What Do You Do When You Lose Motivation?

Have any of you guys ever felt that you can no longer put anymore energy into your hair's journey for maximum growth and health?

Like the process of taking care of your hair takes way too long and too costly? I am feeling that way now. I really feel like not even caring anymore, i have little to no motivation left for this journey. (I dunno maybe it has been my recent setbacks. :() If any of your guys have ever felt that way- what did you do?
I come LHCF for inspiration, it IS possible,J. It shouldn’t be too costly though, in my case my hair grows a lot better when I am the only one doing it, and buying more products doesn’t add up to the same amount I was paying someone else to pull my hair out.
Just think about the progress you have made, and if it’s not evident just think about the KNOWLAGE I am sure you have gained from reading posts so all you have left to do is put it into play and your ½ way there.

It takes TIME, and I can see how that might be discouraging you may want to put your hair under a longer wig and just keep it braided and only mess with it on wash day, this way you get to feel like it’s the way you want it while taking care of it, and if anything will help your hair to grow its low manipulation.

Hope this helps.
My suggestion would be to put it up in a no/low maitanance style like braids/wigs and forget about it for a while. This is just a phase it will pass. While its in a no/low maintenance style it will remain protected and healthy and you wont run the risk of getting too frustrated with it and chopping it all off like I usually do!
I agree with everyone above - there is a HUGE realm of difference between focusing heavily on your hair, and devoting time & energy to it - and just putting it up and keeping it nourished and moist - but not trying to rush growth - or hold onto every single milimeter of growth.

This might be a good time to find a protective style that you like, and only deal with your hair once a week to wash and condition, and use a easy peasy spray during the rest of the week to keep it a little moist - something as simple as heavily diluted conditioner (1 part conditioner to 10 parts water), and roll on.

I've been doing that (purposefully) for a few weeks now, and I've noticed I start to WANT To mess with my hair, and come up with new recipes, and new styles, etc, etc, after about a month.

*grins* you & your hair need some space, thas all - Enjoy Christmas and the New Years and don't fret about it for a while. *grins* One thing that hair WILL do - no matter what you do it - is GROW.
Everyone has made great points. You may also want to take up wearing beautiful hats..thats my new venture. You'd be suprised with the different contrasts.

I also look at Ambitious, Sylver2, JLove, Melodee, Ekomba fotki for inspiration...all loved for different reasons..

Hope this helps
I also agree with everybody. I think you may just need to be so focused on your hair. You still take care of it but stop watching constantly for growth.
My suggestion would be to forget about all of the challenges and product junkie stuff and just take care of your hair. stick it back in a protective style for a month or 2. Keep it a priority but not something that rules your life...or your paycheck
My advice to you is to do what I did, make it as painfree and easy as possible. When I started out I felt like I had to have a million products and I read a lot of info and wanted to try EVERYTHING I read, doing that made me realize it was just too much, so I decided one day that I would simplify what I was doing with my hair and see how that worked, and it changed EVERYTHING. I washed and deep conditioned twice a week and put my hair in a bun and FORGOT about it until it was time to wash again. I realized then that I only needed 3-4 really good products (shampoo, conditioner, oil, and a moisturizer) and patience. Simplicity is key.
I felt this way and got some braids thrown in to help me out. Maybe my hair and I both just need the break.
nappywomyn said:
I agree with everyone above - there is a HUGE realm of difference between focusing heavily on your hair, and devoting time & energy to it - and just putting it up and keeping it nourished and moist - but not trying to rush growth - or hold onto every single milimeter of growth.

This might be a good time to find a protective style that you like, and only deal with your hair once a week to wash and condition, and use a easy peasy spray during the rest of the week to keep it a little moist - something as simple as heavily diluted conditioner (1 part conditioner to 10 parts water), and roll on.

I've been doing that (purposefully) for a few weeks now, and I've noticed I start to WANT To mess with my hair, and come up with new recipes, and new styles, etc, etc, after about a month.

*grins* you & your hair need some space, thas all - Enjoy Christmas and the New Years and don't fret about it for a while. *grins* One thing that hair WILL do - no matter what you do it - is GROW.

I think you are definetly right- me and my hair need some space. I can't bear to look at the knots and splits any longer. I just wanna hide it and forget about it for awhile, thanx for the great advice!
Thank you everyone who responded-and not only did you guys show me your support but you guys gave me detailed ways I should approach this situation. Thanks SO MUCH! :) I will not give up but rather rest awhile and see how my hair turns out...God Bless!
i feel like that sometimes but then i picture people's reactions to my butt-length hair (Ok i'm only going for midback) and that usually motivates me to keep going. Looking at past pictures also help.
Maybe you do too much? I feel that my journey has led me to do less and less, a more simplified routine than I ever had before.

I use only drug store products and I never go to the hair dresser, so I estimate that I spend less on my hair than most women in the Western world :D

I wash and condition once or twice a week and moisturize daily, that's it. No tedious roller sets or back breaking flat ironing sessions LOL But of course I like my natural look and it's okay with fly aways and frizz for me.

Braids was a very good suggestion, maybe that will keep the hassle away for a while? Don't give up! :)
I look into my regimen and chose a staple like my multivitamin, commit to it and forget everything else. I was tired of moisturizing every day. It took an hour to finish my hair before going to bed with all the stuff I have to apply. then i would go to work and i have to watch my neck because the mtg might be running down. so i committed to mtg once a week, saturday nights or sunday night only. I wash on friday nights so i have good smelling hair to party with for the weekend and so on. I throw out extra products and stick to a simple regimen.

I take my hair vitamins at work but thats only 2. taking too many stuff cause additional stress because i worry if they are stressing my kidneys etc. so no matter what new product is suggested I stick to my simple regimen.
Braid it (using C&G of course). By the time I'm fed up for whatever reason it's time to braid it again (every 2months). By the time I'm sick of the braids and miss my hair, it's time to take them out.

I slack on the vitamins and stuff every once in a while. When I do, I can see the difference in my hair and that usually motivates me to go back.
I am in this phase as well. My new forget about it routine, is 1 step a day, 6 days a week. That is slather conditioner on dry hair, smooth back, wipe excess with dry towel, bun and go. I thought I might loose hair, due to increased porosity, but I didnt, and I was surprised, my hair was baby soft after a week, of nothing but conditioner/no-rinsing/slather-n-go. My hair has never been conditioned as good, and this was with the cheapy conditioner, suave, HA! It gave me and my hair a rest. Now i am back to my routine, until i get tired again. BTW, I didnt lose any hair:).
When I started my hair journey, I decided to make my goal for beautiful, healthy hair rather than for growth or a particular length. I make sure I keep my regimen as simple as I can. I am continuously open to new hair care techniques and I share my successes with the ladies here.

These things have kept my hair journey totally fun and I'm always motivated to care for my hair. I also love feeling and looking my best every day--from head to toe, inside and out.