what do you love about your hair?


Well-Known Member
so often, we talk about what we don't like about our hair. let's flip the script today. what's one thing that you absolutely love about your hair?
What a lovely positive thread!

I love:
- that it is growing
- that it's basically healthy
- that it's BSL
- that my transition is going smoothly
Ok, let me be more specific. I love the fact that I know my hair now. At least I am consious of what it takes to grow it long and keep it healthy. I am so much more confident with my hair health and success that I don't feel the need to jump on every product bandwagon.

I love my curls, I love my frizz. I love how nice and fluffy it is and I believe that when I reach my goal length it won't be heavy or uncomfortable. And it's so easy to care for. After all of the hairdresser misshaps, I can confidently say that i will not see one anytime soon. After the criticism from friends who said that I need to change my regimen because I am washing too much (2-3x a week) and using the wrong oils (castor oil, almond oil, coconut oil). My hair has thrived off of this "misguided" regimen. And I can't wait for summer so that I can swing my full BSL/partial MBL hair at them witches.
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I love that my curls are so wonky and different.
I love the coffee color (most of the time lol)
I love that it only takes 5 minutes to "do" my hair
I love that my hair grows so quickly
I love that there is no other head of hair out there quite like mine :)
It's lush, unique, holds styles WELL (I can go a week without retouching any hairstyle if I wanted), it's big, bold, and beautiful, and oh yeah... LUSH! :yep:
I love:
1. my hair length
2. my hair color
3. my natural curls after I apply EVCO
4. And most important, I love that my hair is super healthy. Breakage is no longer an issue!
Thats its growing. I love when I do my wraps cause its so shiny and lay on my shoulders. Also, Im able to bun and still look sensible. Therfore I don't have to use heat on my hair all the time for a good hairstyle.
THICKNESS AND TEXTURE DEFINITELY...And my edges...they are soooo long....
Its unique, the curls, its takes me a few minutes to do my hair, that when it gets longer it'll be even more exciting!!
I :love3: the colour and the thickness of my hair; the length and the fact that it just keeps on growing; its versatility. On any given day, I can have hair that looks relaxed, wavy, texlaxed or texturised. Love it!!!!!:yep:
My hair is so agreeable. It was so easy for me to find staples, and I really don't know if I ever tried a product and HATED it. It compromises with me, and lets me use heat sparingly, as long as I give it the DC's and cowashes it loves so much.
I love that it's thick and soft, that it doesn't hold chemical treatments at all, that it grows and that its like my daddy's (silky,curly and dark)
i love the thickness of my hair. i love the way my hair feels when its done lol. i love that my hair is like a chameleon lol. i swear it blends in so0o0 well.. curly/straight/colors lol no problemo =D
I love my wavy, coily, and frizzy hair!!!!! I love the fact that I can wash my hair twice a week and that I do not have to run from the rain!!!!!!!! I love that I do not have to use heat to style my hair!!!!!!!!:love::love::iloveyou:
that my hair actually loves me and is well behaved. i've just not been loving it, and I'VE been the one misbehaving. now that i've started taking care of it again it's been great.
Loove looove the curlies!!!
It grows like weed after I went natural.
The thickness (love/hate) love right now.
The softness.
Takes 1 minute to "do"
Guys love it :giggle:
I love that it makes me stand out. Everywhere I go I'm the only type 4 natural around.

Other things I love:
its springyness (that's not a word but that's how my hair is)
the softness
that it's so easy to work with
Just like you MissNorway I love love love my spirals and curly coils, so much so I don't really like doing the henna treatment cos I lose my beloved curly coils for a while. I'm also reluctant to flat iron when it gets longer!!
At the moment, nothing to be honest :ohwell:. I can't think of anything i like about my hair right now. It's shedding like crazy can't put a comb through it cos it breaks :wallbash:.