What Is It About Posting Anonynmous that Makes People So Brave?


I got a negative post on my fotki that I deleted. the person had the nerve to say something negative and post anonymous. Real brave. :rolleyes: What makes people so brave to post something negative and then "hide" under anonymous? It just pissed me off so bad that I deleted without thinking. Sometimes it makes me just want to get rid of Fotki altogether or remove comments. I just don't know what to do about it.
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Well you know you have haters everywhere IRL and on the internet. Like they say you know you're doing something right when you have haters. Don't let that discourage you let it encourage you.
Keyword being anonymous. If they were bold they wouldn't have to hide, a lot of people do that over the net because it's real easy to be bold as brass sitting in front of a computer typing away. I would've done the same as you, delete it and KIM.
Well I can only post as anonymous on Fotki.

But I don't post over there iono. If I had something negative say, I would just say it. And if I new them from the hairboard I'd be like "this MSA, just so ya know".

Mainly, I keep my ugly hair comments to myself though. It's never that serious to leave negative comments, even if they are true. It just makes you look ridiculous.
That's what cowards do. They are not bold enough to say how they feel out in the open so they hide behind Anon. They look like idiots by taking the time to say something negative. Just keep doing you. Q
Don't sweat it. :yep: The person is just trying to get a rise out of you hence their inability to take accountability for their words. If it bothers you to the point you want to shut down Fotki then change your settings so only members can comment.
I've had it happen to me too in the past. They can kick rocks, 'cause they're not making me or breaking me.
You have to realize that there's always gonna be people out there with something negative to say. Their purpose is to try to make you feel bad about yourself. Don't let them get to you. These are usually people with low self esteem. As the saying goes, misery loves company.

You know your hair looks good. That's all that matters!
There are people who are only happy when they can put down others, you did the right thing by deleting their comment :nono::nono: :nono::nono:
Change your privacy settings and keep it moving. Why let some gutless loser know they got to you by starting a thread in their honor???
You have to realize that there's always gonna be people out there with something negative to say. Their purpose is to try to make you feel bad about yourself. Don't let them get to you. These are usually people with low self esteem. As the saying goes, misery loves company.

You know your hair looks good. That's all that matters!

Denise11 took the words right out of my mouth.....Don't let negative people get the best out of you...****Hugs****
I got a negative post on my fotki that I deleted. the person had the nerve to say something negative and post anonymous. Real brave. :rolleyes: What makes people so brave to post something negative and then "hide" under anonymous? It just pissed me off so bad that I deleted without thinking. Sometimes it makes me just want to get rid of Fotki altogether or remove comments. I just don't know what to do about it.

I don't know why folks do it.

OT: Congratulations!!! I remember being on your fotki about a year ago, your progress is GREAT!
the bible says it best "if u don't have anything good to say, don't say nothing at all". Remember ... Misery loves company.... let it roll off
Aww man are you serious? I am so sorry about that it's happened to me before- I just changed my settings it KIM. Keep your head up sweetie.