What do you know about hair styling?


Well-Known Member
It seems like a lot of us know how to keep our hair healthy, but we don't know how to style our hair (besides twists outs and braids). I think it would behoove use to learn to do some simple everyday styles like Dominican blowouts. As much as we are in to hair care, I don't think that we should have to depend on a stylist for a basic everyday style. What do you think?
I agree! But first I want the long hair then I will began to practice styling it.

Side Note: (LOL at behoove! My nursing instructor used to say this word a lot and would make her eyes really big when said it)
I agree. I'm shoulder length stretched but so far I've been limited to wearing a twist out or a puff...Not that I don't like those styles but it's been 4ms since my BC and I'm wanting to try something else. I'm wanting to press my hair to do a good length check and to also determin whether or not I need to cut it into a style...

Hmmm, what to do? What to do...
I style hair. Always have. Didn't have the money to keep up with the other girls...so I learned.

I was braiding my hair in designs at 12 and perming/washing/flat-ironing my friends n family's hair by 14.


I think thats why its so difficult for me to ps now in buns. I want to do SOOOO much...but can't. :nono:
I know how to do basic styles and for now twist outs serve me just fine. I definitely don't want to learn how to do a dominican blow out because that is way too much heat. A lot of us here know how to straighten, roller set, pin curl, make up do's etc. I think for me it's about finding what works, is simple but still looks fab, and doesn't require heat on a regular basis.