What Happened


Well-Known Member
To the new unpopular opinion thread that was started earlier this week?
Anyone knows? I'm sure it was deleted but why????
Maybe they didn't want newbies to get confused by conflicting info.

Most of us already know the basics, then we tweaked our routines to fit our own hair and particular tastes, but someone who is still learning might not know what to make of a thread that advocates practices that are general frowned upon....


Yes, it may be confusing for newbies... but I think that ALL information should be allowed to be shared. I'm not paying for censorship of information, no matter how unpopular it is.

I can't say what happened, I always meant to stop by that thread, but didn't get to it...

Did it get heated?
It wasn't heated when I went to bed and then it was GONE in the morning...

I think the mods like to nip those threads in the bud BEFORE they can get heated because it seems like they always end up that way. I haven't been here that long but if you search the old unpopular opinion threads (the ones that still exist) they are all locked.
It wasn't heated when I went to bed and then it was GONE in the morning...

I think the mods like to nip those threads in the bud BEFORE they can get heated because it seems like they always end up that way. I haven't been here that long but if you search the old unpopular opinion threads (the ones that still exist) they are all locked.

Wow, I had no idea.

Are we really THAT militant? :nono:
Wow, I had no idea.

Are we really THAT militant? :nono:

YES!! folks get militant over some growth aids and conditioner.

But i like it because although unpopular, you get to see what a lot of folks were thinking anyway but just never had the forum to post.
YES!! folks get militant over some growth aids and conditioner.

But i like it because although unpopular, you get to see what a lot of folks were thinking anyway but just never had the forum to post.

That's a shame. :nono:

I don't believe I know everything about hair or that we all even collectively know everything about it. Just because someone does something that isn't "right" doesn't mean we should jump on them... especially if it works for them.

I guess I never noticed because I don't do anything that people here don't approve of.

I still like grease in the winter time though... what? Are y'all going to spank me for that now? :spank: :lol:
Wow, I had no idea.

Are we really THAT militant? :nono:

Yes, some people are. Though I do think sometimes it's how people say things. Especially when people use it to post thinly veiled insults directed at specific people (or groups of people).

YES!! folks get militant over some growth aids and conditioner.

But i like it because although unpopular, you get to see what a lot of folks were thinking anyway but just never had the forum to post.

So true. I keep lots of stuff to myself because I don't want to argue with people. Maybe one day I'll write a blog of all MY unpopular opinions :look:...
well that's too bad, I always like to know other opinions, popular or not. I am a lazy person and don't s always want to do things the conventional way, well that's too bad, I would appreciate if we were not censored as we are all paying, oh well..
well that's too bad, I always like to know other opinions, popular or not. I am a lazy person and don't s always want to do things the conventional way, well that's too bad, I would appreciate if we were not censored as we are all paying, oh well..

Only certain folks are censored. Pay attention.
Upopular opinion threads always go down in flames. Always. Whether its posted in the OT or hair board.

They are fun to read though, until what you do starts getting called out. :lachen:
Only certain folks are censored. Pay attention.

No one should be censored for simply sharing their unpopular regimens.

For harrassment or something serious of that nature, sure.

For saying you like to blowdry your hair with vaseline or whatever... who the heck is anyone to tell anybody what they can do with their own hair? Why should anyone be afraid to post about such things?

It really is a shame to me and it kind of makes me think differently about lhcf.
we might want to be careful what we say here then, else we get censored


If they do, they can take their $6.50 and shove it where the sun don't shine. I don't want to be a part of any site that behaves like that. :nono:

Neith will not be censored! :grin:

I love lhcf, but this is a little scary. That's straight up mob mentality. :nono:

No one should be censored for simply sharing their unpopular regimens.

For harrassment or something serious of that nature, sure.

For saying you like to blowdry your hair with vaseline or whatever... who the heck is anyone to tell anybody what they can do with their own hair? Why should anyone be afraid to post about such things?

It really is a shame to me and it kind of makes me think differently about lhcf.

I like to click and chuckle through the threads personally, but I'll play a little devil's advocate here . . . The line between harmless opinion and "attack" gets fuzzy for some, and that's why those threads get closed 99% of the time. When do those unpoular opinions become "mean-spirited" pile-on sessions? It's hard to be objective when you see yourself being described with folks going (:lachen:, :lol:, :rolleyes:, :look:, :nono:, :rofl:) at different aspects of your regimen.

If you are someone who claims APL with three single strands barely making it, won't trim off ends that badly need to go yesterday . . . or used XYZ cream on your head, and 150 people list the fact that you do that as a "crazy/silly thing to do", then eventually you get that one or two people who'll have "had enough" and will chime in to defend themselves against the onslaught and say-- "You guys are just plain mean. I thought LHCF was better than this. This site is to support, not tear you down, What works for some...:blah: " The mods have no choice but to intervene.

It's the same story every time. The same unpopular opinions. The same defensive posts. The same feelings hurt. The same people feeling censored. The same threads like this one wondering where that other thread went. :lachen: Those threads, though enlightening, truthful, and FUNNY sometimes, always go down in flames.
I like to click and chuckle through the threads personally, but I'll play a little devil's advocate here . . . The line between harmless opinion and "attack" gets fuzzy for some, and that's why those threads get closed 99% of the time. When do those unpoular opinions become "mean-spirited" pile-on sessions? It's hard to be objective when you see yourself being described with folks going (:lachen:, :lol:, :rolleyes:, :look:, :nono:, :rofl:) at different aspects of your regimen.

If you are someone who claims APL with three single strands barely making it, won't trim off ends that badly need to go yesterday . . . or used XYZ cream on your head, and 150 people list the fact that you do that as a "crazy/silly thing to do", then eventually you get that one or two people who'll have "had enough" and will chime in to defend themselves against the onslaught and say-- "You guys are just plain mean. I thought LHCF was better than this. This site is to support, not tear you down, What works for some...:blah: " The mods have no choice but to intervene.

It's the same story every time. The same unpopular opinions. The same defensive posts. The same feelings hurt. The same people feeling censored. The same threads like this one wondering where that other thread went. :lachen: Those threads, though enlightening, truthful, and FUNNY sometimes, always go down in flames.

What is it that Gin says alot....Hit dogs holla:look:

People take it personal, as if you disagreeing or holding an alternative view of what they do is your way of trying to call them out and gang up on them but really, all of the things that are posted apply to so many people. I mean someone could say something about something I use or something I do but does that mean they are saying my Momma is a **** and I am a nappy headed hoe...hardly, but judging from some peoples reactions to those threads, you would think someone said that.
I'm not gone quote ya just in case . . . but You might want to get to erasing . . . :lachen::lachen::lachen:

It's staying right on up there :lol:

I'm not very angry, just shocked at the behavior... I've always found this to be a very nice, uplifting place.

I'll be derned if I'm not allowed to speak my mind (within reason) and yes, that means I can disagree with some people/aspects of the site.
I dont know what happened with tho. i went to bed pretty late that night... around 2am and the thread was fine... nothing bad... By 10am... poof

I guess they have no problem censoring things like that because they feel its a hair forum... not a fight forum... and i seen thread about leave in conditioners (remember lol :lachen:) go bad so they prob was just stopping the inevitable...lol
I dont know what happened with tho. i went to bed pretty late that night... around 2am and the thread was fine... nothing bad... By 10am... poof

I guess they have no problem censoring things like that because they feel its a hair forum... not a fight forum... and i seen thread about leave in conditioners (remember lol :lachen:) go bad so they prob was just stopping the inevitable...lol

Have you seen the growth aide fights?

Padlock central over some growth aides. Folks take that VERY seriously.
I dont know what happened with tho. i went to bed pretty late that night... around 2am and the thread was fine... nothing bad... By 10am... poof

I guess they have no problem censoring things like that because they feel its a hair forum... not a fight forum... and i seen thread about leave in conditioners (remember lol :lachen:) go bad so they prob was just stopping the inevitable...lol

About leave in conditioners? :lachen::lachen: dang! I can't even think of anything offensive that I could say about a leave in.
Have you seen the growth aide fights?

Padlock central over some growth aides. Folks take that VERY seriously.

For real?

I guess I tend not to go into those threads. I've never seen these arguments.

Just ones about youtube people... but I didn't think we got that vicious very often. :lol:

I feel like somebody just told me Santa Claus isn't real all over again. lol
Have you seen the growth aide fights?

Padlock central over some growth aides. Folks take that VERY seriously.

YES! Its always so entertaining. Just cause we all want long healthy hair doesnt mean we got to get there the same way. as long as we not hurting each other. People can be so stubborn in their ways... If i feel my hair grows from coochie cream, horses shampoo, or not combing it til the verge or dreads what the hizzy does it matter.

In some ways I cant blame the mods... I see what neith is saying but not everyone is like you and I neith on this board