"What in THE WORLD??" Dad's Reaction to my Hair!


Well-Known Member
\"What in THE WORLD??\" Dad\'s Reaction to my Hair!

Hi everyone,

Well, I learned early that I have to wash, condition, and detangle my hair in sections.

So yesterday, I put my hair in six sections with different color scrunchies. And I'll admit, I looked a hot mess. Pippie Longstocking has nothing on me!! My hair was going North, East, South, West and everywhere in between! But it didn't bother me because I wasn't walking out the house with my hair looking like that anyway.

So I go into my parents room to get a comb from my mom. My parents are sitting up in their bed with bibles open engulfed in a deep conversation. They didn't even see me come into the room.

Well, while I'm bending down trying to find a comb, I hear my dad yell out of nowhere "What in THE WORLD?" I knew immediately that it was about my hair. Trying to hold in a laugh, I stand up and look at him. His face is full of utter shock! I wish I would have had a camera to photograph the look he gave me!

He was like "No child! Please tell me that you will never go out with your hair looking like that!" After I stopped laughing. I said "No dad! I'm just preparing to wash my hair!"

Then he says "If you walked our of this house with your hair looking like that, we would be accused of child abuse!" My mom and I fell out laughing at that point!

I haven't laughed like that in a while.

I just had to tell you guys about my funny father.

Re: \"What in THE WORLD??\" Dad\'s Reaction to my Hair!

LOL! That is definitely funny...my brother gives me similar looks and comments too
Re: \"What in THE WORLD??\" Dad\'s Reaction to my Hair!

Yeah, I think I have scared my Dad on a number of occasions as well. LOL!!
Re: \"What in THE WORLD??\" Dad\'s Reaction to my Hair!

Girl can't your family put you on blast like no one else? One time I was walking around the house with my hair all over the place and my older brother told me I looked so rough he said you look like one of them broads that be fightin' in the streets. Girl i about fell out.
Re: \"What in THE WORLD??\" Dad\'s Reaction to my Hair!

LOL!!!Child abuse....fighting in the streets
Re: \"What in THE WORLD??\" Dad\'s Reaction to my Hair!

EbonyEyes said:
Hi everyone,

Well, I learned early that I have to wash, condition, and detangle my hair in sections.

So yesterday, I put my hair in six sections with different color scrunchies. And I'll admit, I looked a hot mess. Pippie Longstocking has nothing on me!! My hair was going North, East, South, West and everywhere in between! But it didn't bother me because I wasn't walking out the house with my hair looking like that anyway.

So I go into my parents room to get a comb from my mom. My parents are sitting up in their bed with bibles open engulfed in a deep conversation. They didn't even see me come into the room.

Well, while I'm bending down trying to find a comb, I hear my dad yell out of nowhere "What in THE WORLD?" I knew immediately that it was about my hair. Trying to hold in a laugh, I stand up and look at him. His face is full of utter shock! I wish I would have had a camera to photograph the look he gave me!

He was like "No child! Please tell me that you will never go out with your hair looking like that!" After I stopped laughing. I said "No dad! I'm just preparing to wash my hair!"

Then he says "If you walked our of this house with your hair looking like that, we would be accused of child abuse!" My mom and I fell out laughing at that point!

I haven't laughed like that in a while.

I just had to tell you guys about my funny father.


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Re: \"What in THE WORLD??\" Dad\'s Reaction to my Hai

Yeah, my husband is hilarious too! Everytime I braid my hair for braidouts he says I look like that crackhead from Boyz in the Hood! Depending on how I want my hair to flow is where I place the braids and I put those yellow magnetic roller on the end and yes, it is a bit much, but my is sho' nuff' bangin' the next day and he's singing a different tune!!!!