What Camera Are You Using for UR Crisp Clear Hair Pic's?


Active Member
I am thinking I need a new camera, because most of the time my pictures come out blurry. I see alot of great hair shots on here so what are you using?
I'm using a Sanyo VPC-S750P. It have 7.1 megapixels

I'm just using my mobile/cellphone. :blush: Yeah, cheap I know! :lol: I have been looking at digital cameras as I want to take better pics, but it's such a minefiled - I'm overwhelmed!
I LOVED my Canon, when I had one, but it somehow got thrown in the toilet, but I have another one on the way. That camera was the bomb for taking hair pics. Like it because it gave a good picture and accuracy of the texture of the hair, which is interesting to me. SEE:


You can get clearer pics using the macro feature on your camera. (If it has that feature)
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I loved that camera and it got broken on Christmas and I really have fell off the picture game since then, I used to update my fotki religiously. I can't wait to get my new one.

ETA: Canon A560

More pics with my (RIP) Canon A560:





Ok I'm done, I'm just showing off now. Peace!
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Macro is for close up shots. If you want a very crisp clear shot of say the texture of your hair then you should use the macro. Otherwise I say go with a cam high in mega pixels cause when you get ready to crop or anything it won't distort the pic as much.

For good cameras I recommend: Cannons, Fuji, Sony, Nikon
For ok cheap cameras I'd recommend: Kodak, Cannon

I really want a new camera. When I do get a new camera it's probably going to be a Sony. I love photography and used to work in a Photo lab.

ETA- Not all Sony's are good not all Nikons or Cannons, etc. The key is to get a quality cam which is going to cost money and to test it out before you buy it.

ETA- Cannons are also good cheap cameras. I forgot. I think someone mentioned the A560 or whatever. That camera was one of our best selling cameras and it take excellent pictures.

I have a KodakZD710 I believe and I hate it. I like Sony better. I can't remember which sony I loved but I think it was an H7 or something. My Kodak doesn't allow me to take more than two mulitple shots at a time. With the Sony I think I could take 15 or greater which is great for certain things you try and capture.
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I loved my canon for straight hair pics, but since my BC, I'm finding my iphone does a better job. I'll try out the macro setting though. Thanks for the tip.
I agree with Gemini, test it before you buy. I did. I like the canon because it was very easy to use, basic camera, but took good shots.
I came back to this thread because I looked up the reviews on my pink sony cyber shot and they are HORRIBLE! Every last person said the same thing I said that the picture quality is horrible. Never again will I purchase a camera because it's "pretty." I copied what one of the guys below had to say about my camera. He brought one just like it for his wife. He recommend the camera that D, recommended above. (Canon A560). I went to 5 other sites and read the reviews for D's camera and people stated it's the best camera for a cheap price. So if anybody like me is looking for a camera....I found it (Canon A560) on amazon. I will be ordering it and selling my pink trash on ebay 2morrow.

Thanks so much D!

"116 of 119 people found the following review helpful:
T70 is cute but photo quality suffers, November 5, 2007
By Richard in Toronto (Toronto, Ontario) - See all my reviews
I own a professional camera (Canon EOS 1D Mark III) so it was bit of an embarrassment to seek a camera for my wife that was "cute" (1st criteria), "slim" (2nd criteria), and "pink" (third criteria). For these three criteria, there is no substitute other than the T70 from Sony.

The camera performs very well in great conditions (sunny, bright days) but suffers when lighting is compromised (darkness, incandescent or fluorescent lighting). This is largely based on the camera's inability to modify white balance to accommodate the strong colour hues given in artificial light.

The touch-screen menu is not entirely intuitive but it is high on the "cool factor" (no buttons to press, it's mostly touch-screen).

Also amazing (although more in an hilarious way than a cool way) is the smile technology where the camera only takes the picture when people are smiling. It seems this only works when you have the "cheesiest" smile ever. You need to be showing all your teeth (including your molars!) to get the camera to take a picture. Our family laughed about this for an hour as we were all screaming "cheese". My wife (who normally refuses to smile for the camera) was being as cheesy as ever! This feature is a bit silly and impractical but it can be fun.

Another factor with this camera is it's use of the Memory Duo for photo storage. This is a proprietary Sony item, and appears to be destined to the same history as Beta Video tapes (ie. premature obsolescence). Memory is cheap (we bought a 2GB card for $30) but you are unlikely to already have this card from a previous camera unless you are a Sony person. You should also check that you have a card reader (for more efficient transfer of images) on your computer.

Lastly, the 8.1 MP is great, but the optics and image quality aren't worthy of this MP size. I would suggest that you are wasting memory and time shooting at full size. You will not lose much (if any) discernible quality by shooting at 5MP.

Before you consider this camera, I would suggest looking at the Canon A720IS or Canon A560. The camera are not as "cool" but the image quality will be remarkable. My son's graduation pictures (from kindergarten) were wasted using the "cute" camera and nothing will recapture that moment."
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I've been loving my Sony Cybershot/12.1 Mega Pixels. The pictures are great and it has a lot of options as well as video. I got it back in March and bought it from Sony.com sight unseen.
I'm using the Kodak p850. I bought it years ago, so it's not high MP, it's 5.1 but it's a great camera because the optical zoom is really high. It's a 12x, when most are 2, 3 or 4. It's the zoom that allows you to zoom in to far off objects before things get blurry.


I used to run a website where I took lots of pics of people on stage. It's way cheaper now but the quality is still fab. I can keep the camera away from my head and zoom in with mad clarity. Here are some shots:







it also takes so absolutely marvelous portrait shots of people, but you asked about hair. I was just suggesting a camera (if you were considering a new one), with a high optical zoom. Shoot, after I bought this one, I set up photoshoots for graduating seniors and in a week, this bad boy paid for itself and some. The only downside is its size, it's not small, so it wont fit in a clutch or small purse, but I considered the cam an investment.
Good question, I wanna know also. I use to use a camera phone and have been using a sorry webcam now. Now that's broke so I would love to buy a good digital camera.
A sony cybershot 6.0 megapixel was able to get me my crystal clear pics like this
It also has macro feature and video and iso up to 1000

The only problem is I drop it at least twice a year so it's getting kind of buggy
I just invested in a FujiFilm FinePix F200 EXR. I read through Consumer Reports and countless websites before I bought it. It's a really good camera but I haven't made it thru the entire manual to know how to use it to its best potential. So sometimes I can get really crisp clear shots and other times they are dull and blurry. It was a pretty expensive camera but I also bought it with lots of extras (extra battery, 2 SDHC 4Gb cards, camera case) so it was worth the money. Most of the pics from my July-Aug album are with it (u can see i'm still learning).

I say look at the features that are best for you and how much you want to spend. Look at reviews and photography webpages to see what ppl thought of it and what they used it for. I plan to get into photography as a hobby and my camera is a great starter camera before upgrading to an SLR.