What do you do with your hair when you sleep at night?

What do you do with your hair before you go to sleep at night?

  • Just throw on sleep bonnet/scarf and go to sleep

    Votes: 148 30.3%
  • Wrap hair before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 96 19.7%
  • Braid hair before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 62 12.7%
  • Bun hair before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 52 10.7%
  • I pin up my hair with bobby pins, etc...before wearing bonnet/scarf

    Votes: 55 11.3%
  • I just sleep/I don't do anything to my hair

    Votes: 33 6.8%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 42 8.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I pretty much just put a silk scarf over my head and go to bed, but I notice that when I wake up my ends get somewhat tangled and I think the way I wear my hair to sleep is the cause of it. So this leads me to ask you what you do with your hair when you sleep.
I moisturize and braid my hair. After, I seal with shea butter, clip my braids up, and put on my scarf.

Sounds good. I suck at braiding, but I guess they don't have to be neat. I just need to do something so that my ends stay moisturized. I have shea butter so I may try what you do. Thank you :).
I just moisturize, seal with oil and put on a satin bonnet.

Do you wrap your hair? If not that could be why your hair gets tangled.
I just moisturize, seal with oil and put on a satin bonnet.

Do you wrap your hair? If not that could be why your hair gets tangled.

No. I guess tangled isn't the best word. It's more like my ends aren't retaining the moisture that I put on them before I go to bed. When I wake up the next morning my ends have been feeling dry lately.
i seperate my hair and apply cantu shea butter to each section. then i tiwst each section. after Im done twisitng, Ill apply more product to my ends after the hair is twisted. not a lot but just enough to where my hair feels damp. i put a scarf on but its off my the next morning
I voted other because I have to add that I apply growth aids and moisturize and then I'll cornrow or plait my hair before I put on satin bonnet.
I usually just put my hair in a bun and put a scarf over it. That way I can just take the scarf off in the morning and go straight to work.
I'm liking a lot of the tips I'm hearing. I don't think I'll just throw my scarf on my head before I go to bed anymore. I'll either make sure to twist, braid, or bun my hair before hand. I actually just got finished braiding my hair into three braids, then I pinned them up to my head and scarved it. Hopefully my ends will retain some moisture in the morning. I'll let everyone know how it turned out :).
Moisturize (if needed) then pin curl with bobby pins (ends tucked under and not touching pin) or braid and tucked under. Then cover with silk scarf.
I'm liking a lot of the tips I'm hearing. I don't think I'll just throw my scarf on my head before I go to bed anymore. I'll either make sure to twist, braid, or bun my hair before hand. I actually just got finished braiding my hair into three braids, then I pinned them up to my head and scarved it. Hopefully my ends will retain some moisture in the morning. I'll let everyone know how it turned out :).
I think this method is indeed better. before I started seperating my hair and applying mosturizer, i would apply product all at one time as if I was putting my hair in a ponytail . So mainly the outside perimeter of my hair was being mosturized but not the crown and middle area..which is actually the shortest and driest part of my hair. now that I do it in sections, all parts of the hair are being properly moisturized. and my hair feels very moist in the morning.
It really depends on the style I'm in at the time. If it's in small twists, just cover it and go to sleep. If it's loose, I usually twist up into big twists, cover it, and go to sleep. The main reason I cover my hair is not for breakage or moisture or whatever, but to keep lint and stuff out of it.
Moisturize (if needed) then pin curl with bobby pins (ends tucked under and not touching pin) or braid and tucked under. Then cover with silk scarf.

I kindof did this. I braided my hair and then pinned up each braid as if it were a pin curl. You ladies give great advice. Definitely not going to neglect my ends anymore when I scarf up my hair.
I think this method is indeed better. before I started seperating my hair and applying mosturizer, i would apply product all at one time as if I was putting my hair in a ponytail . So mainly the outside perimeter of my hair was being mosturized but not the crown and middle area..which is actually the shortest and driest part of my hair. now that I do it in sections, all parts of the hair are being properly moisturized. and my hair feels very moist in the morning.

Thank you. I guess we had to learn the hard way huh? lol.
If I wore my hair out in the day, I plait it then put on a plastic cap or Saran wrap or a plastic bag and go to bed. If my hair is already in plaits or twists, which is usually the norm, I put on my baggy and go to bed. Simple night regimen.
i seperate my hair and apply cantu shea butter to each section. then i tiwst each section. after Im done twisitng, Ill apply more product to my ends after the hair is twisted. not a lot but just enough to where my hair feels damp. i put a scarf on but its off my the next morning
When you twist your hair at night, what do you use to "seal" the ends so that it doesn't untwist?
I moisturize my hair in sections, braid it up then put on a scarf or bonnet.
When you twist your hair at night, what do you use to "seal" the ends so that it doesn't untwist?
the ends are too thick to stay twisted but because my hair is so curly it stays clinged together so to speak so it only unravels a little bit. Normally i do nothing about it. but when i want them to stay completely twisted I use a bobby pin and pin the ends up. it works
Usually my hair is simply braided or twisted with a scarf on top, but last night I coated my braids with a little bit of castor oil and I really liked the feeling of my hair so I'm going to try that out for a while and see how that turns out
I moisturize and put on a silk scarf. I usually just put it in a scrunchie but this week I have been wrapping it.
I moisturize and wrap if I'm wearing it straight or put it in a ponytail with a roller on the end. Then I put on a scarf. During the spring/summer, I would braid it up a couple of nights a week for braidouts.
Moisturize & seal, then I do one of the following: Pin curl, satin rollers, wrap, or braid. The easiest is wrapping but towards the end of my long stretches, I can no longer wrap my hair. :nono:
I moisturize with a regular conditioner that I put on dry hair as a leave-in, just a small amount, then cover with a regular moisturizer. Then I loosely bun and secure with good days hair pins. I tried braiding for a while but that pulled at my nape too much, so I went back to bunning, but I changed how I did the bun so my hair didn't get so tangly. Now I have no more problems. Oh...I cover with a satin scarf and then top with a satin bonnet.
I always moisturize and seal with coconut oil and tie it up in a scarf.
I sleep on a satin pillow too because I'm an active sleeper. That way the scarf don't slide off.
I always moisturize and seal with coconut oil and tie it up in a scarf.
I sleep on a satin pillow too because I'm an active sleeper. That way the scarf don't slide off.

I double up, too. Sometimes that satin bonnet doesn't stay on... and I sleep "wild" so I sleep on a satin pillowcase just in case.

It's so terrible to half wake up at 3:43 am and realize your bonnet is god-only-knows-where and your hair has been rubbed all over that rough cotton for ages. :nono: And then be too exhausted to look for the stupid thing. :swearing: So that's why I double up.