What do you do with your hair when you sleep at night?

What do you do with your hair before you go to sleep at night?

  • Just throw on sleep bonnet/scarf and go to sleep

    Votes: 148 30.3%
  • Wrap hair before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 96 19.7%
  • Braid hair before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 62 12.7%
  • Bun hair before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 52 10.7%
  • I pin up my hair with bobby pins, etc...before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 55 11.3%
  • I just sleep/I don't do anything to my hair

    Votes: 33 6.8%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 42 8.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Always: Wrap, tuck ends under, braid, and wear satin scarf to bed.
Sometimes: Apply oils, moisturizer to scalp and ends, massage.
Never: Go to bed with a wet head.
Ladies, I have followed your suggestions (or rather copied some of your routines :grin:) and I'm happy to say I notice a postive difference. My ends are retaining more moisture and my hair has more volume and movement througout the day. I'm so happy to be apart of a forum with women who have such good hair habits :).
Now that my hair is a little bit longer, I try and keep the tangles away by moisturizing, sealing, braiding into about 8-10 chunks, and baggying under a satin bonnet. Sounds like a lot, but it only takes about 15 min, and I'm pretty much guaranteed soft second day hair the next morning:grin:
I moisturize and seal. Then I pincurl my hair. It's easy to sleep on and gives me a great style in the morning. If I don't pincurl I'll either wrap, do bantu knots or just put on a scarf.
I'm doing the baggie method so everynight I put my hair into a ponytail and saturate my ends with Blue Magic hair grease and coconut oil. I put on the baggie, throw on a wrap satin scarf (it's a scarf with two longs satin pieces). Then I'm off to bed. :sleeping:
No. I guess tangled isn't the best word. It's more like my ends aren't retaining the moisture that I put on them before I go to bed. When I wake up the next morning my ends have been feeling dry lately.

I am continually assessing my hair for moisture. Sometimes I need to baggy for a couple of nights when my ends are feeling especially dry.
I have done all of there from time to time and still do. If it is flat ironed I may wrap, pin--up or just put on a scarf and bonnet. Curly-a bun, scarf, bonnet or a braid.
Moisturise, Seal, Big braids and silk scarf. My friends who don't do this regardless of relaxed or natural tell me that they suffer from hair breakage on one side of their head than the other (wild sleeping) or that their hair is not very moisturised in the morning. I tried to do the sleeping on a silk/satin pillow case without the silk/satin scarf and I hate that because the products get all over my skin which causes breakouts. So, I just stick to the method mentioned above.

Almond Eyes
I use 2 satin doo rags. (They aren't actually doo rags but they look a whole lot like them) One for the front, and then I put the back on rollers and tie that up with a 2nd doo rag.
I don't sleep (JK). I voted other. I tie hair loosely in 2 pony puffs with a knit scrunchi, put a silk scar or headband around my hairline, and sleep in a silk pillowcase. I never sleep with it loose -- recipe for breakage.
-Apply Shea Butter to ends
-Throw on my sexy satin cap (my DH goes crazy for it!!!, lol)
-Sleep on a satin pillow case- just for good measure :D

Fluff and go in the a.m.
Now that the weather has gotten cooler and I have stopped the wng's, I have been moisturising (Anita Grant Creamy Cafe Latte ), then two strand twists, then put on my satin cap.

This has also helped with tangles now that my hair is getting longer. With my texture it tangles more, mainly in the top. My hair is getting more moisture doing it this way too. Before, I was moisturising in the morning, and my hair was dry by the end of the day, now I only have to add more maybe every two days. Depends on how heavy handed I am with the product. I think I wasn't getting the moisture all the way through my hair like I should.
Oooo! good post. I was just thinking about posting my nightly routine.

Okay I part my hair in two section but with the part on the side in the front.

I take each section and using my old WildGrowth Oil bottle filled with MegaTek, ORS Shea Butter Softening creme, Silk Amino Acid and Boundless Tressess, I oil my scalp.

Then I vigorously scratch and massage my scalp on each side until it's hot and tingling.

I go back over each side with more plain Shea Butter Softening Creme, put Castor oil on my nape, go over each section with CHI SAA, and finally Soft Sheen Carson creme dressing.

Then I take the ends of each section and coat with VCO.

I twist each side and make a really big pin curl.

Then on comes the silk scarf.

When I wake up in the morning after I take my shower, I finger comb each side and it looks like I've had an expensive roller set. Well that's if I wear it down. Most days I just wear my two big pin curls.

My ends have GREATLY improved since doing this. Even moreso than when I was doing it in braids or plaits at night.

Oh and let me add, even with all that it's not oily when I take it down. My hair drinks in moisture and oil.
Tie it up in my scarf/bonnet, go to sleep. I don't manipulate my hair during the week at all, only on wash day. The most I might do is spray my aloe vera juice/glycerin mixture and seal. Other than that, nothing.
I sleep with my bonnet but it always comes off. My hair is a mess. Maybe tommorrow I'll go by a satin wrap thing because with the bonnet, my hair slips out of it and gets all over my head. My wraps NEVER come out right because of it
-Apply Shea Butter to ends
-Throw on my sexy satin cap (my DH goes crazy for it!!!, lol)
-Sleep on a satin pillow case- just for good measure :D

Fluff and go in the a.m.

I apply Shea Butter to my ends, too. Makes them really soft and hydrated in the morning :yep:.