna queen after seeing Sareca's shiny hair. I usually do the Sebastians colourshine in cinnamon color, like every 6 weeks. But if this is proven to condition, strengthen and shine better than the rinse and is natural...then i'm going to go for it! I'm more interested in the strengthening because my hair tends to break a little too easily. I'm going to order the free henna samples on the hennaforhair site, maybe a little paprika too and i'm going to test it on a little then ponytail of hair i clipped to thicken my bang... thanks so much ladies for sharing this info! I am going to print the original thread and read it tonite. And I'd encourage for those ladies who have had negative experiences with henna, to post those as well...we want to be fully knowledgeable. a henna FAQ sticky is a WONDERFUL idea!
Thanks ladies!!!! I owe it all to Sareca, Vixxen, Neroli, and the rest of the ladies in the Do ya'll henna thread!!!
naturallady said:
WOW!!!! I really loved the last reddish brown pic! I want that! So you say its not permanat and I can change the color at will w/ no bad effects??? Hmmm.........ya'll are gonna turn my into a henna junkie!

By permanent I mean that you can alter your shades by using different ratios of henna and indigo. My hair went from dark, dark brown (before henna) to redish brown, to jet black (I dont have a pic of the jet black). I am going to do a full henna treatment in the next few days and I will see how much of the reddish brown I can get back. I'll wear that for about a week then go back to my jet black.

I know that Sareca went jet black and then got some reddish hint back by using the Jamila Henna.
Just wanted to add that the reddish brown is more of a tint that show up primarily in the sun and under the light. In the dark or low lighting it just looks dark brown.
douglala said:
By permanent I mean that you can alter your shades by using different ratios of henna and indigo. My hair went from dark, dark brown (before henna) to redish brown, to jet black (I dont have a pic of the jet black). I am going to do a full henna treatment in the next few days and I will see how much of the reddish brown I can get back. I'll wear that for about a week then go back to my jet black.

I know that Sareca went jet black and then got some reddish hint back by using the Jamila Henna.
Ok. Kewl! I didnt know you could change up the hair color like that.
douglala said:
By permanent I mean that you can alter your shades by using different ratios of henna and indigo. My hair went from dark, dark brown (before henna) to redish brown, to jet black (I dont have a pic of the jet black). I am going to do a full henna treatment in the next few days and I will see how much of the reddish brown I can get back. I'll wear that for about a week then go back to my jet black.

I know that Sareca went jet black and then got some reddish hint back by using the Jamila Henna.
Cosigning with douglala. I move back and forth between reddish brown and jet blue-black at my whim. But henna is technically considered level 3 permanent color. You've seen those numbers on synthetic dyes before... like level 1 is semi-permenant, level 2 is demi-permanent, level 3 is permanent (meaning it doesn't wash out).
So how often should the henna be done? I can only use my rinses and glazes at most every 3 weeks, so would I have to wait that long between henna treatments?
B_Phlyy said:
So how often should the henna be done? I can only use my rinses and glazes at most every 3 weeks, so would I have to wait that long between henna treatments?

Most of us do our treatment weekly. I've done it as soon as every five days without any problem.
B_Phlyy said:
So how often should the henna be done? I can only use my rinses and glazes at most every 3 weeks, so would I have to wait that long between henna treatments?

You can do it as often as you like. But you'd probably want to wait at least 3 days to see the real color after oxidation.
alexstin said:
You can do it as often as you like. But you'd probably want to wait at least 3 days to see the real color after oxidation.

Yeah, I forgot about the oxidation. Thanks.