what happened to the no heat straight plates thread ckw and launch?

The Tile sounds cool. Whenever I lose something I always say I wish I could page it like a cordless phone. What's a hookie do. I want one just so I can have a reason to say "hookie do". Lol
I guess she says forget you ladies. Because I always try to give everyone a benefit of a doubt and think maybe they are busy. But she is on twitter just tweeting it up about her product and I told her she was needed in here a couple of days ago and nothing. I am so glad I didn't invest because I'm impatient and don't like anyone ignoring me and would have been suspicious. This better be the best product out here to get LHCF to support them and get ignored!
I guess she says forget you ladies. Because I always try to give everyone a benefit of a doubt and think maybe they are busy. But she is on twitter just tweeting it up about her product and I told her she was needed in here a couple of days ago and nothing. I am so glad I didn't invest because I'm impatient and don't like anyone ignoring me and would have been suspicious. This better be the best product out here to get LHCF to support them and get ignored!

Lmao interesting....
Weren't we the bulk of her donors?
Update (she emailed last night her Kickstarter backers):

I want to take some time to let you know what has been going on in my crazy world. I have been in contact with the manufacture and as of yesterday they have given me an estimated date of October 10th for the new molds to be complete. It generally takes 4-8 weeks for a molds to be developed, but they pushed my order up because they knew that we are trying to get orders shipped in October/November. I am hoping that third time is a charm. I never realize what a process it would be to develop a product; trust me it isn't as easy as it sounds, but I have learned a lot along the way. Small details are very important and material can make a big difference as well. My team and I have been working diligently behind the scene to create a product that can be easily applied and give our users another tool to stretch their hair, which will make the hair mo re manageable and easier to style. We are hoping that the small changes that we requested will give us the satisfaction that we are looking for. Once the molds are complete, the manufacturer will ship the product for testing. We cannot wait to get the plates sent to you. Thank you so much for your patience with us through this process.

Here some information on injection molding. This will give you a better understanding about this process and the time that it takes to manufacture a product and bring it to market: http://intrepidmolding.com/about-us/faq.php
Update (she emailed last night her Kickstarter backers):

I want to take some time to let you know what has been going on in my crazy world. I have been in contact with the manufacture and as of yesterday they have given me an estimated date of October 10th for the new molds to be complete. It generally takes 4-8 weeks for a molds to be developed, but they pushed my order up because they knew that we are trying to get orders shipped in October/November. I am hoping that third time is a charm. I never realize what a process it would be to develop a product; trust me it isn't as easy as it sounds, but I have learned a lot along the way. Small details are very important and material can make a big difference as well. My team and I have been working diligently behind the scene to create a product that can be easily applied and give our users another tool to stretch their hair, which will make the hair mo re manageable and easier to style. We are hoping that the small changes that we requested will give us the satisfaction that we are looking for. Once the molds are complete, the manufacturer will ship the product for testing. We cannot wait to get the plates sent to you. Thank you so much for your patience with us through this process.

Here some information on injection molding. This will give you a better understanding about this process and the time that it takes to manufacture a product and bring it to market: http://intrepidmolding.com/about-us/faq.php

Looks like this might take a few more months to complete. I hope it all works out for everyone (company and consumers)
The research and development phase is unpredictable. Thats why I was saying earlier that she shouldnt be using money to buy prizes incentives, ambassadors and what not. Unexpected expenses and glitches arise during this time. Im excited to get the plates, but dont mind waiting. I have faith in the process, BUT Im not sure if knbradley really counted the costs of start up accurately. I hope this doesnt affect her ability to fill orders.
The research and development phase is unpredictable. Thats why I was saying earlier that she shouldnt be using money to buy prizes incentives, ambassadors and what not. Unexpected expenses and glitches arise during this time. Im excited to get the plates, but dont mind waiting. I have faith in the process, BUT Im not sure if knbradley really counted the costs of start up accurately. I hope this doesnt affect her ability to fill orders.

I agree. Everything looks good on paper and sounds good but until you have done it, estimates are usually short for time, money and resources.

I knew she wouldn't hit the date. It just goes with the territory. But she has to learn. Unless she has a seasoned mentor there isn't any other way.

I cool. I hope it turns out well for her and the other kickstarter hair ladies.
I am not concerned. I feel very confident I will get my product. I could be wrong, but don't feel a need to be bothered at this point.
I am not concerned. I feel very confident I will get my product. I could be wrong, but don't feel a need to be bothered at this point.

I'm not concerned but that's because at one point I decided to gamble on it and only risk what I'm okay with losing if it doesn't work out. I lowered my donation amount and recommended those needing to do so (or at least consider it), as well as recommending that to my mom (who donated as well). I mentioned to others to be cautious and okay with what they're spending after the hit and miss communication. I've also mentioned contacting merchant accounts before it's too late for those who want to get out of it. I hope that everyone is doing what they can to minimize risk, get their money back, or in cases like yours that they are happy and satisfied with waiting. I will have renewed faith when I see the product but I'm not checking for it everyday. The only reason I can say this is because I have zero expectations one way or another (and I don't think that's a good thing for a company when I once had high hopes). Right now I see her like an investment that could possibly pay off....or not. But I'm willing to take a small gamble. I hope so because I love the concept.
We're all getting refunds.

Good Morning Investors,

As you know the CWK Girls team has been working overtime to bring the CWK Straight Plates vision to fruition. None of our success thus far would have been possible without you all. Your investments were the catalyst that transformed our dream into a reality. Although each step of the creative process has offered its share of challenges, the journey along the way has provided invaluable opportunities that have stretched the creativity of the CWK Girls team and nurtured our growth. Today it saddens us to inform you that we have received some information that has temporarily halted the entire production process. Throughout this process four outside sources have contacted our team with the assertion that they own the patented rights to an idea identical to the Straight Plates; however, none of them could provide the proper legal documentation to support their claims. Recently a new source, making a similar claim, has contacted us and provided us with a patent application number and vague verbiage from their filings. Here is a portion of the information provided for an alleged provisional patent that was filed on December 28th, 2013:

A patent was filed for, “… a device for the treatment of a tress of hair including two plates containing multiple apertures, joined on one side by a spine and secured by plurality of interlocking tines containing grooves with the function of providing an adjustable hold on a tress of hair, so as to allow wet hair to dry in an elongated state when held between two plates…”

We filed a non-provisional patent in February of 2014, less than two months after the above date. The alleged owner of this patent has threatened to take legal action against CWK Girls, LLC. Since our last correspondence we have relentlessly attempted to make contact with the involved parties to gain the necessary information that would put our attorneys in contact so that they could compare the verbiage of both patents and legally sort out this matter. Their final response shortly stated that their “lawyers would be contacting us soon.” Unfortunately, weeks have passed and we have received no further contact and all other communications from the CWK Girls team since then have been ignored. Despite this, we have worked diligently to resolve this matter. Due to the fact that it usually takes many months for a patent to be seen in the U.S. Patent database our attorney can neither verify nor dismiss the stated claim at this time.

What does this mean for the CWK Plates? We have deliberated with our attorneys, our business partners, and close investors in hopes of finding a viable solution. Against our wishes we have been advised to delay the anticipated production and continued sales of the CWK Straight Plates until we can legally determine the authenticity of this claim. Depending on the outcome, we will either move forward with the original CWK Straight Plates or we will revamp and patent a new design. The emergence of this situation is disheartening. We have invested countless hours, energy, and money into this project and hate to see it suddenly come to a screeching halt. We know that so many of you have stood by us and encouraged us throughout each phase of this creative process; thus, it is important for us to be honest and transparent with you as we move forward. Sorting through a matter as complicated as this could take several months, and we do not believe that it is reasonable to expect our investors to wait in uncertainty as we navigate this step in the process. Because of this, we have decided to provide ALL of our backers with a 100% refund. Please note that we have invested over ten thousand dollars of the Kickstarter funds in the developmental stages of this project. While Kickstarter does not mandate that lost funds be refunded, we however believe in doing what is right. In our opinion, that means making certain that each and every investment is honored and returned. Providing a refund to each investor means that we will have to absorb a hit for the initial money invested in the development and production as well as an additional 3% credit card fee. This is an act of goodwill.

How will refunds work? Unfortunately, we cannot refund directly through Kickstarter. In addition, Amazon does not let you manually refund after 60 days. We will be required to go through each individual transaction and document the associated transaction identification number in order to initiate a request for refund. An organized transaction list will be sent to Amazon weekly until all of the invested funds are returned. A corresponding email will be sent to each investor notifying them that the refund process has been initiated for their specific investment. The process is tedious, so we ask that you remain patient.

Please do not think that this is the end of CWK Girls, LLC. Thousands of you believed in our vision and that alone is motivation for us to push through this hurdle and continue to develop innovative products. We are committed to our curly, wavy, kinky haired girls! Before moving forward, it is important for us to look back to say thank you for your investment, understanding, and continued support. We are grateful.

Best Regards,

Kelechi Bradley and the CWK Girls Team
We're all getting refunds.

Good Morning Investors,

As you know the CWK Girls team has been working overtime to bring the CWK Straight Plates vision to fruition. None of our success thus far would have been possible without you all. Your investments were the catalyst that transformed our dream into a reality. Although each step of the creative process has offered its share of challenges, the journey along the way has provided invaluable opportunities that have stretched the creativity of the CWK Girls team and nurtured our growth. Today it saddens us to inform you that we have received some information that has temporarily halted the entire production process. Throughout this process four outside sources have contacted our team with the assertion that they own the patented rights to an idea identical to the Straight Plates; however, none of them could provide the proper legal documentation to support their claims. Recently a new source, making a similar claim, has contacted us and provided us with a patent application number and vague verbiage from their filings. Here is a portion of the information provided for an alleged provisional patent that was filed on December 28th, 2013:

A patent was filed for, “… a device for the treatment of a tress of hair including two plates containing multiple apertures, joined on one side by a spine and secured by plurality of interlocking tines containing grooves with the function of providing an adjustable hold on a tress of hair, so as to allow wet hair to dry in an elongated state when held between two plates…”

We filed a non-provisional patent in February of 2014, less than two months after the above date. The alleged owner of this patent has threatened to take legal action against CWK Girls, LLC. Since our last correspondence we have relentlessly attempted to make contact with the involved parties to gain the necessary information that would put our attorneys in contact so that they could compare the verbiage of both patents and legally sort out this matter. Their final response shortly stated that their “lawyers would be contacting us soon.” Unfortunately, weeks have passed and we have received no further contact and all other communications from the CWK Girls team since then have been ignored. Despite this, we have worked diligently to resolve this matter. Due to the fact that it usually takes many months for a patent to be seen in the U.S. Patent database our attorney can neither verify nor dismiss the stated claim at this time.

What does this mean for the CWK Plates? We have deliberated with our attorneys, our business partners, and close investors in hopes of finding a viable solution. Against our wishes we have been advised to delay the anticipated production and continued sales of the CWK Straight Plates until we can legally determine the authenticity of this claim. Depending on the outcome, we will either move forward with the original CWK Straight Plates or we will revamp and patent a new design. The emergence of this situation is disheartening. We have invested countless hours, energy, and money into this project and hate to see it suddenly come to a screeching halt. We know that so many of you have stood by us and encouraged us throughout each phase of this creative process; thus, it is important for us to be honest and transparent with you as we move forward. Sorting through a matter as complicated as this could take several months, and we do not believe that it is reasonable to expect our investors to wait in uncertainty as we navigate this step in the process. Because of this, we have decided to provide ALL of our backers with a 100% refund. Please note that we have invested over ten thousand dollars of the Kickstarter funds in the developmental stages of this project. While Kickstarter does not mandate that lost funds be refunded, we however believe in doing what is right. In our opinion, that means making certain that each and every investment is honored and returned. Providing a refund to each investor means that we will have to absorb a hit for the initial money invested in the development and production as well as an additional 3% credit card fee. This is an act of goodwill.

How will refunds work? Unfortunately, we cannot refund directly through Kickstarter. In addition, Amazon does not let you manually refund after 60 days. We will be required to go through each individual transaction and document the associated transaction identification number in order to initiate a request for refund. An organized transaction list will be sent to Amazon weekly until all of the invested funds are returned. A corresponding email will be sent to each investor notifying them that the refund process has been initiated for their specific investment. The process is tedious, so we ask that you remain patient.

Please do not think that this is the end of CWK Girls, LLC. Thousands of you believed in our vision and that alone is motivation for us to push through this hurdle and continue to develop innovative products. We are committed to our curly, wavy, kinky haired girls! Before moving forward, it is important for us to look back to say thank you for your investment, understanding, and continued support. We are grateful.

Best Regards,

Kelechi Bradley and the CWK Girls Team

It's funny because we haven't seen none of these companies products out yet. This is going to be hard to prove when none has hit the market yet
just saw the email, a little disappointed but I hope everything's able to work out in kelechi's favor. I love the cwk plate idea and was so looking forward to having them by the time my twist come out next month.
If you do a google search about this CWK patent issue you will find message(s) on another board about the patent issue that came up back in June...possibly by someone that was previously working on this jointly with her or made the mistake of providing too much information. It's all very sketchy so take that with a grain of salt but in light of what is happening, it is probably more than a little bit true.

There was another patent for basically the same device in the 1960's.

Hopefully everyone will get their full refund back, but based on her previous history and the history of other Kickstarter projects that went belly up....someone is gonna get screwed.
Welp...good luck on those refunds. I'm betting many or most or all :look: will never see their money again
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Dang I was going to treat myself to these plates when I finished my transition. I've been following this from the sidelines and I hope all of this works out.
Welp...good luck on those refunds. I'm betting many or most or all :look: will never see their money again

Yeap. She's already setting the foundation for that in her message. She knows that Kickstarter won't and can't make her give anything back. She will probably hedge bets that most folks will give up and lose the money rather than fight to get the refund...
I was hoping this was not true. NJoy called on another forum. She went hard about owner filing suit against CWk. She knows the original owner.

Google CWK patent and look under a thread from BlackHairMedia to see what NJOY had to say.
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Im really disappointed about not getting the plates, I've already made plans for the heatless styles I'd create. I also feel extremely badly for knbradley. She will probably need professional investors, venture capitalists of some kind, when the patent issues are all sorted out. This is par for the course in this process though. I just hope someone from one of the sites she posted on for feedback didnt take her idea.

Blessings knbradley!!! *e-hugs*
I was hoping this was not true. NJoy called on another forum. She went hard about the original patent. REMOVED THE LINK.JUST GOOGLE SEARCH CWK PATENT TO FIND THE MESSAGE

That is exactly the messages I was talking about but wasn't sure if we could post links from other boards on here. Something in the milk ain't clean about all of this and I'm gonna say...

If she couldn't come up with the funding originally to create the product, how is she gonna come up with the money to replace what was spent, replace what Kickstarter and Amazon Payments took off the top and then refund all of the backers? Folks who truly want their money back, you better screenshot that letter and open a case with your bank/credit card now.



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