What are you doing with your hair this weekend????


Well-Known Member
I'm going to do a MUCH NEEDED deep conditioning and then do some two strand twists. If they don't look all ***** I'll post a pic when I'm done.

What are you doing with your hair this weekend??
Pre-pooing w/ my conditioner mix and coconut milk. Then giving myself an ApHogee protein treatment and Deep conditioning. I may just bun it after that...
I am getting my hair braided this weekend sometime, so I am going to do a nice protein deep condition to get ready for it.

I have an appointment on Monday but I saw a girl in the BSS that had some very pretty braids that her mom did. She said she wold do mine for $75! The shop I normally go to will do them for $180.

If this new lady can do them for me tomorrow I will be VERY happy.
I'm going to rollerset and wrap. I've been wearing curls for a while, time to switch it up a little!

OP, can't wait to see your pix!

GF...thats cool that your brother will help! How often do you dust? I think I need to...
Doing a henna treatment now
Then will deep condition
Either wrap of try a rollerset for the first time-I keep chickening out.
I'm going to do a MUCH NEEDED deep conditioning and then do some two strand twists. If they don't look all ***** I'll post a pic when I'm done.

What are you doing with your hair this weekend??

I'm doing a personal 7 days baggy challenge which will end on tuesday, I have box braids without extensions in a baggied ponytail!
Pre-pooing w/ my conditioner mix and coconut milk. Then giving myself an ApHogee protein treatment and Deep conditioning. I may just bun it after that...

This sounds like me. I should have done my ApHogee yesterday.

I'm going to pre-poo with WRTC and Proclaim Natural 7 Oil. Wash with Therappe, do the ApHogee, condition with MMP and DC with Silk Elements Cholesterol.

I'm off to pre-poo!
Hey ladies,
I wrapped my hair and tied on a black satin scarf----this is after having pre-pooed, washed, DC'd with hair mayo , and rollerset ( not half-bad at all :yay:) last night. Nothing spectacular, wearing it wrapped for church tomorrow.