What Could it be?


New Member
I've been natural for a bout 2 years. For the majority of the time I wear my hair in two strand twist. I assume I'm a slow grower because my hair (especially the nape) just refuses to grow!!

What could it be!?!?! Help ladies.. I'm getting extremely frustrated with my lack of progress.
Well I BC so its grown a great deal from my small fro til now but it seems to be stuck. Especially my nape area.
Well I BC so its grown a great deal from my small fro til now but it seems to be stuck. Especially my nape area.

If you wear your twists down, then they rub against your clothes and the ends break off...so while your hair continues to grow, you're losing length to breakage due to friction. You may see more progress if you start to wear your twists in protective updos.
If you can post some pics, that might help people give suggestions. Are you sure you're lacking progress or is it shrinkage making it seem that way?

What's the rest of your regimen? What products are you using? How often do you deep condition? Do you keep your hair (especially your ends) moisturized?