What Do You Think Your Hair Will Look Like on December 31, 2011?


Well-Known Member
The other thread seemed to be very interesting:yep: and as i know all of us on this board have some kind of goal to achieve with our hair i felt lie starting a new one for 2011!!!:D

Okay....here's mine.

On December 31, 2011 i hope to be Big Chopped and approximately SL or APL with my natural hair (stretched:yep:). I am looking forward to getting rid of my relaxed ends by November of 2011 and growing a new set of hair to reach my goal of WL stretched in 2013 and from then on letting it continue to grow as long as i can grow and handle it:yep:

I hope for my hair to be double the size it is now. As some of my hair refuses to hang, I cannot say to double the length it is now, LOL!!! My hair hangs in the front and back! :(
IN 2011 my hair will be freshly BC'd after a 2.5 yr transition.... The length I have no idea BUT I will healthy and shiny~
My hair will be SL stretched...I'm hoping my 4A curls will be a little more defined by then.

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On December 31, 2011 i hope to have BC'ed and be around APL with stretched natural hair. I want to BC around June since I've decided to keep transitioning until the winter season in Chi-town is up. I'll also be able to do some do some curl poppin'. :yep:
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Hopefully almost 17 months into my transition and grazing BSL. If I BC then CBL. Minimal shedding and breakage, and one year heat free.
Hopefully I can add at least 6 inches to my length and at or near BSL when straightened.