What do you want to see in a Utube hair video?

Well as a youtuber, I will say that sometimes it's very very hard not to ramble. Editing is a ***** for real because #1 people have short attention spans and the only person I can watch for a full 10 minutes is me. LOL!!!

But it's hard to squeeze all you want to say in 10 minutes. For me, when I ramble I'm doing three things, trying to fill dead air. I can't stand that (hence the music,) trying to answer questions that I get asked repeatedly for my repeat viewers and I try to respond to people's advice about my hair and what they think that I'm doing wrong.

About lighting. Sometimes it's the lighting, most of the time it's the camera. Lighting can be solved if people would put light behind them. Light the room. The only time I light my hair is when I'm doing a demo and it's nighttime. Natural light is the best thing out there. I find that when I use too much light my videos are worse.

Cameras... some people actually film using their cellphones. Or they use a very very old webcam. Others use older camcorders or cameras that don't work well in all environments.

And finally it's about location. If you're doing hair or makeup you want to be able to see yourself. Your station may be in a room that's not ideal for filming. For instance, my setup is not ideal, but I use a webcam and this is where I have my PC, I don't have a laptop. I don't like the quality of my regular camera so I don't even bother.

All-in-all, I would say offer your critiques to the person whose videos are bugging you. Some people don't even realize how bad it looks. They really have no idea. A desk lamp and open curtains can improve a video tenfold.

I couldnt even read the rest for crackin up dyin laughin @ that!
I'd like more diversity...more Caribbean and African approaches to beauty...products, styles, and philosophies. I'm glad more UK based people are putting up vids, but more Euros too. I think those really help the UK and Europe based find products and services. Black women based in Asia really need to be represented too. They REALLY have a product and services drought.

YouTube has some nice instructional stuff, but its US/Canadian focus is limiting, IMHO.
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It is my opinion that making videos can be a very personal thing and choice and that person making 'their' video has to do it with their own vibe and personality , not an imposed one. I can appreciate a wish list and what not, But I can even more appreciate not making something someone tried to do that was a positive thing for them a 'picked apart to peices' thing. I mean who says they are trying to turn 'YOU' on? maybe they are aware of an audience larger than you, :lachen: the music can be something personal as well, although I can appreciate someone saying they dont want to hear it, but when 'the maker' of the video does want to hear it while making the video, then who has final say. I'm sure some people dont want to hear my ring tones on my phone either, but um yeah, they hear them tho:grin: and wishing to stifle ones free expression that might be 'rambling' to you, might be something worth being said to another. So all in all the wish list is cool, but respect that people have the right to say and do what they want in their videos and of course if its not meeting your standards you can always click off, But I agree with mwedzi , you make videos how you like and respect and appreciate that others will make their videos how they like . thats the great thing about youtube its 'personal' expression and the beautiful freedom to do so . its variety and its total freedom of ones' individual expression , nobody's videos are going to be the same it certainly is not about someone else's definition of youtube hair video perfection :nono:

I'm in so with u on this...I love the post because it does help a lot...But my music will stay in the intro and endings of all of my videos..They all start and end the same way...I love the songs I pick...I love music being a singer and all....My videos , hair styles are my personality ....I'm here to help and teach and I'm doing that by the thousands and ofcourse u can't make everyone happy so all I can do is be Traycee...:yep: Hahaha
I'm in so with u on this...I love the post because it does help a lot...But my music will stay in the intro and endings of all of my videos..They all start and end the same way...I love the songs I pick...I love music being a singer and all....My videos , hair styles are my personality ....I'm here to help and teach and I'm doing that by the thousands and ofcourse u can't make everyone happy so all I can do is be Traycee...:yep: Hahaha

Thats right! we cant turn into youtube robots trying to keep in mind the list someone wanted us to meet! we would all look stupid and stiff and worried :lachen:
Thanks to those who said they like my videos. :) Let me be more clear and a little more calm to try to get across what I was saying.

A suggestion can surely be appreciated if put the right way. But this post was started with a virtual laundry list of things that are "wrong" with people's videos, including remarks like "Do X instead of Y. Thanks" where you get the feeling the "thanks" is said like this: :rolleyes: . I generally look at YouTube videos as similar to gifts so, like gifts, sometimes not being what the recipient wanted exactly or not being perfectly wrapped but a gift nonetheless where the giver's only reward is to feel good about giving something and to get a thanks. So from my perspective it's like the initial post went beyond offering one or two suggestions in a nice way to get the ball rolling, but started off with rapid gunfire of all flaws, and what made it worse was that the OP had never actually given any of these videos/gifts herself, only having taken them.

I have written a few knitting and crochet patterns, too, and have offered a couple for free. Sometimes on forums for knitting or crochet, I see a lot of complaints about free patterns. Curiously, those threads are always started, and for the most part participated in, by people who have never written patterns themselves. I think becoming the giver offers a different perspective. Okay, maybe not a better perspective, but a different one.

Now if you don't subscribe to the youtube videos as gifts analogy, okay. I can buy that. But hopefully now you can I understand why I was "tripping." Looking over the thread again, I can see how it could be a collection of useful tips. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong Jada, but it seems you have more issue with how some of these videos are named rather than their contents, as in it's okay to have music and express your opinions, just don't name the video "instruction video"?

Yeah, I guess I'm old-school, but I when I search the internet for info, especially on Youtube on how to do something I want to learn how to do it. Video is better than pics (at least it's supposed to be).

Your videos ARE good. I had no idea you would take it the wrong way. Your lighting is on point, you describe what you're doing perfectly and go into explanation if you come across any "barriers" to the style and how to fix it. There is NO MUSIC and it is everything an INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO should be IMO. You weren't even in my thoughts when I created this thread, but I do get the misunderstanding (I think LOL).

Anyway, sometimes I feel "tricked" when I do a search seeking information on a certain style, then click the video and that style is NOT being done. Instead it's like a long diatribe of nonsense and I can't get with that. I don't watch Youtube nonsense. Life is short and I just don't have that kind of time. LOL! SHOW ME WHAT IT IS I CAME TO SEE. That's all.

Video is supposed to be better than pictorial instructions. I love makeup, hair, exercise and nutrition videos. I'm thankful for the free info and one day (hopefully in the next couple of months) I'll return the favor. I may not be showing anything "new", but at least I'll have made my contribution and not wasted people's time (I hope).

Personal vids are something else. I wouldn't do those, because it's not MY thing, but I don't knock others that are doing them. To each his own, except when it comes to teaching me something I came to see! LOL!
I'd like more diversity...more Caribbean and African approaches to beauty...products, styles, and philosophies. I'm glad more UK based people are putting up vids, but more Euros too. I think those really help the UK and Europe based find products and services. Black women based in Asia really need to be represented too. They REALLY have a product and services drought.

YouTube has some nice instructional stuff, but its US/Canadian focus is limiting, IMHO.

I'd like to know how caribbean and black women in other countries are holding it down too (natural or relaxed). Vids aren't necessary if they don't have access. The products, recipes, techniques, etc., would be great to know.
wow! :rolleyes: she spoke her mind because its the truth, I dont think anyone has to take these tips at all if they dont want to and its actually kind of imposing, how bout you just dont watch the 'whack' videos and do yours 'your' way

I don't watch them. But I don't know they're whack until I click on them. That's when I find out I've been bamboozled into listening and watching some b.s. Once I realize it, I immediately click off and STAY OFF.
I don't watch them. But I don't know they're whack until I click on them. That's when I find out I've been bamboozled into listening and watching some b.s. Once I realize it, I immediately click off and STAY OFF.
:2cool: not everyone is going to feel exactly like you do about exactly the same things

I like watching people period so anything and everything could have something for me:yep:
I never expected perfection from home videos,although I may get alitte annoyed if the music is too loud for me to hear you or the lighting is too bad for me to see however I realize it is just a person interested in hair sharing some knowledge
I like it when people ramble because I also have a short attention span
Great topic! Nothing wrong with constructive criticism. It comes with the territory when you post your videos for the world to view.

Anyhow, I like looking at weave, braiding or styling instructional videos and so far I have yet to be disappointed. I haven't really come across any bad videos except for one.

What I like and appreciate:

-Clear instructions
-Staying on topic. I don't mind going off topic a little bit but not too much. I will shut it down if it is too much.
-Cue cards posted
-I don't mind the music; just not while you're talking. It makes it hard to hear what you're saying.
-I really, really like when people summarize, with snap shots of what was done near the end. I know that may take some skill so I won't hold it against you if you don't;).
-I also like videos that are nothing but snap shots of what was done (so no live footage), with cue card instructions and some music playing in the background.
-Showing your or the model's hair and showing what you're doing. I've only come across one video that didn't do that and it was the worst instructional video I ever saw. This girl did a lot of talking and not enough doing imo. I couldn't bear to watch the whole video because I was gaining absolutely nada from it.

And no, I don't do tube videos and never will. But I do like watching them:)!
I never expected perfection from home videos,although I may get alitte annoyed if the music is too loud for me to hear you or the lighting is too bad for me to see however I realize it is just a person interested in hair sharing some knowledge

I agree. :yep:
interesting that many of you say the music is annoying or distracting. i have people comment all the time that my vids are "boring" because there is no music. :rolleyes: but i felt trying to talk over music would be distracting (especially since i'd be tempted to sing along :lol: ), and adding it in afterwards would drown my voice out.

what i'm trying to say is, y'all make me feel validated in my choice to leave out the music :grin:
Great thread!

Also with the music, I hate when people also have the music really low, so low that I can barely hear what it is. I don't like this b/c I want to make sure you don't have me listening to some subliminal crazy suicide murder stuff.
