What are you most looking forward to...


New Member
...when you reach your goal.

I am sure this has been done before but I thought I would start a new thread rather than resurrect an old one.

One thing that I am really looking forward to is being able to wear my hair in an infinity bun. I love the way those look :yep:.

The thing I am most looking forward to is shifting my focus from retaining length to maintaining it. I eagerly anticipate the day when I no longer obsess over retaining every inch and can just relax and enjoy my length. I look forward to not worrying about wearing my hair down or using heat in moderation because trims will be a regular part of my regimen.

How about you; what are you most looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to:
Longer, fuller twists
Big buns
Huge puffs
More styling options

Even though this may sound strange, I'm looking forward to people asking me if I'm wearing my real hair :grin:
I want a pretty flowing wavy style like an old member did I think she called them beachwaves. My goal is to wear that style with an all white outfit and some bad sunglasses. WOOOOOOOOOOOO-WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (hope i don't trip and fall that day).

ETA: Even though I don't like a lot of attention...I'm waiting for weave checks and folks whispering (loudly) about how gorgeous my hair is.
-Wearing those crazy looking buns
-Wearing a single braid that hangs down my back
-Nicknaming myself Black Rapunzel lol
I'm looking forward to:

-sitting on my hair :D

- wearing a long, thick braid all the way down my back, with a pretty ribbon mixed in it

- wearing two Pocahontas braids all the way down, or twirling them around my head and pinning them down like a big crown of hair :lovedrool:
-Wearing my hair in all the styles that I used to get my weaves in!
-Surprising my husband and showing him that all that "crazy hair stuff" was for a reason!
Just wearing my hair straight and flowing down my back
Creating, big, beautiful, effortless, buns.
Not doing too much for my hair too look cute.
Making all my doubters eyes bug out of their heads.
Having beautiful, curly APL hair in the summer. Its something I've wanted my entire life.
As far as my straight hair, I'm happy with my progress. I look forward to straightening my hair and see it hip length.
I am looking forward to wearing my hair down more at work. People at work are always like "Why do you never wear your hair down anymore, and why do you wear a bun everyday." It can sometimes get annoying.

I am also looking forward to wearing it down more for my husband. He loves it long. He was trying to convince me not to cut it when I went from BSL to a cute bob. Although, I still love a well done bob it is such a cute hairstyle.
My goal is thick WL hair. I look forward to wearing a:

full high, low, side pony tail;
thick single braid;
long flowing braidout;
straight and blowing in the wind; and
various types of buns using all my hair accessories.
Oh yeah, how could I forget? I really look forward to shutting folks down when they try to say my hair is fake or to talk about my bun being boring or something. I'll just undo my style and let all my glory hang out like :D while they are looking salty lol

Plus the bugged out eyes :shocked: from the opposite sex! :up:
great thread OP, man i cant wait to stop wanting hip length so bad. ill be happy when i can feel hair on my butt and to know theres no more goal to meet:grin:
Enjoying my hair...having big hair and wearing it in cascading fluffy curls and braid outs, messy big buns and sleek chignon's ...I will enjoy the versatility that length and thickness affords
I'm looking forward to driving hubby crazy with a sexy thong and long flowing hair. Okay?! *snaps*
I want a huge afro in the summer, long cornrows, long (big) twist/braidouts, Wearing my hair in slightly biggish twists and tying the front portion behind my head, and obviously an even (no more layers) U-shaped cut when straight at waistlength, big buns, huge puffs, long ponytails, long braids and wash-n-go's at my natural maximum thickness. Jet black rinsed too.
Also, being a beacon of hope for all the other black women who will look and my hair and know(after I share my story with them) that they can have beautiful, healthy long hair also.
Growing my hair all 1 length...reaching waistlength and going to my friend's wedding this year having the healthiest hair of all...:lachen:
-being able to wet bun
-shrunken shoulder length twists
-one long french braid
-wearing fat twists/box braids as a style
-being able to detangle in smaller sections
-more bunning options!
-My SO and I plan on getting married after I finish this last round of schooling...so, me in a wedding dress with hair in waves or "celebrity curls" at least MBL. (that's about 2.5 years more of growing and 8-9 years of dating.) A girl can dream.

-Inspiring my little sister who is repeatedly told she has "bad hair"

-buns that don't look "homely"

-Traycee's braid out...I LOVE IT!