What can we do for you?

Just to update everyone who's interested...

I had to end up calling Aveda customer service back and retelling my entire story b/c no one ever followed up and my information was somehow lost.

I retold my entire story and the person I talked to was very sympathetic and expressed concern over what happened. She asked me tons of questions and I felt a little better about the whole thing knowing that she at least cared. She asked me about the previous relaxer that I had and wanted to check into it.

So, to make a long story short. She called me back and told me that there were 3 different kind of my previous relaxer - Vitale - and 2 of them are incompatible with the Aveda relaxer that I was given.

So, I told her that I did go in for a consultation and no one asked me anything about my previous relaxer. I would think that going into a professional Salon such as an Aveda salon - they would ask me about previous products and tell ME if something was incompatible. I think they are completely liable for my hair loss...completely!!!

However, the rep that I spoke to would not take this responsibility - saying that they can't control sylists and watch them every second. Of course not, BUT, they should at least be required to ask about previous products if that can make a difference. I go into a professional salon b/c I TRUST them with my hair. Apparently, you can't trust anyone at an Aveda salon.

Anyhow, the final resolve is that she's going to send me some hair care products.

We'll just see how much more of my hair falls out. Would have been so nice to know that my previous relaxer was incompatible with their relaxer BEFORE I got it.
Hairlove, I am angry for you! I can't believe the rep didn't offer you a full reimbursement! And her refusal to take responsibility for their employees is absurd! [sigh]If she's taken this position with you, I suspect she's taken it with other customers who've complained about stylist incompetence. Sooner or later, she won't have to worry about handling customer complaints because the customers will have voted with their feet (found other salons where they can spend their hard-earned cash). Incredible...

I don't know if I believe that lady's story. First off, unless the Aveda relaxer or the Vitale uses a totally different chemical than what other relaxers use--I don't see how it could be incompatible. Sodium Hydroxide, Guanidine Hydroxide, & one that seems kind of new, Lithium Hydroxide are the chemicals used in straighteners.

So, assuming that the Aveda & Vitale relaxer uses one of those chemicals--wouldn't it be necessary for ANY stylist that you are going to for the first time to ask what kind of relaxer you previously had to make sure that it's not "incompatible" if you'll be receiving a new brand of relaxer? Did your friend also have a Vitale relaxer prior to the Aveda?

Or, if the Aveda is some kind of unique formulation then shouldn't it have been 2nd nature for the stylist to inquire about your previous relaxer brand? Because if they have a special formula, then they already knew that it was "incompatible" with some of the more traditional relaxers. They knew this (if this was the case) before the product was even released from the lab.

Or if they didn't know--then they are totally liable for your loss. I think their problem is that a lawsuit is "incompatible" with their pockets

Did your hair break at the root? Or did it break at the line between the Vitale & Aveda relaxer? If at the root, there's nothing they can say at all. If at the line--I can see where they would have some leeway to make excuses (and it would only be excuses).

If you can, find out what the active ingredient(chemical) was in their relaxer formulation.

This is the exact reason that I nor my best friend questioned the relaxer...from being told "all relaxers are pretty much the same" and knowing that we had both switched and gotten different types of relaxers throughout our "relaxed" lives.

I really believe that the Aveda relaxer is a special formulation. I remember the stylist telling me that it was all natural and would not burn. In that case, I believe they should have been required to ask me what kind of relaxer I had previously and they should have KNOWN that it should not be places on top of another "traditional" relaxer.

I generally did not do a lot of switching with hairstylists and if I did, typically, I got the same type of relaxer. However, I do remember when going to different salons being asked what kind of relaxer I'd been using...probably more so out of curiousity since I tended to get the same kind all of the time...no matter the salon.

How my hair broke...originally, I don't know for sure. It could have broken off at the root immediately after the relaxer was rinsed and I didn't notice the broken pieces till 2 months later when they were .5 to 1 inch long. However, I noticed a whole chunk of hair that was .5 inches. This leads me to believe it broke at the end of that Aveda relaxer and left nothing but new hair.

Either way, they are liable. If I had different relaxers over the course of 18 years and never experienced breakage AND to have the exact same thing happen to a friend in the exact same time frame, then something is going on with the Aveda system.

Additionally, my best friend went into the salon to inquire about her breakage (this is before I discovered mine) and she was brushed off and told her breakage was normal. We didn't figure it out until it happened to me, too.

It's crazy...I really can't believe it happened. The sad part is my hair still fragile and I worry about more breakage.

Supergirl - thanks for your insight...I'm keeping track of all of this and really appreciate the knowledge that you've shared.

Oh, I did forget to mention that the rude Owner did get chewed out by the Aveda rep and she apologized for being rude to me and my bf.

Re-thinking what you've said and I think I get it. You're exactly right. If my hair broke at the end of the Aveda relaxer (which it did) and NOT the point "between" the Aveda and Vitale relaxer, then they are COMPLETELY liable and have no argument at all.
Well, I'm glad they told that owner about herself.

AND, I'm just wanting to see you get the justice you deserve.

I love some Aveda products, but some of their little non-traditional formulations don't workl b/c when I was in college I tried some of their face powder. It made my face look really nice for a few hours and then it started to break me out. I tried it again the next day just in case it was something else causing the problem--but the same thing happened.

I think they have put their products on a pedestal because they are "all natural" But they have to put some non-natural ingredients in them otherwise they would all have expiration dates like 3 days from the date they're made.

Anyway, like I said--just want you to get compensated for your loss.