What have you guys done together lately?


New Member
Where have you gone out or what have you done lately with your SO? My baby and I are always doing something, and that keeps things interesting. I'm always looking for more ideas though. What's the latest and greatest...
On Sat,we cooked dinner then we went to Atlanta's Centennial Olympic Park and walked and talked and looked at the water show display... We went there about 2 yrs ago on one of our first official dates( we had been good platonic friends for like 9 yrs prior) we made a point to remember and sit in every place we sat 2 yrs ago.

My SO got jealous of the kids running through the water trying not to get wet, so we decided to go and play in the water too. (Im 22 he is 24...too grown to be running from water but it was fun...lol)

Little did we know, the newspaper was there taking pics that night and shot candids of us playing around. My SO and I are prob in the living section of the atlanta journal constitution! Lol

We try to go out to new resturants and do little fun things all the time.

Our next event will be fishing. His Dad has a private lake on his property so we are gonna drive down there and he is gonna teach me how to fish!
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I wanted to try fishing too! We went to the beach over the weekend and had a cookout with our sisters, their husbands and their children. And then after church on Sunday we got some crabs. Delicious!
Since summer will be over we will be doing more indoor type stuff. We'd really like to do salsa dance lessons together this winter.
On our recent trip DH found a secluded walking trail and we took a long walk and talked. Also, late one evening he had set up some chairs at a cliff that overlooked a Arkabutla Dam and we acted like we didn't have any kids until they came looking for us.

One day last week while he was priming his car for painting, I laid out trying to get a tan and we had a good talk.

When went out to the video store, just the two of us about two weeks ago.

We having a standing Closer date on Mondays.

Doesn't seem like much but it something to me.
These are sweet little things that I remember my parents doing :) Even the small things count, I guess :yep:

Me and my bf tried out a new resturant.

We went to a preseason game (both love football)

On our recent trip DH found a secluded walking trail and we took a long walk and talked. Also, late one evening he had set up some chairs at a cliff that overlooked a Arkabutla Dam and we acted like we didn't have any kids until they came looking for us.

One day last week while he was priming his car for painting, I laid out trying to get a tan and we had a good talk.

When went out to the video store, just the two of us about two weeks ago.

We having a standing Closer date on Mondays.

Doesn't seem like much but it something to me.
-DH and I try a new restaurant monthly
-We have been taking advantage of museums lately (they have discussions, special displays, etc. that are free)
-We take long walks (even in the winter) for me there is something about holding hands and strolling along in the cold (not freezing) and then getting hot chocolate or something
-Not romantic but we are renovating our living room so while I'm stripping paint and he is cutting and nailing we just talk and joke
great tips..I think things are getting stale for me and the SO

last weekend we went to a co workers cookout and had a blast if that counts
My sweetie and I LOVE to just drive and talk. So alot of times we will just drive somewhere far and play some cool oldies on the stereo and enjoy each other's company. Here are some of the places we've driven to lately:

- We drove up to Sequoia National Forest (about 4 hours away) and did a hike in the woods.

- We drove up to Monterey from Los Angeles (about 5 hours away) just to walk on the pier and eat clam chowder.

- We drove up to Pasadena from our home (about 1 hour away) just to get some ice cream.

- We drove to the beach to fly kites :grin:

- We drove to the middle of nowhere in the desert to watch a meteor shower at about midnight (very romantic).

It's also fun to go to events that come to town, for example, the county fair, a classic car show, the circus, free concerts in the park, home shows -- whatever interests one or both of you.
Aww you all sound so romantic.

SO had to work all day on Saturday, and left his keys at my house, so I met him for lunch/early dinner and brought them to him. He had to get back to work, but it was nice to provide a distraction for him:yep:.

We talked on the phone this morning for about an hour before I got ready for work...I was a little perturbed:wallbash: when he woke me before my alarm went off, but we had a good conversation:grin:.
This weekend we got in the car and just drove. Then he got the idea of going to open houses.....we went to an open house for these 1 mil+ homes (not in our price range now). It became a roll play thing...he told the guy he had just signed a contract (he is often mistaken for a football player ALL the time) and we were looking for a house. For some reason it was fun!.

Then we ended up around the harbor of another neighboring city, took a long walk, and read to each other in Barnes and Nobles after dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.

We usually have fun whether we plan it or not:-)
My boyfriend is away for AIT in tx and I am in ga so we do not get to spend alot of time together....

But this past weekend we went to a restuarant called The Sun Dial in atlanta...it is so nice...'

It is located at The Westin and it is at the top of the hotel...You have to take an elevator to get to the place...

And there is a great view of the city...

The restaurant rotates in a circle and makes 1 revolution in 1 hr...it was cool...

But its expensive...

Its one of those places that you go to once a year

We also went shopping earlier that day too...I did not really need anything...but it was birthday weekend..so it was ok....lol
It's hard to get away with the kids and all but last night hubby went with me to a business function and we ditched it early and fled to a movie. It was fun!!
Hubby and i just went out to eat yesterday morning. Than to a shooting range. We also went to walmart.
We don't get a lot of US time out side the home but when we do it is special.

We do date day on thursdays next time i want to go bowling lol.
Well we're on such a tight budget for our wedding but we try to do the following at least 1x a month:

- Try out a new restaurant/go to our Sushi place where they give us our own special table every time we go.

- Revisit some of our past date places.

- Go to museums where they're free/discounted

- On really nice days, we go for walks or go to Starbucks/a cafe and sit down and talk. I can't wait until it gets sunnier so we can do more of this. :yep:

And once it gets nicer, we'll be exercising together. Sounds lame, but I love it. I don't need shopping sprees or exotic vacays (although they WOULD be nice) but they're nothing with DF.
This winter we have been indoor rock climbing and skiing. We are going on our first out of town-road trip this weekend to Tennessee and in May we are going to Riviera Maya Mexico.

Though most weekends we just alternate each others place and rent movies and eat out.
Listen to my ipod together. He gets one bud, I get another and we listen to music or watch videos.
I will probably get him his own for his birthday though. :lachen:
Its kind of hard for us to do things together since we both work full time, have 3 kids, and live in a city with no family......so we called in work last week, went shopping, to the movies, and out to lunch. It was so fun!! We are never without the kids so this was a nice "get away" for us.
We watched some documentaries together in bed this weekend.
Last night we hung with his sisters and had dinner.
Today we are going to my ultrasound appointment together.
We only get together on Saturdays. Saturday is "our day". He works during the week, and I am still in school and live on campus.
But this Saturday that just passed, he picked me up and we went out to lunch, then went to some pool hall and played pool, then we went to this park that he's been wanting to take me to. It was nice, and it had a pier, so we could see people fishing and everything. Then we went out to dinner at this pizza place he's been wanting to take me. The food was so good lol...
great place to look for places to go on a date, so let me summarize for some other couples:

Pool hall
shooting range
air or ice hockey
dance lessons
listen to IPOD together
special events
ice cream
coffee shop
fly kites
star watch
car show
home and garden show
boat show
circus _ I like the AA circus
laser tag

keep the home fires burning!
We stayed in all weekend and watched two seasons of Lost. The dishes piled up, ran out of food but we were snug as a bug in our bed and didnt have a care in the world.

I think our best date was when we were coming back from brunch and decided ROADTRIP!!! We just hopped in our car and drove (from Philly) to Baltimore, snacked on crab legs and went on a scenic romantic boat cruise. It was soo much fun :drunk: I heart him:yep:
Worked out
Went visited a new church
Watched the Saturday morning cooking shows
Went to the movie theater
Put it on the OnDemand all slow jams channel and danced together in the living room
Played cards
Since the weather has still been ugly in Chicago as of late, we mostly stay in and watch some of the top 100 AFI films listed of all time. He usually cooks his signature fluffy eggs and baked bacon but this past weekend we went out for lunch at our fave spot. We try to treat each other to dinner on our alternating pay schedules depending on who got paid that Friday. He bought us both baseball mitts so we can play catch in the park across the street whenever the weather decides to act right.