What have ever done to your hair that you regret?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
This is stricktly for fun. What have you ever done to your hair that you ended up regretting?

Talking to my husband:
You idiot... Why did you let me cut my hair off and shave the back when you knew I was pms'ng???????? Yes it's your fault you big dummy! :lol:
omg thoes darn yarn braids/twist

i did that mess 3 times thinking each and every time i was going to devise a plan to take them out with out losing so much hair

yeah right i guess i had to live and learn and then learn and then learn again

i finally learned my lesson and i wouldnt touch that mess again i was paid to.
Letting a bald headed stylist put a relaxer in my hair over a texturizer.
Going to Dominican Salons.
Going to a bald headed stylist.
Not subscribing to LHCF sooner instead of just lurking for a year and a half.
Continuing a relaxer stretch when I was already having demarcation breakage.

I ended up having to cut from the hair in my avi to shoulder length. Now my hair is in a pixie. I love the pixie cut but I would still be waist length if I had listened to my gut.
Permanently coloring my hair and relaxing it a week later :badidea:....hair fell out in clumps. I literally almost fainted.
Relaxed to natural 3 years later back to relaxed 3 years later back to natural.

I sooooooooo regret going bak to relaxed! never again I think.
Getting a relaxer before I went off to college. I went from SL to EL in less than a year

Getting those nasty brassy highlights for my 21st birthday. My hair was so thin and broken off after that. It looked like someone took a paintbrush and painted stripes on my head.

Putting that red Manic Panic rinse in my natural hair. Even though it didn't cause damage, that color bled for weeks. Embarassing!
Letting the Dominicans blow my roots. It wasn't the relaxers killing me, it was the heat damage then relaxing I suffered from.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
I seriously regret that I relaxed my hair after growing it naturally out to my waist for 4-1/2 years. It wssn't my hair that was the problem, it was me all along, doing the most.
Ohhh sooo sooo much!

Getting my hair dyed honey blond! OMG. Hated it then immediately that same day!!! dyed over THAT brown. Twice because the first time was still too light :wallbash: My hair kind of disintigrated after that :lol: :ohwell: that was years ago. She's back and ready for action again!
Deciding to put a bkt on my entire head thinking my flatironed hair would last longer...nope. Still didn't learn my lesson and used the same bkt on my leave out...that time my hair stayed straight....permanently:wallbash::cry2:
Blow drying my hair :( Curlformers/rollers are way gentler on my ends
Trying to use a round brush!! eek
Not trimming/bunning/protein treating as often as needed
Not detangling gently and thoroughly
Everything before my current regimen lol. I regret them because it was a combination of time lost/damaged hair/money down the drain, but at the same time I am thankful because it taught me a lot - even if it did land me back to doing what I already knew to do lol.
FOR ME BCing my hair. I should have transition to natural. (Unpopular opinion alert), going fully natural was a good/bad mistake. I should have texlaxed from the beginning.

Coloring my hair this hideous red browish color.
Dyed my hair three times in one week when I was in college.

Using high heat/high speed on the blow dryer, followed by highest heat setting on the flat iron weekly.

I have burnt many sections of hair out of my head using marcel curling irons. I can still smell it.

That one time I combined a relaxer with some of my cousin's left over texturizer. :look:

I have been cruel to my hair over the years.
Cutting it when I was 12. I had near WL hair and I cut 6 inches off because I was "tired of it"....and then cutting it all off 4 times in the past four years.....Even though I was relaxed I would still have a bunch of hair :(
The last year of relaxers--I had been toying with the idea of transitioning but kept getting skurred after nine weeks and got my scheduled touch up. I'd have almost twice the amount of hair I have now. Better late than never, I guess.

Sticking with the same scissor happy stylist for WAY too long. My length took off when I switched.
Believing every word that came out of my aunt's mouths. They were jealous of my hair and wanted it to break. She said: Just grease your scalp... it will roll to the rest of your hair. No need to put anything on the rest of your hair... OMG... what a disaster!!!! I was 10, she was 19 and bald.. go figure.
Oh and I can't believe I forgot this one... I went to a salon and told them I wanted a relaxer. I had a jerry curl and had had it for 5 years. This was in the 80's. I did not know I couldn't go from a curl to a relaxer and obviously he didn't either. He put a relaxer over my beautiful tail length jerry curl hair. Ya'll know the curl grew our hair like wild fire... Needless to say, I was bald within 2 weeks. Not even long enough for braids. I cried for days and my boyfriend broke up with me. I thought it was the end of the world.. Today I know it was just a road block... wow!
Using that marcel curl wax and then curling.
Flat ironing each and everyday.
Taking down braids, not detanglng and washing my hair. Tore.my.hair.up!!!!
Going to a bald headed stylist.

I don't think anyone should ever go to a bald headed stylist. That's why I don't go to stylists period. Unless your hair is longer and healthier than mine I don't trust you with my hair. I don't care how many years you've been a stylist.

Sent from my right hand- I mean my Note 2 lol
I regret not doing anything...not giving my hair the attention it needs and deserves. I'm embarrassed for neglecting it for so long, because I could have a gorgeous head of hair right now but I'm just getting started.
Not having a flat iron when I was a teen and trying to flat iron my hair with a curling iron. -_-

Girl please that is nothing. The white girls I went to school with would iron their hair with the same type of iron you used for your clothes. They thought they were hot stuff, but up close that stuff looked like straw.
Relaxed to natural 3 years later back to relaxed 3 years later back to natural.

I sooooooooo regret going bak to relaxed! never again I think.

this is my story! regret relaxer at 18, natural at 22,relaxed 2 years later, natural for 3 years, back to relaxer... now i am getting ready for the big chop again! :spinning: