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New Member
As most of you know, the 'main' reason I am transitioning is because of an Aveda relaxer that I had back in March of this year that broke of my hair. I never called the salon back to explain to them what happened.

This week, I received a mailer from the Aveda salon with a gift certificate asking me to come back and visit the same stylist (she had left and returned). Well, this really set me off...

This morning, I called and spoke to the manager to explain my story. She expressed concern and actually told me that the relaxer had been discountinued 3 months ago. She also told me that someone else had called complaining of breakage. She is going to have the owner call me on Monday to see what they can do for me.

I'm really glad I called now. I told her that the reason I finally called is that I'd hate for the same thing to happen to someone else but if they want to do something for me... A nice gift certificate to an Aveda store will do just fine...:)
I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end.
hairlove said:
if they want to do something for me... A nice gift certificate to an Aveda store will do just fine...:)

[/ QUOTE ]
I know that's right.
Happy to hear everything worked out.
You did something very empowering for yourself and I bet it feels good! I'm glad to hear you are being compensated - you deserve it!

The owner was supposed to call me and my best friend today and neither of us heard anything. My bf left a message. I will be calling again tomorrow. I'm going to ask for a full refund. I'm kind of disturbed that they knew this product had been discontinued and that other people had complained of breakage...yet, they failed to call me. Considering they sent me information to return to the salon, I know they could have called me as a common courtesy...makes me angry to think about it so I really hope they are pleasant in what they plan to do...
hairlove said:
Considering they sent me information to return to the salon, I know they could have called me as a common courtesy...

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess they assumed everything was fine since you hadn't complained. Unfortunately, you can be sure they weren't going to call you out of common courtesy. These places NEVER want to compensate anyone unless they have to...

I think they had to know something was wrong considering the product was discontinued. If the product hadn't been discontinued...I would understand them not contacting me. It's kind of a like a recall on a tire on your car. It would have been nice to let me know...and more so, it's such a reputable company being Aveda and all (yes, it was also an Aveda salon who uses ONLY Aveda products). What's terrible is that it's not like a mishap that is corrected or gone in 6 months. It's going to take 3 years probably before those short hairs are the length they were before they broke. I suffered a lot of emotional distress over this. Sounds dramatic but is very true...

A full refund would satisfy me though I don't expect that I'll get that...we'll see. I'll keep you all posted.

I know that this had you steaming when it happened, but let me just say I'm so glad that the relaxer didn't break off all of your hair.

Anyway, I hope they give you a year's supply of Aveda products. Do you like sap moss?
Thanks, Supergirl...I'm actually over a lot of my anger, sadness and distress. In a way, it has been a mixed "blessing" b/c I'm enjoying my transitioning journey.

I was using sap moss after I got this relaxer. It made my hair super dry, unfortunately. As much as I'd like to ban aveda products all together, it will depend on how I'm responded to. There are plenty of things I can buy at their store...

Thanks for the heads up on the Sap Moss. I love the shampoo, but haven't tried the conditioner yet. It's one of my un-opened products.
Did they say why the relaxer was discontinued? I hope you get what you're looking for, you should definitely get a full refund, IMO.
hairlove said:

I think they had to know something was wrong considering the product was discontinued. If the product hadn't been discontinued...I would understand them not contacting me. It's kind of a like a recall on a tire on your car. It would have been nice to let me know...and more so, it's such a reputable company being Aveda and all (yes, it was also an Aveda salon who uses ONLY Aveda products). What's terrible is that it's not like a mishap that is corrected or gone in 6 months. It's going to take 3 years probably before those short hairs are the length they were before they broke. I suffered a lot of emotional distress over this. Sounds dramatic but is very true...

A full refund would satisfy me though I don't expect that I'll get that...we'll see. I'll keep you all posted.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lovehair, if this is an Aveda salon, have you contacted the corporate office? When my scalp got severely burned by my last hairdresser, at an Aveda salon, I got a full refund.
Thanks, Nyambura

I do plan to contact the corporate office. And I still haven't heard from the Owner - left the number at home so I couldn't call...will try tomorrow. {Sigh}
Just an update...
I haven't updated b/c after speaking with the owner, I have become so upset about the whole that I couldn't talk about it. The owner of the salon was SO rude to me, I could not believe it. She actually had the nerve to ASK ME why she was calling me. She accused me of lying and everything else. I don't understand how anyone could be an owner and have such poor customer service. It was so awful, I just wanted to cry when I finished talking to her.

I ended up calling the corporate offices a few hours later and told them what happened...very short version and they are planning to investigate the entire issue and get back to me by Tuesday.

I don't understand how the manager was so compassionate and really cared about my experience in that salong but the owner was just intent on being as rude to me as possible for no reason.

She actually thinks that my hair broke off from heat. Sure...and that's why it never broke off the other 18 years that I had a relaxer and that's why it broke off to 1/2 inch long and that's why the exact same thing happened to my best friend in the exact same time frame and we just happened to visit the same salon, same stylist, AND same relaxer. But, it was heat. Yeah. If no heat was a stipulation in having the relaxer, it should have come with a disclaimer!

I don't think I'll EVER purchase another Aveda product in my life!
I am so sorry to hear this, and I can imagine how frustrated you are. If the corporate office doesn't call you back by Tuesday, I would do the following:

1. Write a letter to the corporate office (Address it to Aveda's president. If anything, one of his assistants will get it, forward it to Customer Relations, and he may even see it himself)
2. Document everything that happened to you, including the bad perm, your subsequent distress, your conversation with the stylist, manager, and maltreatment by the owner)
3. Explain that you have been loyal Aveda customer for years, this was the worst customer service you've ever received, and that you expect the situation to be resolved immediately (i.e. full refund, formal apology from owner)
4. Send it via fax and certified mail, retaining a copy for your records
5. Follow up with them in two weeks

I know all this sounds like a lot, but as a self-proclaimed consumer advocate, I've had to go through this before and sometimes the only way you can get this stuff resolved is to go directly to the head. Believe me, if you're persistent enough, they will eventually have to address your concerns. That lady's response is unacceptable and the corporate office needs to be aware of its employee's behavior. Just look at it as another opportunity for you to be empowered when it comes to your haircare.
Oh YES--you did the right thing by calling their corporate offices right away. Please, if you get a chance--don't forget to mention that you are a member of a very powerful "hair interest" group for women(don't mention internet) and that you are very influential in that group and that the group has alot of buying power (WE DO!) in the hair products industry. And then you may even go on to say that our group spends X amount of dollars per month and that we are over 2000 strong.
I like your thinking, Supergirl!

Miss Brown, I am definitely paying attention to what you've said. If this had only happened to me, things might be a little different but my best friend is going through the same thing and received the same treatment from the owner.

Thanks for your support.
Also don't forget to point out that if the relaxer was so great then why was it discontinued. The very fact that it was discounted proves that they know something is very wrong with the relaxer.

Good observation. I pointed this out as well... When I spoke to corp, they said it had been discontinued but the rep didn't have detailed information. They say offhand that it's b/c of lack of request. My point is to find out if the lack of request could be due to the fact that they had no 2nd time users - meaning, if your hair falls out from a product once, chances are that you aren't going to use it again or recommend it to anyone.

My guess is that with hair products, the companies make a lot of money from loyal customers and recommendations - not just out of the blue first-time users. Take this board for example...

I hope to get more information on this soon...
You have pictures of the breakage, don't you? I think I remember seeing them in your album once. They might also need to know that you have pics of it
(aka: exhibit A)