What is the deal about this henna thing?

Softresses said:
Henna is a powder that comes from a plant. It is used to strengthen and condition the hair. It dyes the hair a reddish color. It is also the stuff that is used to dye the skin with the intricate skin tatoos you see on Indian women.

Henna makes the hair so strong it is unbelievable. It deposits itself in the hair structure and makes each strand feel smoother and thicker. The hair will just keep getting stronger and shinier as you continue to use it. It is one of the mainstays of the Indian women with the super strong long thick hair.


whoa -- nice and short - i think you guys sold me!!!!
naturallady said:
I've seen that 50 page "do ya'll henna" thread going for a while now and it was so big I couldnt wade thru it.

If you still want to read the thread, you could always change your settings so that each page shows more posts--that's how I was able to read the whole thread. Of course, it still takes a little more time but for some reason it's easier that way for me. Someone else suggested printing the thread as well...it's a really good read.
You can also use henna without releasing the dye if you don't want the coloring effects. You still get the conditioning though. Someone in the big thread said Cassia wasn't as conditioning as henna.

Hennaforhair.com is a good supplier but very expensive. Fromnaturewithlove.com also sells body art quality henna pretty cheap.
Lanelle said:
If you still want to read the thread, you could always change your settings so that each page shows more posts--that's how I was able to read the whole thread. Of course, it still takes a little more time but for some reason it's easier that way for me. Someone else suggested printing the thread as well...it's a really good read.
Thanks! Thats a great idea!
I went to the hennaforhair website and I'm interested in the neutral henn. I dont need to mix that w/ anything since I'm not gonna be dyeing my hair, right?
well, its well known that henna is good, but on chemical treated hair it may not be so good, as because its locks on the hair it may lock out moisture too....i dont think i'll be using it...the baq henna sounds kool, but i'm honesty just too scared 2 experiment and lose all my prgress! congrats 2 ladies who its helpin tho
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Candy_C said:
well, its well known that henna is good, but on chemical treated hair it may not be so good, as because its locks on the hair it may lock out moisture too....i dont think i'll be using it...the baq henna sounds kool, but i'm honesty just too scared 2 experiment and lose all my prgress! congrats 2 ladies who its helpin tho

This might have been the case when I did my first henna treatment. It was dry as a dessert even though I moisturized it very well. However,the second time I did the henna treatment it made my hair very soft and shiny, I added some coconut oil and honey to the mixture instead of using just olive oil and amla oil, rinsed, clarified, shampooed and deep conditioned (porosity control and conditioner) very well. I also used less of the amla powder because it tightens your hair strands which enhances your curls and strengthens them.
Candy C,

I had the same fears that you had. I did TONS of research before I decided to try it. Search for the post "Henna before and after Relaxer."
That was my first henna experience. I use a lye relaxer to texturize my hair. My hair has done nothing but improve each time. I harvested my shed hair that I had bought a plastic trap and caught in my shower.
I did harvested hair tests on each step of the process. ONLY THEN did I decide it was safe for my hair.

I don't blame you for not wanting to take the chance. A lot of hairdressers swear that henna is bad for the hair. But that myth has been destroyed by many women not only on this board, but by the extremely long haired women on the Long Hair Site as well as the women on Henna for Hair's site.

The extra long henna posts seem a challenge to read but they have a lot of everyone's experiences listed that may be helpful should you decide to henna.

I joined the henna revolution about 1.5 months ago after seeing the Do ya'll Henna thread grow bigger and bigger. It was the best thing that I have done for my hair. I felt the difference IMMEDIATELY while rinsing out my hair after the first treatment. My hair was so sleek!! So, for me it Conditions, Strengthens and Colors my hair at the same time. I can change my hair color every weeks without any ill effects. When I want darker hair I just use more indigo in my mix.

I no longer need protein conditioners. I tried using a MILD protein conditioner recently and it left my hair crunchy.

The only thing I need to do now is focus on moisture. The shine, strength, and sleekness all come from the HENNA!! :grin:
gymfreak336 said:
Thanks for the replies Ladies, I'm still confused on the henna and relaxer thing. So basically if I use high quality henna, I can still relax....right?

Yes! Pure henna (meaning the ingredient list has only henna listed) or body art quality (BAQ) henna do not interact with relaxers or synthetic dyes.

I've used synthetic dyes (my whole life) and I have relaxed hair. I've never had a problem, quite the opposite. My hair :love: henna. Compound henna which contains a vareity of ingredients including metallic dyes cause big problems. Big problems like shave your head and start over type problems. Just say no. Compound henna (which is not pure henna) is what's given henna a bad rep.

The best thing to do, as someone else suggested, is strand test on hair harvested from your brush or comb. Then you'll know exact what the process is like, what the color looks like, and what kind of condition your hair will be in. :yep: No guesswork! I don't play with my progress! :naughty:
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berry87 said:
thanks ladies for this post! I was planning on doing a treatment but had my questions.;) y'all answered them thanks,

BTW WHere do you ladies buy it from? I plan on getting it here http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/!
http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/learn/henna.html, Berry this is technically considered compound henna. Why? But it's not pure henna they add "other stuff." Henna only comes in red. If anybody says it comes in blonde or burgandy they've added something. I don't see anything wrong with the ingredients they've said that add...

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Mountain Rose Herbs Henna is colored using one or more of the following botanical methods which are included into the Henna during manufacture.....[/FONT] Henna leaf (Lawsonia inermis)
Henna Bark (Lawsonia inermis)
Indigo leaf and stalk
Calendula petals
Chamomile flowers

Hibiscus flowers
Alkanet root

But, I usually discourage people from using anything but pure henna. If you want a modify the color, you can add chamomile, indigo, or hibuscus yourself. If you want to use this vendor's product anyway call and tell them you have or plan to use synthetic dyes or relaxers. Also ask if they include METALLIC DYES in their mixes. If so keep moving... there are lots of other henna's other there.
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naturallady said:
I went to the hennaforhair website and I'm interested in the neutral henn. I dont need to mix that w/ anything since I'm not gonna be dyeing my hair, right?

Right, just water. It might release a tiny bit of color, but not much.

ETA: Sorry I misread that. Neutral henna (cassia) will not release ANY COLOR. It doesn't have color to release. If you mix henna w/ water it will release a little color.
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Candy_C said:
well, its well known that henna is good, but on chemical treated hair it may not be so good, as because its locks on the hair it may lock out moisture too....i dont think i'll be using it...the baq henna sounds kool, but i'm honesty just too scared 2 experiment and lose all my prgress! congrats 2 ladies who its helpin tho

Good point, Candy. This is exactly the reason we tell everybody to strand test. Henna is a natural product and there's only one way to know what effect it will have... test it on YOUR hair.
victorious said:
I peeked in the thread a few times before and did my best to ignore it; but the thread kept haunting me. And seeing Sareca's siggy in other threads didn't help either. I read a few pages a day and took some notes. I also read info on other sites.

I have a draft mix that lists ingredients, materials, and instructions I want to do. My hair is dark brown, and I want a richer brown color with a red cast in the sun. I want to try black tea bags to get the brown instead of a little indigo. I'll probably order henna Wednesday if I can't find it locally. I want to read more threads on the henna for hair forum too.

But I'll be sure to pm one of our henna gurus on the forum and get the mix reviewed before I do my henna. ;)

Great! I'm glad you're stepping out. Get pure henna only and strand test. Here are the instructions for strand testing from hennaforhair.com.
naturallady said:
Thanks girl!!! You all have convined me. Henna and water is simple enough for me! I think I'll try it out!

Don't forget your stand test.

BTW, your hair is awesome! I've seen them fat twists in my dreams...
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B_Phlyy said:
I hear a lot about clear henna glosses. I was wondering if it would be a better alternative than using semi-permanent glazes for shine? Any info on that? What are some good brands?

A henna gloss is basically another type of henna mix. A gloss includes a regular conditioner and henna. All the same rules that apply to regular henna applications apply to glossing (i.e., stranding test and using a terp). Here's Vixxen's thread on henna glossing.

I've never glossed but it's on my to-do list. :) Some of the other ladies have tried glossing... hey! ya'll get in here and give us the 411.
This is a great post. I have been thinking of doing the Cassia (natural henna ) for a while I would just like to have a healthy gloss. But my question is do you use tap water or distilled water? or does it even matter what type of water you use.:confused: :confused:
I see another 50 page henna thread coming! :lachen:

Alright henna godesses, whats the deal w/ the cassia henna? I read on this thread that its not as effective as the regular dyeing henna. Is that so? I want the full benefit of henna, but I dont want any permanant color. I'd like to experiment w/ color, I just dont want anything permanant b/c 1. it may be jacked up and 2. I dont like things to be permanant. Ilike change too much!
sareca said:
A henna gloss is basically another type of henna mix. A gloss includes a regular conditioner and henna. All the same rules that apply to regular henna applications apply to glossing (i.e., stranding test and using a terp). Here's Vixxen's thread on henna glossing.

I've never glossed but it's on my to-do list. :) Some of the other ladies have tried glossing... hey! ya'll get in here and give us the 411.

Thanks for the link.

Another question, how long should you wait before or after chemical services to do the henna? I think I am going to continue to use my glazes/rinses for a while and my next relaxer will be in November, so when would be a good time to start the henna?
naturallady said:
I see another 50 page henna thread coming! :lachen:

Maybe we should see if we could get the threads combined and turned into a sticky? How does that go?
B_Phlyy said:
Thanks for the link.

Another question, how long should you wait before or after chemical services to do the henna? I think I am going to continue to use my glazes/rinses for a while and my next relaxer will be in November, so when would be a good time to start the henna?
Strand test and go for it! I started henna'g 6 months into my stretch so I'm not speaking from experience, but many ladies in the Henna Club do henna treatments the week before and after their relaxers. That's my plan as well.
B_Phlyy said:
Maybe we should see if we could get the threads combined and turned into a sticky? How does that go?

I just ping'd Vixxen about us making a henna FAQ. We'll see if we can get that done soon and see if the mods will make it sticky.
I hennaed three days before my lye texturizer and then deep condiioned and hennaed again the afternoon of my texturizer.


Also this thread does seem to be getting long. Almost all of the questions here have already been answered in the other thread. Maybe it should become a sticky.

Your Majesty Queen Henna (a.k.a Sareca),
Do you do full henna treatments weekly or alternate with neutral henna or henna glossing?

I've ordered my supplies and can't wait to try it, but trying to decide on the frequency.

Note to my impatient self: I will strand test first, I will strand test first, I will..........
naturallady said:
I see another 50 page henna thread coming! :lachen:

Alright henna godesses, whats the deal w/ the cassia henna? I read on this thread that its not as effective as the regular dyeing henna. Is that so? I want the full benefit of henna, but I dont want any permanant color. I'd like to experiment w/ color, I just dont want anything permanant b/c 1. it may be jacked up and 2. I dont like things to be permanant. Ilike change too much!
Henna is considered permanent color. I haven't tried cassia myself. But Vixxen (I think) has and she says it didn't condition like henna, but that doesn't mean it doesn't condition. It does, we're just spoiled. :D

But, you can use henna w/o releasing the dye from it. For henna to color hair you have to mix it with a mildly acidic liquid (i.e., ACV, lemon juice, red wine). You can use it w/ just warm water. It will still release a little color, but not much and you'll have ALL of the conditioning benefits. I've found that I can go from red to black w/ henna and indigo. So it hasn't been "permanent" the way I anticipated, but it will always have some variation of red, red brown, reddish black, etc. But it's never going to make you a carrot top. Henna doesn't lift color it only deposits. Henna has about as much coloring power as a synthetic temporary dye. So if you're worried about a dramatic change it's not going to happen. At least not on black hair. No one, not even my husband (who will sleep in my hair if I let him), noticed my hair was a different color. It's way to subtle on dark hair for that. A lot of people noticed it seemed healthier and shinier.

Even if you only want to use it for just conditioning same rules apply, strand test, get BAQ or pure henna, and be patient (you will have to do it more than once esp. for the bling). I love the bling...
Softresses said:
I hennaed three days before my lye texturizer and then deep condiioned and hennaed again the afternoon of my texturizer.


Also this thread does seem to be getting long. Almost all of the questions here have already been answered in the other thread. Maybe it should become a sticky.


ITA, especially with all the questions already adressed in the "do yall henna" thread started by Sareca. I know its long and people don't want to read thru it, but that is what must be done if you're gonna gain knowledge - no pain, no gain . . .

Plus, it WORTH putting in the time because there are so many good advice and techniques in there that newbies may not think to ask and experts may just be too tired to keep repeating over and over. I strongly urge reading the entire thread -- think of it as all the research in one place -- like Vixxen once said, curl up with a good bottle of conditioner and enjoy the read . . .

Also, there are TONS of information at www.hennaforhair.com -- highly recommend because excellent information that address a lot of newbie questions as well . . .
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