What do with your ends...? (4a/4b hair types)


New Member
What do with your ends as they grow out as far as do you cut your hair so you have a blunt cut, cut when the ends become see thru, trim only when necessary (i.e. damaged, split ends), let your ends be?

Then if you use baggy technique what has been your experience? Good? Bad? Mixed?

What have you done to grow out your nape area? What about areas experience breakage or broke off?

Below are pictures of my sister's hair since she wanted me to post under my account cuz she doesn't have one yet. 1st pic was taken Dec 07 after she trimmed off thin ends. Second is a current (5.5.08) back shot of her hair now. The last two pics are her trouble areas taken 5/5/08. Any advice? If so you can post your answers & products that you use here or on her personal fotki at www.fotki.com/heaven21 pswd Juju0827.

She is currently using Elasta QP Lye Relaxer & Elasta product line she previously used Mizani Butterblend Lye Relaxer & product line. Her current regiment is to wash every 2 wks, deep condition every week, moisturize daily w/Vatika oil, baggie method at night, relaxer stretches 14 weeks, clarify once a month, and protective styles as much as possible only blowing out hair 2x a month.





I don't think Vatika Oil is a moisturizer. I don't think oil is moisturizing per se. I think people use oil as a sealant or to baggy ends or to mix in pre-poo.

If her ends are dry, they're going to continue to get worst. She might want to try a real moisturizer.

And why does she wash every other week? Does she co-wash in between at least?

As for the ends, my old beautician used to chop them off as it grew out. She'd chop, chop, chop.

And for the nape, she should make sure to keep it moisturized. She should apply relaxer to that area LAST, or she should only relax that area, every other relaxer. And if possible, in between washes, she could try keeping the nape hair in one cornroll going across.
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I agree. ^^^^ Oils do not moisturize. She may need to substitute that with a leave-in conditioner and then use the oil to seal and lock in the moisture. Also, I had a jacked up nape, and cornrowed it for a long time...and it has recovered nicely.

Also, if she is protective styling, be careful not to put too much stress with bands, scrunchies, etc... Change up the positioning of buns or the direction of your parts, and the knots of your nightly scarves.

If the ends are healthy, let them be and catch up, and you can even out gradually or when you acheive a certain length. As long as they are not split or damaged, leave them be for now. However, if they look horrid and stringy when you style, then even them out. Health trumps length, especially in the early stages.
Her ends aren't damage or splitting, I just notice that she put a lot of tension on her with ponytails especially when she wears it in the same position for a few days.

She was every other week b/c her hair is fine 4a/b texture and she doesn't want it to break from the manipulation. But I will suggest to her to try co-washing in between to see if that helps her hair condition

Thanks for the post so far. I will definately tell her to cornrow the nape as an option, and getting a REAL moisturizer and sealing it with Vatika oil.

Keep the replies & suggestions coming
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What do with your ends as they grow out as far as do you cut your hair so you have a blunt cut, cut when the ends become see thru, trim only when necessary (i.e. damaged, split ends), let your ends be?

Then if you use baggy technique what has been your experience? Good? Bad? Mixed?

What have you done to grow out your nape area? What about areas experience breakage or broke off?

Below are pictures of my sister's hair since she wanted me to post under my account cuz she doesn't have one yet. 1st pic was taken Dec 07 after she trimmed off thin ends. Second is a current (5.5.08) back shot of her hair now. The last two pics are her trouble areas taken 5/5/08. Any advice? If so you can post your answers & products that you use here or on her personal fotki at www.fotki.com/heaven21 pswd Juju0827.

She is currently using Elasta QP Lye Relaxer & Elasta product line she previously used Mizani Butterblend Lye Relaxer & product line. Her current regiment is to wash every 2 wks, deep condition every week, moisturize daily w/Vatika oil, baggie method at night, relaxer stretches 14 weeks, clarify once a month, and protective styles as much as possible only blowing out hair 2x a month.






Let's see my ends are naturally blunt. I trim my ends every other touch up so that's every 6 months. I trim minor, nothing major:nono: but since I baggy my ends are in excellent condition. For me baggying has allowed my ends to retain moisture more. I don't really know what to say other than baggying is the best thing that ever happened to my ends:yep:

For your sister's trouble areas I would advice her to perm that area last and to moisturize that area more. Her current regimen sounds good to me but when she deep condition every week, she need to incorporate a light protein treatment in there. Me, myself I alternate between a light protein treatment and a moisturizing conditioner weekly. Example: Week 1: DC with moisturizing conditioner Week 2: DC with light protein treatment. Make sure to tell your sister she need to atleast do a light/medium protein treatment every 6 months.