What Common Interests do you and your SO have?


New Member
Hi! I thought this might be an interesting topic. My mother mentioned how much in common I have with my best guy friend! So I was wondering what do you have in common with your SO?

For me it would have to be

* Our Birthdays are in the same week (His is March 12th mine is March 16th)
* We both are in the visual arts career (He's a videographer I'm a Photographer)
* We both are tall
* We both have Strawberry Shortcake on our birthdays every year
* both believe the same religiously
* He and I were both Homeschooled
* We are Mac Addicts!
* We are very family oriented
* We are entrepreneurs (We met by doing entrepreneurial marketing)
* We are both writers and love to read!
* He and I both play tennis
* We both play Guitar and Piano
* Finally, We are both accident prone :look:

I have more in common with him than most people. My mother said it's almost like he's my brother :rolleyes: Anyway, It's fun to think about what makes your SO so special and what things you have in common!
Hmm interesting topic...........

Our bdays are 3 days apart (Nov 21 and 24th)

We both love to eat.

Both like baseball.

Similar personalities and beliefs.

Some say we look alike :look:
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we both love football
we both have aviation careers
we love to eat and cook
we love to workout
we love history
we love pets
we both want marriage and a family together with one or two kids
we both love basketball
we are both in the music biz
we both LOVE food
we work together alot on a few projects

have same family values

I love my baby...
let's see...

- we both have an affinity for music... he writes songs and i love to sing
- we LOVE south park
- we both would rather stay in and watch movies than go out on the town

- ... that's it! we're pretty much opposite in every way, but the saying opposites attract absolutely applies to us :grin:
- We're both Aquarians (Him 1/30 - Me 2/8)
- We both love Guitar Hero
- We both have AT&T (mobile-to-mobile baby!)
- We both love having the new hot sh*t
- We both like to work hard for what we want
- We both want marriage & kids, which is weird because we used to pimp hard. LOL.
- We're not afraid to tell the other person what we think
- We're extremely loyal, and sometimes to the wrong people
- We're both possessive of each other LOL.
- We like to eat and cook
- We like the same movies (We think "Pootie Tang" was a cinematic masterpiece):yep:
Our birthday is Exactly 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day apart
We both believe in the importance of education
We both have the same family values
We love going to the movies
We love each other and value our relationship

Other than those things we are complete opposites.:yep:
We have virtually the same political and Religious beliefs.

On top of that we have similar views on how a family should be raised, when kids should come into the picture and how they should be schooled.

We are also huge conspiratory theorists (but he's a much bigger one). I admit he has opened my eyes up to a lot of things over the years.

Both our families and friends believe we are crazy for maintaining a long distance relationship that spans continents and an ocean :grin:

We both come from big families

and most importantly we both looove to eat :lol:
We both LOVE to shop...and can cruise the mall for hrs together
We both love fashion
We have the same taste in furniture. (in fact when I first saw his place...I saw LOTS of my old furniture...my current furniture...and stuff on my furniture wish list...it was freaky)
We both love pampering and pampering each other
We are both in BGLOs
Our BGLOs have the same colors!
We both love a wide range of music and LOVE to sing
We both love the Lord and take our commitment to him seriously.
We both are ambitious hard workers not afraid to really GRIND
Consequently, we both have 2 jobs...lol
We have the same political viewpoints
We both value family
We both want 2 kids
We both have done some modeling
We both are involved with community service and love to give back.
We both take an interest in health and wellness and eating well (though the definition is a bit different for each of us)
We both LOVE rollercoasters (and we both LOVED sky diving).
We both want to be millionaires...lol

I love my baby:-)
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My SO and I have been together for over one year now and I love him more and more! Our common interests/experiences:

Both are homebodies (we could spend all day or weekends indoors and we do alot!)
Both love fine food and dining
Both love buying and drinking fine wine
Both love long showers and bubble baths (together :grin:)
Both love shopping
Both love music
Both were in bands or groups (He is a drummer and I was a singer)
Both of us did not want children
Both of us love animals
Both love driving around looking at expensive homes
Both love computing and the internet
Both have the same cell phone; his is grey and mine is pink.
Both love nice things and are willing to spend money on what we want
Both of us are punctilius and obsessive about our environment (home) and hobbies
Both have a very strong work ethic
He's into me and I am into him :grin: We're both still VERY interested in each other!
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Ok, we both...

-Have faith in God and the same religious beliefs
-Hold family in the highest esteem and have the same beliefs about raising children
-Are hard workers
-Have the same goals regarding work, investments, savings, school, etc.
-Have the same taste in music and love to see live shows with our favorite artists
-Love to travel and discover new things
We are both born in January, 4 days apart
We both have a total of 14 letters in our full names (first & last)
We both have one sister who's name is (blank)
We can both sing
We both grew up in a single parent home
We love Heroes!
We love to watch movies often
We both are active in church ministries
We both have a strong faith in God and His Word
We are both super affectionate :love:
Our favorite color is the same: Red
We both want a handful of children

:grin: I like this thread!
Me and my SO both:

- are close to our families and hold the institution of marriage in high regard
- have an older brother and a younger sister
- have small dogs that we adore
- love to travel and get away on a moments notice
- love to workout
- have a similar sense of humour... we make each other laugh out loud
- have a huge interest in real estate and the stock market
- are wine drinkers; like both but prefer red
- LOVED our college years
- love to take long walks
- could stay in bed all day just sleeping and talking
Huh? As in makeup? :huh:

:lachen: Heavens no! Mac as in Mac computers! :yep:

I love apple computers and so does he, we talk about everything from the technical to the fun add ons and style. In fact he helped me choose my Mac computer which is also something else we have in common. We both have the same exact computer. A Macbook Pro 17".

I'm glad to hear so many women have a lot in common with their SO's!

We also are involved in Church functions, We both Love the Lord and love reading the bible.
We were also talking about this the other day, We both were in terrible car accidents as children that caused both of us to have difficulties in our health, but we overcame. He has a spine injury from an accident he was in when he was about 5 and I was in a car accident (my mother was expecting me) that caused me to have a heart condition which I live with. So that is something else we both have in common that is pretty unusual.
Our common interests are:
  • good food
  • good music
  • health and exercise
  • black and African issues
  • black history & culture
  • helping the disadvantaged youth
We're a great match! :grin:
WE both:
Love God
attend church service together occasionally
Born same month, same sign
live comedy
enjoy variety of movies
beach goers
Both families from Louisiana
Jazz concerts & Festivals
Spicy Food
raised in sports obsessed families
Cadillac Margaritas
Downhome Blues
  • We both love Nascar
  • We both love Monday night Raw and go to all the wrestling tournaments (me mainly so I can see that lovely Randy Orton) - see white boys who could so get it thread. :lachen:
  • We love rock climbing and misc. extreme activities (sky diving/etc)
  • We both love all types of music (just about anything at all except we don't care for house music too much)
  • We both love to dance, go out, have a good time but we love to stay in and chill too.
  • We love nature trails, bike riding, roller blading.
  • We're both relatively frugal with money but we do like to enjoy ourselves.
  • We do bible study together and love to learn and bounce spiritual views off of each other.
  • We love watching the sunset at the lake, jet skiing, fishing, etc.
YAY! I love me some him!
We both have similar pasts (in terms of family)
We both like to stay in or go out
Both like the same music(for the most part)
Both like the same temp shower(slightly cold)
Both have the family goals and similar life goals
Both love the same movies
Both have a really good support system
Both are in "helping" careers
Both like working out and challenging our bodies
Both like the same style of "physical" activity that we can do together
We walk on the same foot(literally)
Like the same food(I love when he takes me to a restaurant I don't know about; I know it's gonna be good)
Both very affectionate (it can be gross to around I'm sure, but it great for us)
Both very blunt
Both are very comfortable showing the other person our love, through any means

I'm sure they're more, but with us we don't have everything in common, but we reallly balance one another out. I'm a touch high strung, and I really appreciate that he's much more laid back. We know how to support, respect, love, comfort and relax the other person, which to me is priceless.
Wow I love this post!! It's so cool...

We both grew up in the same neighborhood
Went to the same babysitter, elementary, junior high and high school
both are homebodies (we stay in the house all day with each other all the time)
Both of us aren't close with our families
We both want 2 children a girl and a boy and currently have none
We both have the same dreams as far as how we'll raise our children
We both are very strong, independent individuals.
We both love to eat!
We are both short tempered
We both love dogs and dislike cats
We both could stay in bed all day just sleeping
We both love watching movies in the house
We both are very blunt
We both are focusing on getting our finances together so we can buy a house in another state
Both of our grandmother’s lived on the same street when we were growing up
We both love shopping
We both want to start our own business
We both inspire each other

I love him soo much!!! :grin: