What is my hair type?

i think you're probably a 3c/4a. the top of your hair looks a lot like mine did when i was natural. does your hair curl up when you wet it? mine did that as well. whatever the type, your hair is very pretty.
toinette said:
i think you're probably a 3c/4a.

i say this because your coils are alot looser than the ones i see in my head
and i noticed that the size of the waves you get when you pull your hair
back seems to coordinate with hair types ex smaller waves closer to 4 med waves closer to 3 large waves closer to type 2 no wave type 1
this is just my opinion after all typing isnt an exact science
Your hair is very pretty. :) As far as type, I would guess at about a 3c with maybe a touch of 4a. I'd have to see it all down or closer in order to know for sure.
Yup, definately a 3c-4a.
I''m 4b. I was accused of having your 3c type hair because my roots looked to straight post relaxer,
Sigh.. I wish I did, your hair is soooo pretty.
I'm thinking 3b--- so, so pretty. I've hear that I'm 3c/4a and my waves are no where near that loose.
I think I'm not that great at typing, but I would tend to agree with the 3c/4a description. Do you have any pictures of your hair wet? To me, that is the easiest way to tell.
Thanks for your help ladies! I'll take some more pictures with it down and wet and then ask again to see what you think. My curls are very loose when it's wet and my hair stays curly all day when it's dry...the curls aren't as loose though..I still think I have some 4 in there. We'll see..As it grows the curls seem to get looser. My hair already "flops" when it's wet and it's not that long....