The girl shouldn't've come up in your spot like that, not knowing you too well, using your stuff without permission- all the while making ignorant comments.

But you could’ve simply told her to put down your comb and keep the place clean.

In my books, to kick someone out is the ultimate form of disrespect, reserved only for the most extreme of situations if any. Otherwise, you look as though you have NO class and NO manners- and that's much more-so than an individual who acted like your bro’s girl.

You sure as hell told her good for you. I hate it when people ask for my help and complain about their hair but when you give them advice they won't listen my stupid sisters are the same way.

them:my hair is so dry
me: Alright do x,y and z
them: that's white people stuff/ my hair has to be dry/ just use hair grease on my hair

advice is wasted on them

Also something that I would never get is the word "ethnic" is used as a bloody euphemism for non-white. Everybody is ethnic because everybody has an ethnicity. So all that "ethnic hair", "ethnic skin" or and the whole animal print being called "ethnic print" sorry but how the heck is leopard print an ethnicity?
Not for nothing, I think when she said "ethnic hair is ghetto" :rolleyes: she was referring to specific hairstyles that are considered ethnic like braids, twists, cornrows, bantu knots etc. Some people automatically think of characters like Shanene when it comes to ethnic hairstyles which is a shame :nono:

Even so, she's already "ghetto" acting like that anyway in someone elses house! Glad you put her out...I would've done the same.
People who don't respect your space and your house get put out, plain and simple. If you didn't put her out, you might have gone off on her so maybe putting her out was best lol. It's YOUR HOUSE, you pay the bills there, you clean up, you get the say so on who stays and goes, the end.
Me::spinning: (I feel the crazy coming on....)

Her: Your comb sucks by the way, and whats up with all th YT hair stuff??? Man, will I EVER find a way to get this mess on my head?

Me: How about you PUT DOWN my[ comb and clean up all that hair?:yep:

Her: Aren't you going to help me?

Me: Nope. You don't like my suggestions. You can clean and talk @ the same time, I'm sure...here lemme get you a broom....

Her: :perplexed: But my hair.....

Me: Listen, I don't wanna hear one @#$% about your hair or the tangles ok? All I wanna hear is sweeping and wiping :yep: You got hair all on my floor. I cleaned in here this morning....

Her: You SUCK! (this woman is 25 BTW)

Me: Your hair sucks. Go wait for my bro outside....
Her: Wha?....

Me: "Out. Are you hard of hearing, or is english not your first language? Feel free to make yourself @ home on the patio..."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Wooohh...take me higher, Lord...that was some gangsta ish.
Nah. Actually, he called me and apologized for her 'behavior'. She is still adamant that she did nothing wrong, aparantly she says if ppl come over to your house then you're supposed to clean up after them. and that I still suck...:look: I don't mind cleaning up after guests with respect to food etc if I had a get togther but hair from a voluntary detangling session? Thats a whole other story.....

You're right. I just could not understand why she would shout at me and 'get on' like that that was the deal breaker for me...


Nah, no lynching :) I posted this cause I wanted feedback....youre free to express your view :yep:This is true,her hair isn't my responsiblity. But she doesn't know me that well,she and my bro been 2gether for a few months but I've only talked to her a few times. She never asked to borrow my comb and then she's shoutin @ me, dissin my comb -and me in my own place? :look: A lil' much for someone u don't know that well n'est pas? Plus there was hair alllll over the sink and floor with little smudgies of 'gunk' from her hair.....I was not amused. Maybe I overreacted, but I'd never go over to someones place and do that.

She had no intentions of cleaning it up...when I commented on the mess she looked at me like she was angry....:ohwell:

@ the bolded: HUH??? She needs to take a Manners 101 course ASAP!!! I clean up after guests w/ respect to food, but as the OP said, the detangling session is a different story. I can't stand when people walk around w/ a sense of entitlement like that.
Aside from everything else wrong with her end of that convo, her usual puff isn't "ethnic", but twists are? :perplexed
Chick please!
I'm glad you kicked her out.
wait a minute, no that wench didnt say that if someone comes to your house you're supposed to clean up after them?! lawdy Jesus take me higher!! the LORD was telling you to put her butt out so you didn't catch a case :lachen:
wait a minute, no that wench didnt say that if someone comes to your house you're supposed to clean up after them?! lawdy Jesus take me higher!! the LORD was telling you to put her butt out so you didn't catch a case :lachen:

I really think so. I was so mad, I felt like I was going to have and out of body experience...Its cool now though. My comb and bathroom are clean and I got that crap outta my system :yep:I was trying to understand the behaviour but in the grand scheme of life, this is just another one of those ' OMG this one time...' stories. Thanks for helping me make light of this. Y'all are funny :lol:
The topic of hair to women is like sports to men. I love both, but choose wisely who I discuss either topic with.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I am laughing so hard right now. I know who not to mess w/on here. I can't stand it when people make a mess after I have just cleaned up.
:lachen:Oh my lawd have mercy on "catching on case".

Say what???,i guess she was getting at "you suppose to clean up after guests"......REGARLESS.:spinning:

Why you had to put the girl out though? :rofl:
Her attitude sucked! I would have put her out, too. :yep: I don't get chicks like that. Ethnic hair is ghetto? Raking all her hair in your bathroom and leaving it on the floor... Yup...her butt would have been tossed out my house too with her stank attitude.:lachen: