What do you Hate about your hair?

Pokahontas said:
I wish my hair were thicker and I hate the way my it grows in unevenly.....or breaks off in the same place, I dont know which one.

I hope to have a ponytail like yours in the near future.

I don't "Hate" my hair, but would love for it to be a little thicker, and darker. I also wish my hair had the power to be any length or texture I chose at the blink of an eye (w/o extentions), LOL, that would be the best.
I wish my hair wasn't so dry when I airdry. No amt of moisturizer will help - in a few hours it goes right back to being dry. I have no choice but to flat iron in order to maintain moisture.
Im also starting to love my hair since join LHCF but the things that I dislike about my hair is my lack of hair in at nape and how thin my hair is. But I know that in a matter of time these things will be the things that I LOVE the most about my Hair!!!