what happened to the no heat straight plates thread ckw and launch?

This is the email I got today

Thank you ladies for your patience in the development of the CWK Plates. I would like to take the time to give a few updates on the project.

Over the last few weeks we worked closely with amazon to get them to manually refund customers because we could not make any refunds since it has been past 60 days since the campaign ended. We are just about done with all refunds, so if you have not received your refund yet you should be getting it within the next few days. This was a chore, but we wanted to take the time to take care of this and grant the request for all backers that needed a refund. Ideally this process should have only taken a few days, but since we couldn't do it on our end it is taking a bit longer than expected.

As for the plates, we have been working hard and collaborating with our manufactures to get the plates developed to our standards and right now the molds are in the process of being modified and he is hoping to send us new samples once the mold is complete (he is estimating another the next 2-3 weeks). Once he sends the samples, we will approve and then he will ship us the first order. Once we get the order in, we will promptly ship the packages our to our backers. We do apologize again for the delay. Please know that we are working diligently on this end to bring this product to market, but we felt that it was in the best interest of our backers to push back the delivery date to ensure that we could bring a quality product to market. Currently, we are right on track with our new timeline of October-November and we are a few backers away from completing the requested refunds. Thanks again for your understanding
Update: after approximately a month of constant emails, messages, FB posts, and Kickstarter communications, I have received my refund. I will never back another Kickstarter , especially based on what Kickstarter told me during my escalation and what Kickstarter's new Terms of Service state about no mediation or protection from them for the backer.

Hopefully those of you who are still waiting will get your product and it will be exactly as promised.
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Still awaiting my refund. Initiating a refund should not take this long. I first requested it weeks ago. Someone just likes holding money :look: We shouldn't have to beg for a refund.

I didn't donate much but id prefer to have my money back and if this ever comes to fruition and is a good product maybe Ill purchase.
I'm not confident. Sorry.
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Update: after approximately a month of constant emails, messages, FB posts, and Kickstarter communications, I have received my refund. I will never back another Kickstarter , especially based on what Kickstarter told me during my escalation and what Kickstarter's new Terms of Service state about no mediation or protection from them for the backer.

Hopefully those of you who are still waiting will get your product and it will be exactly as promised.

This is a perfect example among other things of why I'm wary.
is there anyone else here who requested a refund weeks ago and has not gotten it yet?
I feel as though I'm getting the run around. I really just want my money back. No it wasn't much but refunds were promised and I did ask for it back. I have no email confirmation of the request. Did anyone get email conf??
Apparently, there's no evidence I ever requested it :rolleyes:
I've seriously had it with this.
Never, ever again. I'm happy with my regular roller sets.
I just went back and checked my emails and messages and Amazon Payments does not send a confirmation or copy if you chose the option 1 "Contact Seller"which simply sends her a message to the email address attached to her F_______cher.com account.

Option 2 is the "Submit a complaint" aka dispute option. Only option 2 gets you a confirmation email from Amazon Payments, and then Amazon payments will immediately(within 24-48 hours) cancel the dispute because it is a Kickstarter payment.

You are getting the run around. I got the same run around for about 30 days. First she confirmed that she received my refund request via email and it was being worked. Then she claimed that she didn't get my refund request. I gave her my transaction ID from Amazon Payments. Then she acted suprised and shocked that I hadn't received my refund because "refunds had been completed for everyone last week" which was not true. Then she sent the damage control email saying she was still working with Amazon to refund the last requests and to slip in there that delivery has gone from August to Sept to Oct and now November. I kept hounding her and emailing Kickstarter and finally she got tired of communicating with me and refunded my money on Sept 18 but I waited until I confirmed money in my account before posting refund success here.

Like I said before: countless messages via Amazon Payments, Facebook, LHCF, Kickstarter, multiple emails sent via yahoo, posts and inquiries in the FB group and it took almost 30 days to get my refund. Aug 23? to Sept 18/20 to get my refund.

The games people play... the games people play. Trust you aren't the only one, folks don't want to post publicly for fear of being ridiculed or jumped on by her fans. You aren't the only one still trying to get a refund. Good luck!!!!!! I hope you get your money back.

Edited to add link to new FTC rule on Delivery of products ordered online...Maybe this will help others. http://www.business.ftc.gov/documents/alt051-selling-internet-prompt-delivery-rules
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Yup you got the run around :nono:.

^^It isn't just the refunds either. My spidey senses have been tingling since much earlier on.
The issues combined certainly paint a poor picture.

I'd really like my $$ back as requested.:ohwell:
Yup you got the run around :nono:.

^^It isn't just the refunds either. My spidey senses have been tingling since much earlier on.
The issues combined certainly paint a poor picture.

I'd really like my $$ back as requested.:ohwell:

Agreed. This has been an ongoing drama since she claimed to have difficulties posting video results on 4abc hair. Past(and present) behavior often predicts future behavior. I see an illness/family issue/global catastrophe/factory issue in the near future that will further complicate "things".
...and still i wait for that refund
still getting the run around :look:

I can say now with assuredness that I would never part with another cent toward these plates. If they ever come to fruition I'd wait for another company to copy it sooner than do business with this woman.
I expect a certain level of integrity in businesses that I patronize. And with that one potential customer is lost.
So this person ran off with everyone's money? Did anyone get the product?

I'm not saying that... Idk what her plans are. And no, none of the donors have gotten product.

I asked for a refund after she gave us that option and I have yet to see any money back even after considerable contact with her.
And we have at least one other member here who received the run around about their refund.
This coupled with some other things kinda makes u think :look:
I would not give her another penny and yes I'm salty.
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I love supporting black owned businesses but people like the creator of this product make it difficult. its just flat out wrong to ask folks to support you and when they do shove out their hard earned money all of a sudden you can't answer emails? I'm so glad I didn't give this person any of my time or money. I hope someone else with more integrity pursues this idea and actually makes and sells the product because I would buy it.
I don't think she ran off with the money. It's just a little production kink. I've funded a bunch of Kickstarters and there are almost always delays. I just got my TILE the other day and I ordered that thing over a YEAR ago. In most cases, these are not experienced business people and we should probably try to be a little more patient while they work out their first batches. Give her a little time.

The Hookie Do project ALSO ran into a kink and I'm still waiting on that one too. These things happen.
I don't think she ran off with the money. It's just a little production kink. I've funded a bunch of Kickstarters and there are almost always delays. I just got my TILE the other day and I ordered that thing over a YEAR ago. In most cases, these are not experienced business people and we should probably try to be a little more patient while they work out their first batches. Give her a little time. The Hookie Do project ALSO ran into a kink and I'm still waiting on that one too. These things happen.
I agree with everything you said. I am not a donor to this project, but I ve seen my husband support lots of similar projects. There are always delays, some longer than others. I am usually the skeptical one, but things always turn around. I don't agree with her not replying to emails promptly though. Communication is key in times like this.
The issue isn't the production time. It's her ignoring countless emails across different platforms and PMs and mentions here when she's obviously logging in and posting like nothing happened. Obviously she received a lot of money and support but she should at least respond with a simple "I got your message and I'm working on a resolution" instead of just ignoring. How will she respond when people have questions or if the product malfunctions? I respect her trying to start a business but customer service is a huge part of business and she's lacking in that department
The issue isn't the production time. It's her ignoring countless emails across different platforms and PMs and mentions here when she's obviously logging in and posting like nothing happened. Obviously she received a lot of money and support but she should at least respond with a simple "I got your message and I'm working on a resolution" instead of just ignoring. How will she respond when people have questions or if the product malfunctions? I respect her trying to start a business but customer service is a huge part of business and she's lacking in that department

My issue isnt with the product delay. Its with her dodgy behavior. I'm trying to be
nice here with my language :look:.
And still I wait for my refund.
Cool beans!!

I finally received my TILE, my Hookie Do just shipped so that's two down and one to go. After these plates I may leave Kickstarter alone for a bit.

at least you are getting these things eventually.

maybe I'll be kicking myself for taking a refund :rofl:

I do want to see reviews of the plates.
Cool beans!!

I finally received my TILE, my Hookie Do just shipped so that's two down and one to go. After these plates I may leave Kickstarter alone for a bit.

Cool. I ordered a hookie do as well. I probably will get mine towards the end of October.
I waited so long for it and I was so excited about ordering one but in the year it took to get here, my enthusiasm waned. I have not yet removed it from its box...lol.
My co-worker has one and loves it since his sons and wife are always moving his car keys. He said that the one downside it that it's not rechargeable and doesn't have a replaceable battery. I got the TrackR instead.
I cannot find my shoe inserts, who would have known that I would misplace them so the TILE can't help me there. I misplace too many things to only could afford one TILE. Moreover, I've always thought about creating something like the TILE but those TILES are just too expensive for me. $20 for one??? that's a lot of money. Someone mentioned that they are not rechargeable, now there you goes, $20 out the window.