What do u have your masters in


New Member
What technique do u consider that u have mastered in your journey to accomplish longer healthier hair.
1.self relaxing
3.conditioning(protein or moisturizing)
4.protective styling
5.product selections
6.Deit including supplements
8.clippimg ends
8.Developing and sticking to a regime
10.Henna treatments
11.Hot oil treatments
14.Knowing exactly what you hair needs
16.Being gentle to your hair
If I left anything out please still list
1. Self relaxing
2. Patience when handling my hair.
3. Acknowledging that simplicity when addressing my hair keeps my hair healthier.
4. Importance of eating habits and daily supplements.
I know I've mastered the art of washing and conditioning and knowing what types of shampoos to use on my hair.
I can do nice strawsets. Pro at airdrying. Pro at scalp oiling (go figure). And best of all, I'm good with face styling (determining how to fix a style to flatter one's face and also what color is flattering with your complexion).
1.self relaxing
3.conditioning(protein or moisturizing)
4.protective styling
6.diet including supplements
16.Being gentle to your hair

**Surviving without heat!
Masters... I'd say I have in
1) braiding;
2) washing;
3) conditiong;
4) airdrying my own hair; and
5) being gentle with my hair.

I'm not quite there yet in the following but I am on internship...
1) Diet including supplements;
2) Product selection;
3) Hot oil treatments;
4) Clipping ends;
5) Knowing exactly what my hair needs; and
5) Developing and sticking to a regimen
Properly Handling My Hair / Being Gentle With It
Knowing What My Hair Needs (And When It Needs It)
This is afun thread!

I have mastered:

1. Giving myself a relaxer (it's nice not waking up with scabs and puss the next day)

2. Cutting my own ends( because every hairdresser seems to want to cut 2 inches of my hair, when I only want the ends "TRIMMED")

3. taking vitamins again

4. And last but not least ... It's work in progress ... Following a regimen and tending to my hair daily.

ballet bun ...
1. Shampooing & Conditioning
2. Hot Oil Treatments
3. Twist-outs
4. Air drying (this summer I'm working on my PhD in this...)

6. Color Touchups
1.self relaxing (I've got an Associates)
2.washing (PhD)
3.conditioning(protein or moisturizing) (PhD)
5.product selections (my Bachelors)
8.clippimg ends
9.Roller-setting (I've got an Associates)
15.Patience (my Bachelors)
16.Being gentle to your hair (my Bachelors)
Rollersetting-learned this summer and I have definitely mastered it (such a big accomplishment, lol)
Developing and sticking to a regime
moisturizing and protein treatments (protein has done wonders for my hair this year, i am so happy that I learned alot about it)
Being gentle

and drum roll-knowing exactly what my hair needs (BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT THIS YEAR)
Good thread! I have no degrees yet!

I'm actively mastering the basics this summer:

3.conditioning(protein or moisturizing)
4.protective styling
6.Diet including supplements
8.Developing and sticking to a regime
16.Being gentle to hair

I consult the board for these to save $$$:

14.Knowing exactly what hair needs
5.product selections & reviews

These are on hold indefinitely:

1.self relaxing (VERY intimidating prospect)
11.Hot oil treatments
8.clipping ends

I must say, if I could relax my own hair (like my mom does hers), I'd feel so free from NEEDing my stylist. One thing at a time.
mastered shampooing
mastered detangling
mastered flat ironing

still working on getting the conditioning (alternating btw proteins and moisturizings)
still working on clipping ends
still working on self relaxing timings
I'm actively mastering the basics this summer:

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too!

Although, I have mastered the art of being able to secretly read through LHCF threads at work, copy and paste desired material into my password protect files for future reference and printing, while still being productive!
Protective Styling
Gently handling my hair

Work in Progress:
Consistently taking vitamins until I reach my hair goal
Increasing patience
Permanent recovery from the sporadic PJ attacks

Thinking about pursuing:
Self-relaxing - I totally agree, Ballet Bun, it's not fun to wake up the next day with scabs or burns; my hat is off to all you ladies who successfully self-relax
1. Using less manipulation on my hair through protective styles....
2. Washing my hair more frequently...
3. Stretching my perms out a little longer.....
4. Adhering to my hair needs.....
Let's see:

1) Roller-setting (basic and spiral)
2) Shampooing/Conditioning
3) Twist-outs
4) Hot Oil Treatments
5) Giving my hair what it needs at the proper time
<font color="brown">MASTERED:
1. I can read a label and pretty much know if the product will agree with my hair.
2. Gentle washing and conditioning (Honors Graduate)
3. Rollersetting
4. Airdrying
5. Layering/mixing my conditioners to suit my needs (Honors Graduate).
6. Relaxing my daughter's hair

STILL IN TECH SCHOOL (but looking to graduate soon):
1. Self-relaxing

1. Cutting/Trimming

AngieK </font>
I've mastered how to choose and use products, but I'm still struggling with roller sets, and I get so tempted to reach for my curling iron (sad).