What hair "do" did u stop? or dont wana try?

  • Jumping on Bandwagons
  • Cold water rinses
  • The indian thing
  • Baggie Method
  • Air Drying
  • Self - Relaxing
  • Using Shampoo
  • Hardcore Protein
  • Growth Aids
  • Popping Vits and supplements
  • ACV rinses
  • Long stretches (I think 12-14 weeks is long enough for me, but for some reason I always seem to stretch longer. I hate having a mini afro under relaxed hair, but Im addicted to long stretches!!)
  • BT or MTG
I stopped:
*Cold water rinses - for the reasons given by others
*Stretching past 10 weeks - I have 4z hair and super long stretches are not the business for me.
*Jumping on every bandwagon - I've got a ton of stuff that I never use cause so many folks have been raving about it...I pick and choose what new things to try but for the most part I think I've got my regimen down.
*Self-relaxing - I consistently had a underprocessed section of hair...that's the only thing I'll go to a stylist for.
*Oil rinses - tried it twice and it did absolutely nothing for my hair.

I don't want to try:
*Dominican hairstylists
*Sew-ins - I'm too cheap to get really good hair
*Indian regimens - seems too costly and too difficult to do
*No/low manipulation
Im basically taking it back oldschool in the 08. My mom had the perfect regimen for me and knew everything about my hair even without all the knowledge i have (her products were just alittle wrong)
Im glad i came on these sites and read all the books i have, but after 2 years im finally really really realzing that you just need to RETAIN your hair in the way that works FOR YOU.


*1x a week: Shampoo, conditon, leavin, airdry in braids, pressing oil, flatiron
*Daily: Moisturize, oil, comb--Maybe even grease my scalp
*Night: Tie hair up
*Keeping my hands out my d*mn head (as my mom said lol)

*Every 8 weeks: Trim, (relax if not transitioning), Color/Rinse hair, aphogee protien treatment

Results: Silky, shiny, moisturized, untagnled hair :yep:

NO TO/Stopping:

Not combing--Tangles out the @ss

No heat--Alittle heat does me good, it helps with my tangles and styles

Daily washing--No to the styles, tangles, and dryness when hair dries plus the cost

Jumping on bandwagons/New products

Excluding products that have petroleum---like pressing oil wich my hair LOVES

DONT WANNA TRY or Ever do again

Mixing products--too much, too much.

I haven't really stopped anything. Recently I stopped using "products" and moved to natural stuff (oils, butters, baking soda, etc.) Oh, and I stopped wearing braids with extensions because I realized it was too much for my hair.

Not interested in trying:

Being a PJ
Growth Aids
Heat (direct and indirect)
stopped: deep conditioning each week. cinnamon and rosemary essential oil -- too strong!

don't want to try: anything that requires arts and craft like activity-- mixing/steeping/blending/measuring

I havent stopped anything. I have never been a PJ or bandwagon jumper. KISS~~~

Dont want to try:

indian treatments
hiding hair
protective styling
no heat
Stopped:Co-washing(to lazy)
Buying every product I hear about or see(recovery PJ).
Taking so many vitamins (I keep getting a bi and ki and I think that's the reason)

Don't want to try: Not sure yet

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STOPPED: Co-washing and the whole curlygirl/no cones regimen. This was not working out for me no matter how many products i used. My ends sucked, detangling was horrible...just a mess

DON'T WANNA TRY: Henna or Ayurveda powders. Too much work for me these days