bt reaction help!!!!!!!!!!

Not to be mean or anything, but where's the maker of BT at? You would think that if she didn't want to address the problem the young lady was having w/in the forum, she could pm her to talk. This might give the person with the reaction a chance to talk to the maker in further detail. This would also allow the maker to address reactions in further detail on her site and maybe put a warning on the label (if nessary) to prevent litigation. I wish the both of them well :)
I had an allergic reaction like this to a Mizani relaxer. I got some neem oil, tea tree and lavendar and soaked my scalp over night. It worked. If you want the measurement, PM me. Even though it took me 6 months to figure out and I went from APL to neck length.:perplexed
Not to be mean or anything, but where's the maker of BT at? You would think that if she didn't want to address the problem the young lady was having w/in the forum, she could pm her to talk. This might give the person with the reaction a chance to talk to the maker in further detail. This would also allow the maker to address reactions in further detail on her site and maybe put a warning on the label (if nessary) to prevent litigation. I wish the both of them well :)

Maybe she doesn't know about this thread. Plus, the OP's problem was solved.
just updating my after effects, i was hopeful after it seemed to work ( the re constructor/deep con. but yesterday i combed my hair and it's still coming out very easily. kinda scared to try anything else to try to fix it. i think i'll just wrap my hair up, and not touch it or even look at for like a month. ( when my friend was putting in the reconstructor she noticed the back of my ears were red and black, explains the "hot" sensation) so yea u can imagine my reaction to this on my scalp...I'll just leave my hair alone. unless i should still at least do deep con's? thanks for the help* ( feel free to pm me tips as well)
I agree with the others, You might just be allergic to it and need to stop using it. Next time try essential oils to stimulate growth, Because Sulfur can sometimes irritate your skin. I am surprised that Naturallady hasn't been in here because this post has been up for a week or so. But it isn't just that product it is alot of products, even store bought products. You just have to use with caution, Naturallady did say to test a small amount first to see if anything happens. I am also glad that you aren't trying to sue. Just try other things to help aid in your growth Potential and leave the sulfur alone, I would get Headaches so I stopped using it, then I purchased another growth aid and I just started getting headaches after 2-3 weeks of using it so I have to stop with the sulfur all together.

But I plan on making my own growth oil with fresh herbs & essential oils!

Good Luck to you & I hope that you feel better:yep:
Honestly this is the problem right here, not just for you OP, but for everyoone running to try the newest growth serum. Once ANYTHING gives you pause, stop using it, please, your hair maybe falling out now but what if it had detrimental effects for your face or scalp? Please do not do this again with any product. Your health is not worth it.

I think you should contact Moroni for a low cost specialist in your area. If you are in South Jersey Temple and Jefferson should be able to help you. Even try HUPs. Now is not the time for a wait and see reaction.

The worst doctor is your own self- you sound like you are having a significant reaction and are doing more than epidural damage. Get thee to a medicine woman!!! Preferably licensed by the Medical Association with a fellow in dermatology. You may be causing your skin permanent damage. Black skin scars easily and damages readily. If it was your eye you would have been at the hospital already. You need your skin just as much as you need your eye. ( just a hint of tough Love):look:
you MUST go to the dr
I had an extreme reaction to a med and it caused problems for months
the skin had a massive infection
I scratched in my sleep
I would wake up with bloody nails
my follicles DIED
the hair will NEVER grow back
I love BT. I just got an order of it in this morning. BT is what made me pay my $5.00 cuz I had to tell y'all how good it was (to me).

If someone else in your family had a similar reaction to it, that might have been a clue to not try this product. Allergies/sensitivities often run in families.

Also, if you experienced discomfort ... why did you keep using the product? I would have immediately washed my hair, applied hydrocortizone to my scalp and got my butt to the ER - stat if I was feeling hot, burning, breaking out, etc.

Even if you don't have insurance, there are many free/low cost urgent care centers and ERs can't turn you away.

I'm not trying to come down hard on you, OP... but this product seemed like it wasn't for you, way before you even got it. And then when you used it and realized it wasn't for you, you continued using it. At some point, personal responsibility comes into play.

Natural products are not for everyone. A lot of people have allergies to sulfer. Many people have allergies to things like Camomile and honey. Remember that things like snake venom and bee venom (found in a lot of skin products now due to their swelling effects to plump up lips, fill in lines) are 100% natural as well but if you have any type of sensitivity at ALL... big problems are ahead.

Maybe you should consult a physician as soon as you can, and then stick to hypoallergenic/laboratory created products.
ITA!!!!! :nono: I'm not trying to scare you, but something is not right if your face STILL has a warm sensation. Some people are just more sensitive to certain ingredients and you may be one of them. Better safe than sorry I say...

That's my vote. Benadryl tonight and a DR visit ASAP.
nooooo....i DID NOT KNOW it was causing this for me untill i washed my hair and my hair was coming out. that is when i stopped using it. i did not keep using it once i saw that it was taking out my hair, ( that was doing VERY well prior to usage) and YES i know next time to do a patch test. i thought that the sulfur would be fine, being that i used sulfer8 many times lol. but i guess this was a bit too much sulfur for me. AND my family member gets a big allergic reaction to eggs, and other things that I DO NOT get a reaction to. so with her reaction to bt, did not at the time warrant that i would have one as well. and YES i will go back to my essential oils, without gambling on iffy products that may not mix well with me.

kudos to those who this has worked for. i'm just sharing MY reaction.

NATURAL products dont work for every one but , u must realize that i was natural for 7 or 8 years, and natural products worked fine on my scalp that i used. so maybe once i permed...natural products just magically ruined my scalp.

anyway, the moral of the story is, my scalp is f*cked RIGHT now, I'm trying my best to repair, i'll take the advice from all of u to strengthen it back up, ( including possibly seeing a dr,) I'll be back in a few weeks with updates, for those genuinely wanting to know:-)

thanks a bunch ladies*
sis..... call some places and see how much the dr bill will be and go to one asap and take the bt with u. dont play with this trying to fix at home yourself.

i am praying for you that this gets better. u dont want any damage under the more vulnerable layers of skin on you scalp the dermis. once damage is done sometimes it can be irreparable.