for hair growth, diet or external aids? 90% of the suggestions and talks seems to be towards some product to be applied on the outside. There is very little talk on long term diets or specific foods that help grow quality hair, i feel like if you grow quality hair from the inside, it will be better able to handle alot of things we have to do to it on the outside, i mean b4 i found this site, and you wise ladies, i treated my hair Very BAD, when it was tangled i just ripped it apart i hardly conditioned it, hell i didnt even know about 75% of the products on this board, but somehow it just keep growing. Now i realize it must have been my diet, because i also have a co-worker who has been braiding her natural hair longer than i, which is 5 years, her hair remains shoulder lenght. Anyways im just curious so let me know ladies