What are you guys using under your gels


Well-Known Member
I am finding that a lot of leave-ins curdle when used with gels like ecostlyler and elasta QP. For those who use gels, what are you using to moisturise your hair before you apply your gels. The only leave-in I have that do not curdle is Redken (below), which I like but I would like to try something else- any suggestions. TIA

I like using taliah waajid protective mist bodiier. It keeps the hair soft but defined under gels. You can find it at your local bss or online at www.beautyofnewyork.com . If its nice and humid where you live i would also recommed s-curl under gel. Both products act the same for me but one contains glycerin and the other doesn't.
I think it's more about the gel when it comes to curdling. i stopped using eco styler for that reason; I wouldn't really moisturize underneath it because it would being flaky or crusty in a couple days. I prefer KCCC or giovanni magnetic gel and i can put anything underneath them (from light leave-ins to butters)
I love my combo now...don't plan on changing now that I've found my combo -
I first apply Qhemet Alma Pomade, then a lil WEN Fig, then the clear EcoStyler -
smooth edges for Mo