How do you "sleep" with your hair?

If you dont want to wrap it, use the satin pillow case. I sleep in a silk bonnet and I use the satin pillow case. But either way, the DH knows what goes into keeping up the hair. He will even say, "Babe, do you want me to get your hat before I get in the bed."

Yeah girl, teach him! :giggle:
Gosh I love this board!

Thanks to everyone for all the advice. I need to get some of those silk headbands and a pillowcase. My bf gets the shower cap, flat iron, special products and treatments (he was all excited to use some Motions cause it was a "Black hair product") but he doesn't like hair scarves.

I do want to look sexy at night but it's not worth looking a hot mess in the morning. Late last night he goes "Can you put it on later?" I obliged, then fell asleep, woke up looking a hot mess.

I'm also wondering if those doing one bantu knot or ball--do you get breakage??
This is why it's sometimes nice to be single... I can go to bed looking any dang way I please and don't have to hear anyone's mouth about it!! :laugh:
I tie my head up every night with a satin du-rag, for protection. But I do try to make the look a little more feminine by tying a cute lil bow in the front, and wearing it real low to cover up my ears!!lol I also switch up my colors of my du-rags, to keep it interesting. It really doesn't matter, because it slips off most nights, especially when...
this is one of the main reasons that I tie my hair up at night. My face is acne prone and the oils/products for my hair do not mix with my face at all. so even if I used a satin pillow case, I still have to keep my hair away from my face. If I can avoid my face looking jacked up; that's important too!!!
I am single right now so I don't have to worry PTL. But I know my Dad hates it when my mother sleeps with a hair tie and then hates when she has it on her hair in the morning. He also hates when she sleeps without her hair tie and wakes up with hair sticking up all over the place. Sometimes I think having a shaved hair like my sister resolves all these issues. I have been tying my hair up at night since I was a small kid and I can't sleep without one. Luckily, I do have what is called 'good face' for head wraps and scarves.

Almond Eyes
Lately I haven't been doing right by my hair on the wrap thing. I used to DC overnight with a baggy and scarf. Lately I've been leaving it in the band you see in my siggy and tucking the ends in. I will begin my overnight DC's again because I do see and feel a difference in the softness I had when it soaked in coconut milk and honey all night.
My bf came over once by surprise (damn that spare key!) and saw me doing a deep condition with a baggie on my head, oatmeal mask on my face, and a tub of Haagen Daz Tiramisu in my hand. He wasn't shocked at all...but sleeping with a silk scarf? He said "not sexy"...
^^^ In a wig?!!!! does't it feel funny and come off???

No, I wear wigs with combs... and no matter how I sleep, my SO will come in, go to bed and rearrange me for spooning. I am in the same 2 positions all night and when I move he moves... just like that... so being kept still in my sleep helps.