What hair "do" did u stop? or dont wana try?


Well-Known Member
Personally, I stopped the whole final rinse with cold water. This lasted about 3 months. I mean really, if you rinse out the conditioner already, I don't think that final rinse will make that big of a deal. Its too cold and i'm sure there are plenty of women with long hair who don't do this. My wet hair also easier to manage with nice warm water (mmmmm) lol. Im also not big on pre pooing. I do enough already. I used to to add stuff to my scalp like ACV before I shampooed but Im going to try what Gymfreak posted.

Don't wana try:
For now the whole indian regi. Candi C had GREAT progress. But I'm tired of buying stuff, I just curbed my PJism. Plus, I dont know of any stores where I could buy the stuff here. I think I will be fine without it, although the powder for washing does call my name every once in a while lol. May try in the future, but im sitting on the bench on this one for now.

What about u ladies?
I stopped ACVs..the results were noticeable enough once I started using Humectress exclusively for me to continue. I also don't "pre-poo" every wash; I hot oil treat once a week at the most. I do oil my hair at night, sparingly..my hair seems to like an occasional shampoo, deep condition and rollerset; so motto is K.I.S.S. Please I am taking so many sups' that I am getting great results w/o alot of additional "treatments".
Stopped: small braids were bad for my hair and made them brake :nono:

Scared to try:

aphogee, but I might one day.. anyone want a big bottle thats not opened?? willing to exchange :yep:
I stopped: Flat wrapping wet hair...that was just too much manipulation. I also stopped taking so many dag on vitamins and pills :ohwell:

I don't wanna try: hardcore aphogee either :nono:. I also have an unopened bottle I'm willing to part with. I also don't wanna try MN, horsey juice or any other type of growth aide.
I stopped:
- ....i dunno......

Don't wanna try:
- wigs, weaves, falls, etc.
- MN
- henna / indigo
daily scalp massages (too lazy)
final cold rinse (left hair too tangled)

never try:
henna (too much work)
Stopped: Baggying, hard core aphogee (just isn't necessary for me), prosperity control after rinsing, cold water rinses

Don't Wanna Try: Monistat cream (I have my limits),
Stopped: co-washing; hair didn't like it

Scared to try: Hard Aphogee (my hair is enough like a helmet when I stretch (well, not as bad as before LHCF!) :lachen:
Stopped: All that extra stuff...I'm on a personal K.I.S.S. journey

Never would try: MTG or umm...lots of other stuff I can't think of right now.
Ayurvedic Powders (too time consuming)
Growth Aids (my hair will grow anyway)
ACV (a clarifying shampoo does just fine)
Ponytails (my hairline has suffered enough)

Don't Want to Try:
Weaves (too expensive)
Anymore bandwagons (save more/spend less)
Stopped: MTG (OMG it was too oily and it stunk to high heaven), baggying wet hair (I lost handfuls of hair every morning), and all those dang vitamins

Dont Wanna Try: MN, Aphogee...uhhh, that's about it so far :grin:
Stopped: Cold water rinsing--not worth the shock to my system, my hair will shine anyway. Buying conventional shampoo, my mom always used sulfate-free shampoo and/or indian herbal rinses--i just got lazy when I started taking care of my own hair--now i'm back to organic shampoo and herbal rinses and my hair is in loooooveeeee.

Don't wanna try: MN (I don't really want to see that stuff unless I need it--and not for my hair--sorry ladies), protective styling--i don't think growing hair should be that much work...and I dont really care about having perfectly trimmed ends.
stopped: baggying (was not good for me past 1 night), cold water rinses, ACV rinses, extremely expensive conditioners - Pantene is doing the trick, Humectress is a once in a while treat but I had to let Keracare go, twistouts (let them go for now), anything that I have to order - Silicon Mix, Amla oil, growth aids, and oil rinses (I almost broke my neck in the shower with this one :grin:).....I am like another poster in the 08....KISS.

wont try: henna (i don't get it), shikakai powder, etc....basically anything I have to order---JUST don't want to wait for the UPS guy ANYMORE :lachen:

Wigs and weaves (I'm tryin to keep it real, even though good sew in is calling my name :lol: )
Baggying (might start again one day, just doesn't fit in my regimen)
Cold rinsing (too damn cold and I just don't see or feel a difference)
Low/no manipulation (can you say a ridiculous, tangled mess?)

Don't wanna try:

Ayurvedic powders (too much to deal with, I'm too lazy)
Henna (I'm scared to try after some of the horror stories I've read)
Aphogee (my hair doesn't even like LIGHT protein, I don't wanna imagine what Aphogee would do to my hair)
MTG (why have my head smelling like bacon when I can just get some good smelling BT?)
ACV (I'll just use a good ol clarifying poo, thank you :yep: )
I stopped the baggy method. I did it for about 6 months and while it certainly didn't harm my hair, I don't think it helped all that much either. Ruined a lot of my collars though.:ohwell:
cold rinsing
I've never really been into all the extra stuff
scared to try
anything that looks like it will be too time consuming or too much manipulation
I tried MN for about a month or so and stopped. I was too lazy to keep it up. I also tried prepooing a few times and I really don't see the point. I also stopped protein treatments.

I've never tried MTG, Boundless Tresses, Henna, Indian Products, ACV or the Ayurvedic thing. Also, I've pretty much let go of the weaves. I haven't had a weave since June and I did that one myself. I haven't been to the salon for one since my bday in March.
Stopped: Weaves w/glue:ohwell:, tight ponytails (helped take out my crown)

Don't want to try: Hiding my hair (to much work I think):look:, cold water rinses (cold water):nono:
STOPPED: Co-washing my hair got so much build-up it was ridiculous and my hair was knotting up really bad and I lost alot of hair!

SCARED: Biotin, bagging, MTG, Indian stuff, powders, all that stuff is just to much 4 me:wallbash:
Stopped- using any form of soap made in the traditional way using lye to harden. Sodium Laurel Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Wash and Go's

Dont wanna try
Weaves, extensions.
I'm game for anything else. Ive been using MN for a few weeks now
so far so good!
*Hard core protein...my hair HATES it and its taken me darn near a year to figure that out.
*Baggying...didnt notice a difference. Moisturizing the good old fashioned way works just fine for me.
*Pre-poo...too lazy.

*Cold water rinse...cause its cold...brrrrr.
*Henna...i'm scurred yall.
-The pre-poo w/ EVOO. Hair was soo greasy even after washing & conditioning and the oil stinks!

-Stopped using that BT Revitalizing balm. The smell made me sick. I get sick thinking of the smell.

-Stopped trying to roller wet-set by myself. I just cant do it. Comes out looking like ish. Either get my sister to always do it for me or leave it to the pros.

Don't wanna try:
-Henna (too much work)
-Indian theme ( i dont have indian hair)
-MN or BT, or MTG
-Baggying( I sweat enough as it is and cant stand more than 2 products on my hair)
-Protective styling(whats the purpose of hair if u cant show it off?)
-Hiding Hair(What are you hiding from? Cut it all off if u dont want to enjoy it)
-The pre-poo w/ EVOO. Hair was soo greasy even after washing & conditioning and the oil stinks!

-Stopped using that BT Revitalizing balm. The smell made me sick. I get sick thinking of the smell.

-Stopped trying to roller wet-set by myself. I just cant do it. Comes out looking like ish. Either get my sister to always do it for me or leave it to the pros.

Don't wanna try:
-Henna (too much work)
-Indian theme ( i dont have indian hair)
-MN or BT, or MTG
-Baggying( I sweat enough as it is and cant stand more than 2 products on my hair)
-Protective styling(whats the purpose of hair if u cant show it off?)
-Hiding Hair(What are you hiding from? Cut it all off if u dont want to enjoy it)

Stopped : braids and all other extensions, loving what i was born with :yep:
combing once a week, lose way too much this way

Don't want to try : hide your hair, the purpose of taking care of my hair is to enjoy it every single day ...life is too short
Baggying- too much breakage
Cold Water Rinse- Too cold!
Don't want to try:
*Any product that I can't use my two feet to walk into a store to get. I don't like ordering products online, especially outside of the US- I'm just too afraid that I may not get what I paid for or the product will be different than I what expected.
*Any more growth aids, I got sick from using MN. I'll grow it by good old TLC.
Considering going natural. I decided it will not be liberating for me and too much maintainence and it will hinder my growth
Stretching past three months.........from now on I will stretch to 10-12 weeks, I noticed breakage was beginning at the dem-line this month from stretching.

Dont wanna try:
All the "xtra" (no offense, but im lazy)....all the mixing pre-poo, oil rinsing, henna, co-washing etc.....when do you do what?:look:
dusting, trimming.........overated
growth aides....im not convinced
flat ironing, blow drying, hot combing
Stopped: Bunning (broke my ends no matter how I tried it)
Relaxing every 5-6 months, now I do it every 8 - 10 wks

Don't want to try: Henna or hard-core protein treatments
STOPPED: joining challenges, I want to enjoy my hair, every step of the way,:look:

Dont want to try: Hair growth aids, Products that cost as much as a car payment:lachen:

Trying to use Aveda DR w/every wash(dried me out...too much protein, my hair doesn't like it)
Silicon Mix(made my hair dull instead of bling-y like others)
Jumping on every bandwagon(remember when everyone on here was raving all day and nite abt Aveda, now its the Indian stuff!)

Don't wanna Try

Full indian regimen, full dominican regimen, Dominican Blow Out(too many negative long term reviews), MTG, popping a lot of pills, Baggying, Protective Styling all the time(I'm w/the other posters...I want to enjoy my hair...I can see some of the time, but all the time...Not for me!)