What does longer hair mean for you?


New Member
For me it makes me feel more feminine, sophisticated and sexy.........but I think I have also been on this mission to grow my hair longer because it recently dawned on me that I'm filling a void. I think that at times I don't think I'm enough. It feels like no matter what I do I'm just barely making the cut in every area of my life. So I think at times it has become easier for me to use my outward appearance to compensate. What's crazy is that my hair has grown longer than what is in my avatar, will post again soon.....and I don't feel any more confident than I did when it was shorter.

Ladies I just wonder why u are on the long hair journey.........
I've always wanted long hair....It's just that I've finally figured out how to get it. It's a beautiful thang....:yep:
Many years ago, I paid for a BSL weave, because I wanted long hair. I loved the look on me, and I got a lot of compliments. Then, a few years ago, my hair grew to BSL, and I appreciated it MORE than I did the hair that I bought. Loved it (until it was chopped off by a &*^%&%^$%^&*!!!) :wallbash:. Um..umm, uh, sorry about that. I'm on a quest for something that has eluded me all of my life, and it's something that is ATTAINABLE. Yes, I CAN GROW LONG HAIR, and have the beautiful crowning glory that I was meant to have. And if I wasn't meant to have it, it wouldn't be possible. God is no respecter of persons.
IDK, that's a good question. I think I want long hair because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I feel like I'm reaching a goal and improving myself. I like seeing visible evidence of the hard work I do, and seeing precious inches grow and my hair get longer and longer really satisfies me. Also I feel that long hair is very feminine and enhances your beauty.
my relaxed/textlaxed hair was between SL and APL for many years, i wasn't thinking about growing it long then. my hair would grow, but i abused the hell out of it so when it got to APL it was split end city. so i'd just cut to SL and repeat the process.

for me, it's a journey about getting reacquainted with my natural hair. when i first BC'd i LOVED my 2 inches of hair. so besides shaving my head, i've gone about as short as you can go... now i'm back where i started at APL. i'm pretty much done "discovering" my hair, i guess i could stop here. but i think it would be more fun to continue growing it out and learning how it changes as it gets longer. my philosophy is, if i get sick of it, the scissors are always within arm's reach! :yep:
I love how long hair lay on the back. But I'm growing my hair just for the hell of it and to see if I can stop cutting off my hair.
All interesting responses...............I also like how my hair is growing pass my shoulders and shaping my face when I wear it down.
I'm growing out my hair because I'm curious to see how long it can get.

I like the look of long hair. It does look glamourous and I'm a glamour girl.
Longer hair means more versatility, being able to just throw your hair up in a ponytail whenever, it enhances my facial features in a good way.

And also out of curiosity to see how long it can get.:grin:
Longer hair means more versatility, being able to just throw your hair up in a ponytail whenever, it enhances my facial features in a good way.

And also out of curiosity to see how long it can get.:grin:

that's what it means for me too. i dont have to spend a lot of time trying to figure make my hair look decent. and ill also feel sexy:grin:
For me it will mean SUCCESS and HAPPINESS :yep:. I always wanted to have long mid back / waist length hair for a whole decade now :wallbash:...once that is reached I will be sooooooo happy:superbanana:. Long hair is a beautiful thing to me and not to mention it will look very very sexy and exotic!!!

4a Relaxed Thin/ fine and color treated
Currently: APL ( reached 8/07) :woohoo2:
2nd Goal: BSL ( 3/08)
Ult. Goal: WL Healthy and thick
I've always wanted hair down my back. I like the look and style of it on me and it's more versatile.
IDK, that's a good question. I think I want long hair because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I feel like I'm reaching a goal and improving myself. I like seeing visible evidence of the hard work I do, and seeing precious inches grow and my hair get longer and longer really satisfies me. Also I feel that long hair is very feminine and enhances your beauty.

Ok, how did you pull those words out of head? :drunk: ITA! I wanted it for so long that I get a lovely sense of accomplishment now. :)
Great question -

There are so many reasons but the main one pure vanity.

Plus, I've had the Toni Braxton/Halle Berry short haircut for most of my adult life. Now that my kids are grown and gone when my husband wants to "roll" (get your minds out of the gutter ladies :grin:) I want to be ready. That includes putting my hair in a classy bun or up in a ponytail, still looking great and roll. Not spending an hour curling & styling.
For me it makes me feel more feminine, sophisticated and sexy.........but I think I have also been on this mission to grow my hair longer because it recently dawned on me that I'm filling a void. I think that at times I don't think I'm enough. It feels like no matter what I do I'm just barely making the cut in every area of my life. So I think at times it has become easier for me to use my outward appearance to compensate. What's crazy is that my hair has grown longer than what is in my avatar, will post again soon.....and I don't feel any more confident than I did when it was shorter.

Ladies I just wonder why u are on the long hair journey.........
Definitely agree with you on this one.......I feel like a goddess when I let my hair flow. Everyone admires it and it always attracts attention.

IDK, that's a good question. I think I want long hair because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I feel like I'm reaching a goal and improving myself. I like seeing visible evidence of the hard work I do, and seeing precious inches grow and my hair get longer and longer really satisfies me. Also I feel that long hair is very feminine and enhances your beauty.

And I totally agree with everything you said. The gratification I get from accomplishing a goal, the femininity and the sexy behind long, beautiful hair, and the overall improvement it's making in my lifestyle is just what makes this such a wonderful experience. Plus, I was always told my hair would never get that long, so it's much more of a "I'll show ya better than I can tell ya" type thing.

I love your honesty. Its refreshing...

I want long hair for a few reasons. One, it has never been past APL. I want waist length hair. I know the journey will be fun and disciplining at the same time. The accomplishment will be invigorating. Two, I sometimes wear super long weaves. They add a certain sexiness, femininity, and exotic air to me. People love the look and so do I. Three, I have a SO that loves long hair. I want to be as sexy and beautiful for him as possible. And last but not least, it upsets me when I hear people of our race and other races say "Long hair is genetic", like God gave everyone else but US the ability to have a glorious covering. I believe strongly in 1 Cor. 11:15. I am doing this for God and for Me (and my SO gets some benefits too:rolleyes:).

For me it makes me feel more feminine, sophisticated and sexy.........but I think I have also been on this mission to grow my hair longer because it recently dawned on me that I'm filling a void. I think that at times I don't think I'm enough. It feels like no matter what I do I'm just barely making the cut in every area of my life. So I think at times it has become easier for me to use my outward appearance to compensate. What's crazy is that my hair has grown longer than what is in my avatar, will post again soon.....and I don't feel any more confident than I did when it was shorter.

Ladies I just wonder why u are on the long hair journey.........
i'm always cutting my hair so growing it out for once with be a challenge i am willing to take on.

also i "use to" wear long weaves and love the length. working on having that with my own hair!

can't wait!
I have a question, how long does it usually take for natural hair to go from neck length to BSL? I would like to do so in the next 3 years (2 if possible) but I'm not sure if that is attainable.

Long hair to me is a symbol of my glory. The bible states a woman's hair is her glory, and I want to bask and reign in it all. It is beautiful to have long lucious locks, and I want to join to the club. Plus I look soooo much better with longer hair.
Longer hair for me means no more weaves....:lachen:

No but seriously folks...
I have completed alot of tasks in my life like finishing my graduate degree, getting a job that pays me a salary worth working for, I got married, had a beautiful daughter and settled on a nice home.

So what else is there for a business minded, mother, wife, daughter to do?
Grow her OWN hair out.
It's not like I'm focusing on hair itself and not other aspects of my life.
I feel as if i have arrived financially and mentally and i don't want to put another weave in my head while actually longing for my own REAL hair down to there.
Now that I have learned HOW...with the help of all you wonderful ladies here on LHCF...and from doing my own research, of course...
I know that I can do it...
So to answer ur question longer hair for me is the whip cream on my already iced cake.
Definitely agree with you on this one.......I feel like a goddess when I let my hair flow. Everyone admires it and it always attracts attention.

And I totally agree with everything you said. The gratification I get from accomplishing a goal, the femininity and the sexy behind long, beautiful hair, and the overall improvement it's making in my lifestyle is just what makes this such a wonderful experience. Plus, I was always told my hair would never get that long, so it's much more of a "I'll show ya better than I can tell ya" type thing.

Yes Yes Yes and yes to everything you said miss cherokee. This is exactly why I want long hair.
For me it makes me feel more feminine, sophisticated and sexy.........but I think I have also been on this mission to grow my hair longer because it recently dawned on me that I'm filling a void. I think that at times I don't think I'm enough. It feels like no matter what I do I'm just barely making the cut in every area of my life. So I think at times it has become easier for me to use my outward appearance to compensate. What's crazy is that my hair has grown longer than what is in my avatar, will post again soon.....and I don't feel any more confident than I did when it was shorter.

Ladies I just wonder why u are on the long hair journey.........

It means more arrogance!
Longer hair will be an accomplishment for me. In the beginning I never thought about hair care like I do now. It was always wash when I want, iron whenever I want, and relax whenever I want. My hair was always APL because of this. Now that I'm on my hair care journey mY hair feels, looks, and behaves alot differently then it used to. Plus I think it would be so sexy for me to have long black hair that was MINE and I could prove some people wrong about how long black hair can actually grow. Plus it would just be fun to have all this hair on your head anyways.... I'm only 17 and I see white and spanish girls with long hair and it makes me want long hair too!
I have a few meanings for long hair on myself:

I have always wanted long hair, even as a child (even would "wish on a star" for it :lachen:)

I have been told that black people don't/can't have long hair :rolleyes:

I was really scissor happy when I was relaxed so, although I could've probably grown my hair long, I would cut it before I got to that point.
IDK, that's a good question. I think I want long hair because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I feel like I'm reaching a goal and improving myself. I like seeing visible evidence of the hard work I do, and seeing precious inches grow and my hair get longer and longer really satisfies me. Also I feel that long hair is very feminine and enhances your beauty.

Same here :yep:

Also, the fact that I can make a commitment to myself and stick to it for this long (1 yr so far) and not feel like I could be doing something else. I do switch to other hobbies from time to time, but my hair journey is my #1 obsession and it seems like it will be for a long time. The only thing I've ever been so focused or motivated a/b is school. That makes it a huge deal for me. :)

I can be a total commitment-phobe :look:
For me it makes me feel more feminine, sophisticated and sexy.........but I think I have also been on this mission to grow my hair longer because it recently dawned on me that I'm filling a void. I think that at times I don't think I'm enough. It feels like no matter what I do I'm just barely making the cut in every area of my life. So I think at times it has become easier for me to use my outward appearance to compensate. What's crazy is that my hair has grown longer than what is in my avatar, will post again soon.....and I don't feel any more confident than I did when it was shorter.

Ladies I just wonder why u are on the long hair journey.........

I think my lack of confidence pre-empted my jair journey, too. We both need to learn how to accept our beautiful selves for who we are. I feel if I keep saying it, I'll believe it. I mean, it's weird. Somedays I feel like Miss Universe, and other days I feel like a frog. I think I have to stop comparing myself to others.
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To me obtaining long hair would show some dedication and it says healthy to me. You can't grow you long beautiful hair without keeping it healthy.