Are you happy with the length you have?

I am!

I appreciate the fact that I can get all of my hair into a nice, large egg-sized bun at the top and back of my head since I couldn't do this just a few months ago. I also feel that if I keep treating my hair well and using the current regimen I have, my hair will be MBL before I know it!
I am happy....of course I want more, but it has been a good ride for the past two years. I just posted pics of my fro(Roxy) as a newborn, now 2 years later she is getting to be a big girl...
I have my days, I keep thinking if I didn't cut last Dec, I'd be mbl or more now, but I cut 6" into a sl bob and am still sl. I didn't realize it would take so long to get back to even apl. Idk what's wrong, but I have to keep on keeping on and not cry over cut hair, it's gone :-(
I guess. I know it could be a lot longer but I've been snipping and mini chopping for almost a year. I know I'll be happier when the front of my hair is arm pit length as well.
What is the correct way you mention?

I stopped wrapping my hair. I found out my hair does like to be wrapped because its easier to maintain the next morning BUT at the same time it was good health wise because my ends would snap off and my hair would break off. I do notice my hair being alot thicker.
While I'm happy with the overall health and appearance of my hair, I am getting frustrated with my retention rate. I recently had a touch up, and I ended up losing about an inch and a half of hair, taking me from just APL back to a little past shoulder length due to a MAJOR tangle I had to cut out of my hair just before I went to the salon -- a process I have been repeating every six months or so for the last year. :nono:

I am hoping and praying that these stupid (and unnecessary!) set backs will stop long enough for me to make some real progress during the rest of this year.

when u say touch up u mean relaxing right. uggghh i get nervous doing relaxers for that exact reason
Not quite. Right now I'm BSL. After I gain a few inches & reach MBL, I'll stop and maintain that length. At that point... I'll be content.

The only reason I'm stopping at MBL is because taking care of long hair is hard! Detangling alone can trigger temporary dementia.

If long hair wasn't such a pain in the @$$ to maintain... I'd go for LBL (lower booty length) :grin: Now THAT would make me happy :lol:

Sent from my iPhone 4 using LHCF
I know my hair is growing. I started this business in Feburary of 2009. I was ear length, particularly in the back... a little longer in the front.

I relaxed again in April 2009 (I was in a relaxer-heavy environment; I think if I'd been on LHCF then, i would NOT have relaxed then.

I then transitioned until September 2010. When I cut off a few scraggly inches of relaxed ends that I had been hanging on to like Gollum to the precious.

Now, August 2011, I am full shoulder length. BUT I WANT FULL APL! I don't want a lot more hair than that because it will just get difficult to manage (for me!) But APL would be PERFECT... when on WHEN will I get there????
I then transitioned until September 2010. When I cut off a few scraggly inches of relaxed ends that I had been hanging on to like Gollum to the precious.

I'm grateful for my hair being as soft and manageable as it's been since I've settled into my current reg and learned what it loves... and I can tell that it's growing! But, unstretched, it's SL and stretched is a little below SL... Depending whether the humidity has put it in reverse or no. I miss my "swang" when it was BSL and damn it, I want MORE! I need Paolo Malo Hair! (Steelers hair phenomenon... And yes he's cute too!) lol
Yep! :yep: I'm still a work-in-progress but at this point I'm surprised my hair is is as long as it is. I transitioned for 20 months and chopped the relaxed ends back in March '11. Then I proceeded to cut another 1.5 inches a month later, leaving me about and inch away from APL. I also got my hair colored (read: BLEACH! :blush:) in June and I'm happy to report that not only do I still have hair :lachen:but I am about 2 inches from BSL (hoping to get there before the year is out). My ultimate goal is waist length but I have a feeling that won't be enough....
I have no patience. I want waist length and I want it NOW! I guess I shouldn't complain... I went from shoulder to BSL pretty quickly.... but, I still want it now. LOL

I knooowwwww. For me, it's hip length or bust. No...make that tailbone length. I really want TBL hair, but I'd be happy with HL..........I think :look:. You know what? Just call it an even classic length- that way should I ever decide to go shorter, I'd have amazing blunt ends. But right now, I'll be happy to make it to WL by December :spinning:
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I'm happy w/ the length I achieved so far b/c it has been a bumpy road. My goal when I first came here was bsb which I am in the back. Now my goal is to be mbl or possibly wsl but I want to reach mbl before I do my blunt cut. What help me to achieve my first goal was to stop thinking about length. Once I stopped that and hit my hair w/ wigs/weaves I was pleasantly shocked when I straighten a piece of my hair and realized I was at my goal.
I am happy with (and grateful for) the current length of my hair.

My final goal is full/U-shaped WL. My hair is pretty close to the same length, all around, and reaches about an inch away from WL. I have about 1-1/2" of thin ends (lead hairs?) that I'm trying hard not to trim until year end. My plan is to gain at least 2 inches by December (surely I can do that!) which would put me past WL, and then trim back to my WL goal.

Then I will be very happy...are you listening to me, hair?!
I am VERY happy with the length I have (BSL) :) It took patience and dedicated consistency to get here! Before finding this board (and even in the beginning of my HHJ) I didn't know I could have hair longer than CBL!

But now that I know I can do it, I'm not stopping until MBL-WL!

The only reason I'm stopping at MBL is because taking care of long hair is hard! Detangling alone can trigger temporary dementia.

Yes. It. Can. I can't go longer than a week without detangling or ELSE :nono:
With my recent hair discoveries..I'm happy I still have hair on my effin head period.. I stopped caring about length a while ago.. it will come in due time...
Nope. I wanna have waist length or longer hair. I've never met a BW with hair that long & I want to be the first one I know!

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I am content with my current length. Once I pass MBL I will be happy. Anything further is icing on the cake

This is how I feel. I'm content with my full APL but I'll be really happy when I reach MBL and beyond.

Sent from TopNotch1010's iPhone using LHCF
I am because it's longer than when I cut it.
I want loooonnnngggg hair so I'll still be happy and all the more grateful when I'm a lil past my desired length.
Nope. Growing out natural hair has been especially difficult for me. I've been stuck at APL for nearly 2 yrs bc of dryness, SSKs, etc. Yet my growth is at and above average.

I'm going on a big moisture, straightening, DIY campaign and hoping to make MBL + in 2012.

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