What has your hair done that shocked you??


Well-Known Member
When I was in India, and couldn't get a touch up, many people asked if my hair was curly, even though I had a relaxer, so it was straight for the most part. But one day, about seven weeks post touch up, I looked in the mirror, and little curls were popping out around my hairline!! I'd never thought that my 4a hair would have little curls!

Also, I airdried all summer using the ponytail method, and my buns and ponytails looked great all summer. When I do this at home, it NEVER works.

What does your hair do to suprise you??
For one, when I style it wet, it behaves exactly the way I want it to, but when I airdry, I get a hot, crispy mess! Unless I blowdry or style wet (rollersets, buns), my hair is no good. Airdrying is not for me!
Airdry hanging loose and my hair comes out straight! I use to think I had to "wet set" my hair to get it straight, but no more. After applying leave ins and oils to freshly washed hair, I gently comb and it hang loose and wet until it dries -- strong, soft & straight - SSS, LOL!
Take mild or regular relaxer. I like the bone-straight look, so I always used to use super strength for like 35 minutes and that's probably the reason I had so much breakage. I relaxed with Silk Elements Regular for 17 minutes and my hair was so straight and silky. No more supers for me.
See signature... why is my hair straight?! :wallbash: I have a texturizer. Silica doesn't do this to anybody else. On the upside, it's very strong, break-free, and moist. :perplexed
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One day, out of sheer laziness I put my hair back into a bun fresh out of the shower. I was tired and laid down to take a nap, the bun was getting in my way and I couldn't get comfortable. So I took the bun down but still had a pony in.
When I woke up from the nap, my pony had dried to a very pretty ringlet bunch of curls! Who knew?
So from that point, I knew that I could wash and wear and have a nice curly effect! Before I would have thought it would have been an ugly mess, but the airdried hair turned out nicely.
sareca said:
See signature... why is my hair straight?! :wallbash: I have a texturizer. Silica doesn't do this to anybody else. On the upside, it's very strong, break-free, and moist. :perplexed

Daaaaang girl! That hair is fierce! What effects have the silica had for you?
sareca said:
See signature... why is my hair straight?! :wallbash: I have a texturizer. Silica doesn't do this to anybody else. On the upside, it's very strong, break-free, and moist. :perplexed

Girl, your hair is FIERCE:eek: I wish my hair would do that. Your progress has been very inpsirational.
MizaniMami said:
Daaaaang girl! That hair is fierce! What effects have the silica had for you?
Thanks, I love jet black hair. Silica makes my skin soft and my hair have slip all by itself. Although I still only detangle my hair w/ conditioner, I can comb airdried hair now. I hate to see that go. :( But if I wanted a relaxer I would have gotten one. :angry2:
tenderheaded said:
Girl, your hair is FIERCE:eek: I wish my hair would do that. Your progress has been very inpsirational.

Thanks! If it wasn't for this board and the ladies here I'd still be at SL w/ trichorrhexis nodosa.
Sareca, your hair is GORGEOUS!! :shocked: It seems as if a lot of people discover something new about their hair when airdrying...
Hmm...my hair has actually shocked me by being able to make it 4 months without a relaxer. I was just so mesmerized by how my new growth felt, that I kept sticking my fingers in my head just to feel it. I have never had new growth the way it was (very thick and full). So every time I put my hands in it I would be sitting there like :eek: .

All throughout college, I got a relaxer once a month because it was "to thick", but let me tell you that didn’t even come close to how thick my new growth was just last month.

I would have to add air drying too. Because I never thought that I could get straight hair just by pulling it all back in a pony and then going to sleep. That really took some hours out of my hair washing regimen.
asubeauty said:
Sareca, your hair is GORGEOUS!! :shocked: It seems as if a lot of people discover something new about their hair when airdrying...

Thanks! It started airdrying "ok" a few months ago, but now it looks and feels like I did a blowout. Crazy
Neroli said:
Airdry hanging loose and my hair comes out straight! I use to think I had to "wet set" my hair to get it straight, but no more. After applying leave ins and oils to freshly washed hair, I gently comb and it hang loose and wet until it dries -- strong, soft & straight - SSS, LOL!
That's pretty awesome Neroli! I haven't learned how to do that yet!
This is what surprised me about my hair. Yesterday, I bought a Goody Ouchless Brush after hearing raves about it on Nappturality. I used it on my dry kinked-up natural hair and it brush through like a breeze! :D Oh I was so amazed! No pain, no ouches, no snagging! I may never have to use a comb or afro pick again!!! :yay:
My hair shocked me that it grew past shoulder length. Before this board I was doing the cycle of growing it to shoulder length and then having to cut it all off because of damage and starting the process all over again. I had started thinking that my hair was not able to grow any longer than that.
My hair has shocked me by staying moisturized, silky, shiney and let's not talk about length (by next t-up I hope to be where I have never been b4 hair wise). Plus I still can't believe all this shedding is back to normal, I'm DCing now, but I only lost about 6 strands so far today, :D.
The fact thay my hair has ringlets! I always thought it was just nappy and would never feel soft.. and now its so soft i can barely keep my hands outta it:perplexed
What shocked me about my hair was...(after doing lots of reading on how to start taking care of my hair) my hair has never became frizzy. Usually right after I get out of the shower and my hair starts to dry, it becomes a big puff ball. Yeh...my head needed some help. :look: But like I said all that new knowledge and moisture moisture moisture. Sure has helped me out ALOT!!! Just in a few weeks I've seen a HUGE diffrence. No more brillo dry puffy hair for me!!!:grin:
I'm shocked that my hair actually grows a little faster than average. I used to relax every 6 weeks and never touched my new growth because I hated it. Now it fascinates me and I can't keep my hands out of it! I measured it after 4 weeks without a relaxer and it was a little longer than 1/2 an inch! I LOVE my new growth! Yay!
I can t beleive my hair is almost armpit in the front. It would be in the back also, but the scissor happy stylist payed me a visit in July and gave me an unwanted inverted bob.:ohwell:.....but my sides and front are longer than I can even remember them ever being so I know the back will catch up.:)
when my hair gets growth spurts...one day it was above my boob (lol sorry) the next day it was near enought below....how in the name of....
After reading the other posts here, I have now come up with 3 ways that my hair shocked me.

1. By growing as long as it has. I can't remember last time my hair was this long. I started looking into growing long hair when I really paid attention to the fact that my hair was the same length then, as it was on my wedding photo, 4 years ago. So I'm excited about the growth.

2. I can not believe I have gone 3 months without a relaxer, and my hair is doing fine. I always thought that as soon as I felt new growth that it was time for a touch-up. I also thought that if I didn't touch-up every six weeks that my hair would be unmanageable. I haven't had a problem with it yet. Well, as far as management is concerned.

3. I was AMAZED the first time I saw a spiral curl in my new growth. Who would have thought that my hair would curl up like that.
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As of late, my hair has shocked me by growing past shoulder length:eek:

As some of the ladies said before, I could easily get to my shoulders, but never past that because I would wear it down and use heat WAY too much. Now, I know that I have to protect my ends and give my hair moisture internally/externally on a daily basis:up:

For the first time, I can hope that I'll reach APL someday:D
nicki6 said:
As of late, my hair has shocked me by growing past shoulder length:eek:

As some of the ladies said before, I could easily get to my shoulders, but never past that because I would wear it down and use heat WAY too much. Now, I know that I have to protect my ends and give my hair moisture internally/externally on a daily basis:up:

For the first time, I can hope that I'll reach APL someday:D

i rate you, because getting past shoulder length was the biggest hurdle i ever ever had during my hair growing experience!!
Verseau_bleu said:
What shocked me about my hair was...(after doing lots of reading on how to start taking care of my hair) my hair has never became frizzy. Usually right after I get out of the shower and my hair starts to dry, it becomes a big puff ball. Yeh...my head needed some help. :look: But like I said all that new knowledge and moisture moisture moisture. Sure has helped me out ALOT!!! Just in a few weeks I've seen a HUGE diffrence. No more brillo dry puffy hair for me!!!:grin:

How do you tame your frizzys, I am new to the site yet I don’t want to try EVERYTHING on my hair I jus need to get an idea for what MIGHT work and try that
My hair is the same way extremely frizzy if I blow-dry or air-dry without braiding.
Qetesh said:
How do you tame your frizzys, I am new to the site yet I don’t want to try EVERYTHING on my hair I jus need to get an idea for what MIGHT work and try that
My hair is the same way extremely frizzy if I blow-dry or air-dry without braiding.

I found out that the reason why my hair was like that was because I never gave it the moisture I needed. I ?think? I may be a 4a. For about a month now I've been washing once a week w/deep conditioning, co. washing, daily moisture 2x's a day...even adding the baggie method in at night...and my hair has been thriving off of it. So far, so good. I'm keeping eye just in case I'm overdoing it but my hair is loving it. I also cut heat out completley. That was killing my ends.

But just read around...and these girls can lead you to the right track. I hoped I help out just a little bit.

good luck:p