How many setbacks have you had since you started your hair journey?

I've had a good 3-4 setbacks.

1. I started shedding in 2008. Instead of looking for solutions, I just wigged it. I lost a football amout of hair.

2. NOT PAYING ATTENTION. I have allergies. They translate over to products too. I interpreted the itching (Hair One O/O) to growth. When my hair DREADED after relaxing the Hair One had to go. I also realized after 1 use that I couldn't use WEN fig. Noticeable shedding.

Now I immediately look at what I'm using and what combinations. And, I track hair loss on wash day. A corner of my office has 8 weeks of wash day shed!
I've had two. Lessons learned: Texlaxing is not for me and low manipulation/going back to the basics is my friend.
I've had 3 since my hhj.

In July 2011, I went to a stylist who used a chemical on my hair without telling me, and way too much heat. My hair began to break off and was badly damaged. I babied my hair and took very good care of my ends, then messed up by going to a Dominican salon with a friend in December 2011. The "new growth" from the initial setback was heat damaged, and my poor ends started breaking again like crazy. No amount of babying could get them back.

I did a BC in February 2012 and my hair was great. In February 2013, I saw a hair cut that I liked, tried it, hated it, saw another cut that I just loved and cut it in March this year. I'm praying my setback days are behind me now that I'm intentionally growing my hair out again.
I've had many over the years but the newest one was last year. I wasn't consistently misting and sealing my hair and I paid for it with 3-4 inches being cut off...:nono:
I will say 3 major setbacks. The first one was early on when allowed a new stylist to dust my ends and she did a major cut. The second one was allowing a new stylist to relax 16 wks post relaxer.... She created a tangled mess and I lost a lot of hair. The third one is all on me for stretching excessive. Lesson one never trust a stylist to cut you want a little trim/dust. Lesson two NEVER let a new stylist relax when you have a lot of ng. Lesson three no long stretches!!!!!
Nothing since starting my HHJ June 2012, but twice before then. Once in college when I got my hair colored professionally and decided to do my own highlights a week later :wallbash: Then again when I did BKT treatments and weekly in shower protein DC's (plus a little added stress - hair was coming out by the masses). It was the Novex brand Keratin DC (BSS). The last setback is what brought me to the Internet and how I found LHCF. I'm shedding a little more than I would like now; however, I've been doing 20+ week relaxer stretches and I'm pretty sure I need to lessen it to 12 weeks because I start shedding more than normal the longer into my stretch I go.


My hair used to do this too at 12 weeks+. I started doing nettle tea rinses once a week after 12 weeks. It leaves your hair glossy and soft and dramatically decreases the shedding :yep: I can now stretch easily to 20+ weeks doing that and once a week light protein treatments (I use GVP brand joico k-pack $5 at Sallie's). I buy the tea from
1 major set back where I flat ironed my hair with no heat protection and lost about 4-6 inches a year I to my natural grow out, I think I'd be BSL instead if APL if I hadn't had to cut if off, it just broke off soooo bad and smelled like burnt hair till off of it was cut off.... Ugh crying just thinking of it, now I dnt use any hair not even a blow dryer, I will do a blow out for my BSN graduation in Dec 2014 but I will go to a professional that works only with natural hair and is highly recommended and I know someone personally that goes to that person...
Just two for me

I relaxed my hair last year after a 16 week stretch. I applied Aphogee green tea keratin spray, air dried. Then applied Chi silk infusion and flat ironed. I suffered pretty moderate breakage for weeks before I could get it under control. Fortunately my hair is pretty thick (thanks to the stretching) so it wasn't too noticeable, my ends looked thinner. I trimmed and babied my hair back to health.
Lesson: My hair absolutely detests the Aphogee green tea spray. I used it twice more and it dried my hair out something fierce. Dried out hair=breakage.

Earlier this year I developed some severe health issues along with extreme stress and my crown broke off to about an inch. This has always been a trouble area, but I had grown it out to 8 inches. My growth rate also slowed way down. I stretched for 19 weeks and only gained a little over an inch. I expected to be BSL this go around (didn't make it). I normally get around a half inch a month.
Lesson: Keep your health and stress level in check. While I was sick, my blood pressure soared to extreme highs and it was difficult to control. I had to take a ton of medicine. I know that coupled with the stress and medications played a number on my hair. I am on the mend and incorporated daily scalp massages as well as weekly body massages :grin: And also daily meditation, as well as watching my diet. I got my half inch this month:yep:
Before my HHJ...too many to count. Since I've been on my HHJ...2.
The first was after a weave installation. I've had weaves countless times befire but didn't really care about what my hair looked like under as long as my weave looked good. Didn't seem to tight when she did it, but afterwards noticed 2 tension bald spots. Took the weave out immediately & decided to give my fine hair a break for weaves for a long time.
2nd setback was just recently. Had too much shedding & breakage from my last stretch. Decided to switch relaxers, moisturize more & DC diligently again in between. That was my fault all the way.
3 major ones

To elaborate ---

Tangles - had to chop matted locks because I didn't properly detangle before strarting my regi. Lesson: detangle well before washing.

Tangle Teezer - caused mid-shaft splits. Lesson learned: Use gentle tools.

Post-TU breakage - didn't use mid-step protein. Lesson learned: Use mid-step protein and make sure the relaxer is not too strong for my hair.
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Three months ago I had surgery and was stuck in bed for two weeks, I didn't touch my hair, no moisture nothing. By the time I got better my hair was completely dry and full of knots. Never again.
Only 3. I've been natural since Oct 2009 but only just now got to MBL

1. Stylist cut too much hair and in layers. Took me nearly 2 years to grow out. I should've stuck to my guns and said no like I did originally.

2. Too tight weave that I took out 7 days later (it was free done by my godsister) and my scalp was a horrible mess. I'd post pix but it would probably make ppl gag

3.Too much stress and crazy weather causing crazy shedding.
I've lost count, but I've had many over the course of my 7-year journey. Lessons learned include to stick with your reggie once you reach your goals and don't be afraid to trim when needed.