What do you do with your hair when you sleep at night?

What do you do with your hair before you go to sleep at night?

  • Just throw on sleep bonnet/scarf and go to sleep

    Votes: 148 30.3%
  • Wrap hair before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 96 19.7%
  • Braid hair before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 62 12.7%
  • Bun hair before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 52 10.7%
  • I pin up my hair with bobby pins, etc...before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 55 11.3%
  • I just sleep/I don't do anything to my hair

    Votes: 33 6.8%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 42 8.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Right now am on the bagging challenge. I baggy my ends as if I am doing a ponytail and pin the baggy up with a clip. My hair is weak right now so this seems to be working for me rather than putting it in a ponytail holder. I put on a silk scarf and a satin bonnet on top of that.
I usually Baggy prior to retiring for the night. I remove the baggy and if I am baggying w/a creamy based moisturizer, I will seal with EVCO. If I am baggying with just EVCO, I will remove Baggy and tie down w/Satin or Silk Scarf.:sleeping:
I'm really bad at not wrapping my hair altely. I haven't been doing ANYTHING to my hair lately. I put my hair in a ponytail and lie down. I really need to stop doing this though. I had so many broken hairs the other day, I think my hair is getting really dry from teh abuse.

When my hair was in tip top shape I was moisturizing with Olive Oil in the jar and sealing olive oil and sleepin
I've just moisturized and put in a bun before wrapping a scarf around it. Sometimes I used AOHR to moisturize it and it was really most in the morning!


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I use a silk cap over a plastic cap after moisturizing nightly. (baggy method) Sometimes I will braid about 4 sections, thats when I am not being totally lazy. I always take down my bun when sleeping.​
The only thing I do is moisturize my hair and put a shower cap over my hair to baggie it. Very easy and simple and it works wonders for retaining my length!!!!!
i moisturize, seal, put in a ponytail, put a roller on the end, baggy and throw on the satin scarf. no trims needed here!
Moisturize, apply oil mixture if needed to my scalp, seal the ends with castor, tea tree and avocado oils. I switch up my nighttime do to whichever way I am feeling. I get paranoid about breakage when staying with the same method :look: each night, so I either wrap it, pony it, braid it or pin curl it and throw my satin scarf on.
I moisturize and braid my hair. After, I seal with shea butter, clip my braids up, and put on my scarf.

Doesn't that leave your hair wavy?

i seperate my hair and apply cantu shea butter to each section. then i tiwst each section. after Im done twisitng, Ill apply more product to my ends after the hair is twisted. not a lot but just enough to where my hair feels damp. i put a scarf on but its off my the next morning

How do you hold the twists? My head ends up looking like a hair pin festival. :wallbash:
I do several things.

1. I rarely wrap my hair but I have done it a few times.
2. I put my hair in 2-3 ponytails. I section each ponytail in 2-3 parts and "anchor" them, securing the ends with clips.
3. I sometimes "anchor" my whole head.
4. I sometimes pincurl my whole head.
I spray my hair with whatever moisturizer I'm currently trying out, put it in a single braid and then throw on a steam/shower cap (cuz I don't want grease spots on my pillow).

My hair is inherently DRY, I swear, so it's just barely moist in the morning :ohwell:.
Since I'm 7 weeks post relaxer and there's a fro up there I moisturize and braid my hair into 6 sections.

When my relaxer is still fresh I mosturize my ends and cross wrap.
I always wear my satin scarf.
If I'm wearing it straight, I wrap. or clip it then put on my silk scarf and bonnet. If its curly I put in flat twists, then scarf and bonnet:yep:
I moisturize my ends and seal with castor oil. Then I put my hair in a low ponytail and braid the remaining hair. Lastly, I put on my satin bonnet.
I've been an avid "wrapper" for years but I think it's taken a toll on my edges....Right now I'm under the dryer with a roller set, if I can stay up long enough, I'll try the pin curls.
I moisturize with NTM Leave-In Moisturizer and seal with Alma oil or castor oil and tie my hair down with a satin scarf. Sometimes when I want to wear a texturized style, I just saturate my hair with a liquid leave-in, seal with oil and wear a plastic cap with a silk scarf wrapped around to edges to avoid leakage.
I moisturize (A LOT - my hair eats product) and seal, put my hair into two buns (making sure ends have extra product and are tucked away), and cover with TWO scarves and then put a satin bonnet on top of them both.

I haven't gotten around to buying satin pillow cases and I have a severe breakage spot on the back of my head that I'm super paranoid about, which is why I put on the extra coverings!
i usually braid it or 2 strand twist it (wet or damp depending on the day) and wear my silk scarf. If I cant find my scarf I have a silk bonnet

lately I've been puting the Cantu leave in during the day and sealing with castor oil at night.
I actually just twist my hair into giant twists; spritz with coconut oil and spring water spritz; wrap on a silk scarf, and go to sleep. By the morning, my ends are protected and soft. :)
I'm so in the wrong but most nights i sleep without anything on my head. AI be too tired and sad hting is my scarves are like all over my room easy to find. :(
how long is everyone's hair before they could do the pineapple or the mini version of it? Does your hair end up not laying down near the nape?

Anyways if it's an out style I braid/twist it in big fat pieces tie a scarf then my bonnet. If it's a braid or twists I band or clip it down the length if I don't I end up looking like Medusa.

With buns I just undo it then treat it as an outstyle. I'm too paranoid to leave the pins/hair ties in.

For straight hair which I only had once since being natural I just tossed it in my bonnets sans scarf since I seem to have forgotten how to wrap and even relaxed I sucked at it. I may try pincurling next time...
Wash and Go went with the summer so a bit of afrodetangler/oil roller set and sleep.

ETA: With W&G it was high ponytail (pineapple), baggie moisturized and sealed ends, tie with satin scarf.
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