What is the cutoff point for waiting to wash your hair?

How long is too long to go without washing your hair?

  • 1 week

    Votes: 78 27.9%
  • 2 weeks

    Votes: 109 38.9%
  • 3 weeks

    Votes: 42 15.0%
  • a month

    Votes: 37 13.2%
  • 2 months

    Votes: 9 3.2%
  • 3 months and more

    Votes: 5 1.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I noticed last week that if I don't cowash every 2-3 days at the very least, my hair becomes very angry!! It wasn't that way before I started co-washing back in March. Before, I could go two weeks and it would be fine. Oh my hair likes co-washing.

I'm with Oprah, I mean, Cleve_gyrl (Avi threw me off :giggle: ). I can't do more than 7 days even though I could in the past. That all changed somewhere along the way such that if I go beyond 3 days w/o washing my hair, I'll be popping headache tablets till I wash my hair. And 4 more days is as long as I'm willing to suffer. Usually washing my hair ASAP after those 3 days (and never with cold water!) cures the headache pronto. Go figure.
So does washing less help with tangles when taking down your weave? I have a weave and haven't washed it yet. I just wash the hair/scalp thats loose in the front. so far it's been two weeks. I normally wash 2-3 times a week or daily.
I wonder how long it will be before someone starts a "No Washing Your Hair Challenge" ... :lachen:

If there was a challenge like this I would join it for curosity's sake.
I don't have stinky/itchy scalp issues. I may do it while in this weave using nothing but coconut oil or castor oil on my brais and scalp. I wouldn't mined being a gunea pig.
I usually wash my hair every 3-4 weeks. I don't use any products on my scalp and I don't sweat in my head. I would wash more often but I have three daughters with lots of hair that I have to do.
I think it depends on how much youre putting in your hair. For example when I use alot of product I HAVE to wash every other day..at max four days..But normally I can keep my hair nice looking by washing it once a week. But if I do what I did in HS and never put ANY product in my hair & just throw it up in a bun im sure i could do 2-4 weeks no problem without my hair being stinky.
I rinse daily because I work out daily. As far as shampoo I have to wash once a week. Longer than that and my scalp gets crazy itchy and my hair looks stringy.

So does washing less help with tangles when taking down your weave? I have a weave and haven't washed it yet. I just wash the hair/scalp thats loose in the front. so far it's been two weeks. I normally wash 2-3 times a week or daily.

I don't know much about weaves but my guess is if you're using products to moisturize your weaved hair or your scalp then you're bound to have build-up on the braided part from product, sweat, and dirt so knots or tangles will indeed be an issue.
I like washing my hair just about daily now...when I was relaxed I could go about 2 weeks before I get the itchies and need water on my scalp.
Before joining this board, I could go an eternity and a day w/o washing my hair. Though I co wash several times a week, if I had to stretch in washing, I honestly cannot go more than six days.
It depends. When my hair is in its natural/curly state I can not wait longer than a week to wash, but when it is straight I can go about 2 weeks. Any longer may be too much for me.
I got to the point last year where I realized my hair likes getting washed twice a week. I just went one week without washing and it wasn't bad but I didn't like it. But, like everything else, it's an individual thing. You have to figure out what works for you and your hair.

When I was in high school, I had some friends who didn't wash their hair for 2-3 months. They, and their mothers had jheri curls and they said it kept their hair healthy and made it grow. Which was puzzling because they all had some tore up heads of hair!!! Broken off, damn near bald patches and whatnot!!!