What do you Hate about your hair?


New Member
There are a bunch of gorgeous heads of hair on the forum and we always compliment each other on our progress and beautiful hair. But even with all the compliments and encouragement from ladies on the board and others, do any of you secretly hate your hair? Is there one thing (or more) that makes you feel insecure about your hair?

Mine is:
I hate my thin temples and nape
I have damaged/overprocessed ends
My hair is thin
I don't hate but it does make me SAD...
that it has no real curl definition..nothing that i would just wash and leave out and go.
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Since finding LHCF I've learn to really accept my hair, and with all the TLC that my hair now gets, I can't say that there is anything I hate about my hair. My hair is very, very thick....I remember my former stylist saying that she's never seen so much hair per square inch on any other head, and begged me to let her "thin it out" so she can better handle it. Needless to say, I never went back to that stylist.

The thickness of my hair was something I used to not care too much about (it takes me forever to get a straight part), but I embrace my thick hair now....thickness is something so many people wish for. I'm at shoulder length now and growing, so.....I'm cool with my hair now.
Go head Tallygirl!!!!Since joining LHCF i've learned to accept my hair also. I guess learning more about how to protect our hair helps and esp. a hair novice such as myself I can actually style my hair now and I love it. my ultimate goal is to self relax, so hopefully I can do that n a few months
tallygirl said:
Since finding LHCF I've learn to really accept my hair, and with all the TLC that my hair now gets, I can't say that there is anything I hate about my hair. My hair is very, very thick....I remember my former stylist saying that she's never seen so much hair per square inch on any other head, and begged me to let her "thin it out" so she can better handle it. Needless to say, I never went back to that stylist.

The thickness of my hair was something I used to not care too much about (it takes me forever to get a straight part), but I embrace my thick hair now....thickness is something so many people wish for. I'm at shoulder length now and growing, so.....I'm cool with my hair now.

*gasp* @ let her thin it out. :lol: She must have been off her rocker. I wonder what her intentions were? *YIKES*

Hmmm, what would I change about my hair? Well its always been fine, and that's genetic. Its thickened up with all the TLC, vitamins, good diet, and of course MTG.... but i wouldnt mind if it was even even thicker. Ive learned to accept the texture and be "okay" with it, but i guess the grass is always greener on the other side.
tallygirl said:
begged me to let her "thin it out" so she can better handle it.


Theres nothing that I actually hate about my hair. I am not too particularly fond of the shrinkage though. It seems like my hair isnt growing while I KNOW it is.
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i hate that it won't stay braided.
i hate that it won't stay twisted.
i hate that my bantu knots looks like sh**
i hate that it grows as slow as it does (others dont agree) :cool:
i hate the relaxed strings.
i dont think i can continue transitioning. :(
I hate how slowly it grows.

I don't hate anything else about it.
The only other things related to my hair that I hate are my problems like how bad I am at styling.
I hate that my hair takes FOREVER TO DRY. I have to bring my labtop and watch a dvd while i am sitting under the dryer at the salon. A 2 1/2 hour movie is the only thing that will keep me sitting still and not wanting to hurt somebody :ohwell:.

You ladies that can air-dry in a rollerset, i dont know how you do it. It would take me 3 days.
This is therapetic....

I hate that my hair is not naturally "golden" with highlight and lowlights and I have to color it :)

I hate that my hair doesn't talk to me to let me know what I'm doing right and doing wrong (is this strange)
CandiceC said:
I hate how the back grows so slow. I have to keep cutting the rest and wait for the back to catch up. :ohwell:

My hair is the same way! Not only does my back seem to grow slower, but the hairs in my nape area have major shrinkage so it just emphasizes the unevenness. If I didn't have to keep evening out my hair to match the back, it would all be waistlength by now. Its maddening!
I've had my hair thinnened out b4! i was 13 and i told my cousin hairdresser it was too thick, she jumped at the chance 2 thinnen it! i looked down at the floor and almost cried. my whole head it seamed was on the floor. lookily its grown back, probabley not as thick as b4, but its still thick thank god!!!

RIGHT, i hate shrinkage, the more growth i get the shorter it gets till relaxer day. my hair grows ouwards - always has, always will. i hate that my hair LOVES relaxers..yeh u heard it it LOVES RELAXERS. it doesn't break, get dry or anything when i just relax and go about my business. so i may be using then for a long time to come!
Shrinkage blows.

I have finally found a regimen that keeps my hair moisturized. But when I touch my hair, it's very soft and feels ever so slightly moist, but it still looks dry.
i hate that my hair at the front wont catch up with the nape. I dont think it will ever reach APL, im seriously thinking about getting a fringe/bang cut in. Maybe when i reach my goal length though.

Oh yeah, and shrinkage hides the truth!
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It's too fine. I can't do jack with fine hair, especially the edges. The minute I put some heat to it, its Split End City. Having fine hair at the front sides makes my whole style look lop-sided.
Where do I start...

I love my kinky textured 4a/b, hair but secretly I wish I was 3b/3c.

I hate that my hair is thin.

I hate that my hair is shorter than I want it to be...like someone else said...hopefully that is temporary.

I wish that I could be more creative with my hairstyles.
I wish my hair were thicker and I hate the way my it grows in unevenly.....or breaks off in the same place, I dont know which one.
I hate shrinkage and I wish my hair were naturally silky and didn't require manipulation to get that way.
Thank you for this post. I am sooooo depressed about my hair but I am trying to relax because stress makes your hair fall out more. Here's my problem: I've been working on my regimine that includes CW's, Alma, Castor & Olive Oil, MTG, vitamins, MSM and blah, blah, blah. I did a big cut in February to shoulder length because I had so much breakage. Well.... the hair on my right side is growing back beautifully, glossy and and even. About two inches from APL (my normal is around there). HOWEVER, the left side of my hair - probably more than 1/2 of it in different places is one to two inches long. I am not exagerating at all. I will not cut my hair to a really short style because I think I would have to stay in my house until it grew back. Everything I'm doing is helping and I've noticed the difference in my growth rate however, I'm getting scared that I'm going to keep losing hair before the one-two inch hair can catch up. I'm petrified. :perplexed
dlewis said:
I love my hair, but I wish that I could wake up in the morning and have waist length hair.
Me too, I'm totally lovin' my hair right now. :love: I think it came with the acceptance that I'm probably going to have to eventually remove half of it. :ohwell: :D