What Did You Do This Month To Honor Your Hair?

This month I honored my hair by getting a good trim which improved the overall appearance of my hair.

I also treated myself to some Boundless Tresses, I cannot wait to see the results of using it.

Also, I discovered my shampoo and conditioner staples. Products that are afforadble, readily available, and good for my hair. :)
Isis said:
I honored my hair this month by giving it extra moisture while I'm sleeping with the 3 Month Baggy Challenge.:)
ETA: That head massager looks interesting BlkOnyx488. :scratchch I've seen in at the health food store I go to.

:wave:Hi Isis,
I think I spotted one in Barnes and Noble about a month ago.
It was in the gift section.
Priestess said:
This month I honored my hair by getting a good trim which improved the overall appearance of my hair.

I also treated myself to some Boundless Tresses, I cannot wait to see the results of using it.

Also, I discovered my shampoo and conditioner staples. Products that are afforadble, readily available, and good for my hair. :)

Sounds like me, except my products are a somewhat pricey, but I'm more interested in natural shampoos and conditioners because even when my hair was at its worst, they did not take my hair out. :)
This is a great thread! You all are SERIOUS! :lol: I'm not as diligent as you all (not yet anyway ;)) but I've learned a lot during the short while that I've been here. For me, the positive things I've done to honor my hair are:

- Read LHCF for tips and tricks
- Purchase new products aimed at keeping my hair healthy and strong
- Take time to tend to my hair everyday (instead of just throwing it back into a ponytail and forgetting to moisturize)
A scalp scrub, followed by a henna/indigo gloss, then a deep conditioner.
My hair is in a twist-out that looks and feels really nice today.
**Wildchild, your hair is soooo pretty!!!! :love:

Someone said they wanted to try dominican products - love them!!! Especially the Silicon Mix Leave-in.
I've started doing nightly and morning massages. I've been using amla oil on my ends and some protein hair dressing that I found at the Indian Market on my scalp. I am back to hiding my hair and baggying. I am drinking my daily protein shakes.
To honor my hair I

- Bought some vitamins
- Started drinking more water
- Left it alone....
- Mixed up a CO-concoction that was DA SHIZNIT (i really need to learn how to measure instead of slapping dallops of whatever's around in there) I used Lekair's cholesterol, honey, evoo, coconut oil, a dash of amla, a spoon of castor oil, and a squirt of tender apple co. I used this after a Nexxus Emergence treatment. My hair turned out great! Nice and strong but soft. I air dryed with a bit of amla and some 10 en 1 plus super rinse. It's happy! yay!
I added new vitamins. I decided to stick with my 12 wk stretch:cool: . I visit here everyday to keep my hairs health in the forefront of my mind everyday.
Buying only natural products such as Qhemet, Asha's Naturals, and the Jane Carter Solution. I'd eventually like to use only natural products but I'm not quite there yet. Also, spacing out my relaxer, I'm at 17 weeks post & counting. Qhemet products have made my new growth so soft and moisturized that I don't really feel the need to get a touch up any time soon.
You guys are really doing it! ;)
There are some good ideas here.

This month I just keep my hair well conditioned and on the same regimine. I'm keeping up with my natural products...tried & true that work for me.