Do you try to educate others or shrug them off?

Re: Do you try to educate others or shrug them off

I would say just take good care of your hair and let it do the talking.
Re: Do you try to educate others or shrug them off

Nope I refuse to educate others because they look at me like I'm insane when I mention the site. If someone asks I tell them a few things that I have been using but I learned not to mention LHCF. But I did mention it to one person and now they come on here faithfully.
I've offered advice and it has been soundly rejected as
even though the person I was giving the advice to had hair that looked ridiculous and it couldn't have hurt to at least try.

I offer advice to a friend one time if they don't take it oh well.
Re: Do you try to educate others or shrug them off

Not many people ask about my hair.

I refer girlfriends to my stylist because I want him to stay in business. I also tell people about my favorite products and about the website.

But if someone tries to give me tips and their hair texture is radically different, I'll mentally dismiss it more readily than if our hair is similar.
<jainygirl sits at her computer laughing hysterically>
i dont offer up ANY advice anymore... period. Unless someone comes out point blank and asks me what do i use on my hair or where do i go to get it done (which is nowhere cause i do all my own touchups and stuff) i dont bother. I have a group of women at my job that used to think i was weavalicious -they are so quaint (sarcasm) and loud that i hear them discussing my hair ALL the way across our noisy office. well, i wear my hair pulled back in a ponytail at work and one of them walked into the bathroom after i had taken my ponytail down and was combing through my hair (it tangles when it's like that--but that's another thread) and i wish i had a camera to take a look of her face
I dont care, if they want help they need to stop talking about it and be about it. -- jainygirl
I would simply tell her about the two thing that changed my hair's life and that is:

1) LHCF - if she has a computer she can get online and join us
2) The Black Woman's Guide To Beautiful Hair - by Lisa Akbari

Had it of not been for these two powerful resources in my life - I feel like my hair's health would have just deteriorated. I would highly recommend this to her
I found that when I first started and my hair still needed help itself, people weren't trying to hear me. Now my hair is making great progress... and people are asking me "what are you doing"... I think people are taking more heed to my advice and checking out the board
Hi yall!
You know who you are!!!
Re: Do you try to educate others or shrug them off

<font color="blue">no one's listening to me
I try to clue them in, but they want to argue with me about frequently washing, protective styles, and *gasp* - extending relaxers. Oh well. I've learned the hard way to keep my mouth shut! Now that it's been 9 months I'm getting, "What's the name of that website again? You wash how many times a week? You CONDITION your hair??!!" Now I just blow them off - it's mean, but they weren't trying to hear me... </font>
Re: Do you try to educate others or shrug them off

I was about to today at lunch, but I decided not to. I'm almost 15 weeks post relaxer and my friends told me that it looks like I have a mini afro growing under my permed hair. They kept trying to tell me that I needed to perm my hair or "do something to it" and that it would fall off if I didn't. I'm thinking to myself, "Well, if you knew how to take care of the new growth and the demarcation point, it wouldn't have broken off." My hair is still doing quite well, and it is NOT falling out.
Re: Do you try to educate others or shrug them off

I don't offer any advice unless asked. It is less stressful on my complexion that way. LOL!
Re: Do you try to educate others or shrug them off

jla said:
I would say just take good care of your hair and let it do the talking.

[/ QUOTE ]
My thoughts exactly!