What is the best way to combat dryness?


Active Member
What is the best way to combat dryness? Deep conditioning, co-washing or daily moisturizing and sealing?
I just had a bad dry spell... Not sure of the cause (could've been heat, lack of moisture or MN). So to reverse it, I did a hair spa treatment. I oiled my scalp with garlic oil to prevent shedding, coconut oil to add nourishment and super moisturized my hair shaft with CON Argan Oil Moisturizer. I let it sit for about two hours (@ the beach) and then dry DC'ed with Silicon Mix overnight (a super moisturizing conditioner). I rinsed, poo'd and did an intensive DC with AE Garlic Mask for four hours (heat on and off)... This my friend gave my hair it's grove back. The moral is that different things work for different people. I had to do a process that catered to my hair and it's needs to restore its moisture levels. Create something similar for yourself.

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What is the best way to combat dryness? Deep conditioning, co-washing or daily moisturizing and sealing?

Doing all of the things you mentioned could help keep hair hydrated. I do all three. I usually just do cowashing as a way of refreshing my hair between washes, not as an actual cleansing method. Either way, it helps keep my hair soft and not accumulate a lot of build up. I learned the hard way that skipping sealing would leave me with dry hair before the day was up. Some people don't seal, but it is necessary for me.
I vote all of the above! It takes all three to keep my hair hydrated....the only thing I could possibly get rid of would be cowashing, but like Braunsugar said, its a good way to refresh the hair between washes while maintaining moisture. I couldnt see myself shampooing twice a week, but I can shampoo once and cowash once. DCing is a must and M&S is a must.

Another alternative to M&Sing is the LOC method. I do that on wash day, then the rest of the week I M&S. Try it on one side of your head and do it the regular way on the other to see if you notice a difference. It really seems to lock moisture in longer for me. The extra layer really seems to make a difference.

(L)-Liquid= water or water based leave in
(O)-Oil= oil of your choice
(C)-Cream= thick cream or butter
I agree with the previous posters. It varies by hair. There are some ladies that can just DC, there are some ladies that can just cowash, there are some that need to combine two of the steps and some that have to do all 3.

I don't think it's possible to tell you which works for your hair. I would say start with DCing once a week and applying your leave-in/moisturizing right after that and monitor your hair from their. Your hair will tell you whether it needs moisturizing every day or if you can skip a few days.

I DC weekly, cowash mid-week and moisturize every day. I cowash mid-week because around day 3, daily moisturizing does nothing and I need water on my hair to re-hydrate it. My hair is very dry and trying to just do only 1 or 2 of the steps won't work.

What are you doing now and what has and has not worked for you?
It depends on the head, thus far co-washing does NOT restore moisture for me. Heated Dc'ing is the only thing that truely makes my hair feel hydrated, i also have to be careful with sealing ( i usually only seal my ends), because sealing can even make my hair dry.
For me sealing was what set it off for me. You pretty much have to do all 3 to keep your hair the most moisturized, but none of it matters if I don't seal that moisture in. I tried not sealing before and I might as well have not moisturized or DC'd at all. And the heavier the sealant, the longer my hair stays moisturized. LOVE IT!
Overnight or steam DC does the trick for me.
I can skip daily moisturizing and only moisturize 'as needed' after a good DC.
for me...here's what helps.

weekly dcs
hydrolyzed keratin (my hair loves protein and it helps me retain moisture)
LOC moisture method (using the normal moisturizing/sealing method never worked for me, but for some reason moisturizing in this sequence does something better for my hair)
baggying or greenhouse effect
It's a combination of all three for me, and it most likely varies from head to head. Fran from HeyFranHey seals with Aloe Vera instead of oil, works great for her but I tried and I saw and felt the difference. For me I would say DC'ing comes first. Once I slept on the couch without my head covered the night before wash day. The fabric that covers the couch is so harsh and it dried my hair out so baldly. Wash day was a DISASTER!!!! My regular DC on wash day didn't reverse the problem either. On Cowash day I applied oil, a DC, then sealed with oil and let that sit overnight then cowashed the next morning and only then was my hair revived. But I still have to moisturize and seal to insure my hair stays moisturized.
I'm going through a dry spell right now. But the cause of mine may be not having my moisture/protein balance. I haven't done a heavy protein in like a year and a half. No stones please:look:
Whenever I'm going through a particularly rough dry period I take my most moisturizing deep conditioner and mix some in a squirt bottle with water. I spray that on my hair before I go to sleep. Wake up, Co-wash as usual and proceed with my day, HHG
It's a combination of all three for me, and it most likely varies from head to head. Fran from HeyFranHey seals with Aloe Vera instead of oil, works great for her but I tried and I saw and felt the difference. For me I would say DC'ing comes first. Once I slept on the couch without my head covered the night before wash day. The fabric that covers the couch is so harsh and it dried my hair out so baldly. Wash day was a DISASTER!!!! My regular DC on wash day didn't reverse the problem either. On Cowash day I applied oil, a DC, then sealed with oil and let that sit overnight then cowashed the next morning and only then was my hair revived. But I still have to moisturize and seal to insure my hair stays moisturized.

Seal with AVG? hmm, that is interesting.
Cowashing and dc'ing weekly has helped me. I hate shampoo. Have yet to find one that's gentle, and won't strip, dry and tangle my hair up.
Sealing for me is very important. If I didn't seal my hair would be a dry frizzy mess. I can use all the sulfates and cones I want as long as I seal.

I use heavy sealants like shea butter, cocoa butter, hair grease, castor oil. Lighter oils just leave my hair dry and frizzy. Anything that keeps my hair moisturized for 3+ days is good in my book. And I find my products last a long time. My hair and wallet is happy.
To combat dryness im CWing x2 a week
overnight deep conditioning x3 a week
DCing with heat once a week
and M&S daily and only using high quality products:grin:
For me, it's not shampooing...if I don't strip the moisture Out, I don't have to work super hard to put it back In. After that co-cleansing 2-3x's a week, and moisturizing daily keep my hair nice & moist!
All three. If you do them on a regular basis, guaranteed, your hair will be be luscious and soft. :yep:
My chronic dryness was cured once I:

- Addressed my porosity issues

- Incorporated the proper products and methods that would facilitate a protein-moisture balance (this included doses of keratin and collagen buttressed by highly emollient conditioners)

- Consistently used quality conditioners and additives

For me, daily M&S is unnecessary; after my weekly DCing session, my hair remains moisturized for up to 4 days. Plus, all co-washing does is invite tangles and create breakage. I only turn to it on the rare occasions my hair needs to be thoroughly immersed in water in order to be re-styled. My advice to you would be to focus on the cause(s) of the dryness (whether they be internal or external, or both) rather than its symptoms. IMO, doing so will effectively resolve the issue once and for all.
I drink lots of water (surprised no one else recommended this...but, maybe I missed it)

I take fish oil.

I use a moisturizing deep conditioner with heat every time I wash. I use conditioners that are ph balanced and I know my hair well enough by now to feel if it's dry by touch and texture.
I usually deep condition once a week under the steamer, rollerset and moisturize that day. The moisture will last about 2-3 days. I find that even if I moisture on day 3, my hair starts to feel dry by day 4-7. I moisturize with jane carter nourish and shine which is like a heavy cream or butter. Is it o.k to moisturize with this alone or can I seal with an oil? What is the right order> oil and nourish and shine or nourish and shine and oil? I don't really like water based leave-ins, they do nothing for my hair.
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I vote all of the above! It takes all three to keep my hair hydrated....the only thing I could possibly get rid of would be cowashing, but like Braunsugar said, its a good way to refresh the hair between washes while maintaining moisture. I couldnt see myself shampooing twice a week, but I can shampoo once and cowash once. DCing is a must and M&S is a must.

Another alternative to M&Sing is the LOC method. I do that on wash day, then the rest of the week I M&S. Try it on one side of your head and do it the regular way on the other to see if you notice a difference. It really seems to lock moisture in longer for me. The extra layer really seems to make a difference.

(L)-Liquid= water or water based leave in
(O)-Oil= oil of your choice
(C)-Cream= thick cream or butter

Doesn't the LOC method leave the hair weigh downed and sticky?
Cowashing and dc'ing weekly has helped me. I hate shampoo. Have yet to find one that's gentle, and won't strip, dry and tangle my hair up.

I think that I am going to start co-washing, especially since I want to start working out.