What are you doing to your hair today???


Island Gyal
After class I'm gonna DC with ORS replinishing pak. I most likely will leave it in for at least 30 mins.

I will then attempt to give myself a blowout. (I haven't done this in over 2 yrs) Then wrap my hair.

I have a 9am interview tomorrow. I'm so tired of interviews right now :ohwell:

What are you ladies doing this evening?
I've still got it in a coil out. I was pleasantly surprised to wake up this morning and see it still intact. I will probably try to wash and DC tonight though.

Val, post pics of your blowout. What kind of interview are you going to ? Job or school? Good luck on it!!
I've still got it in a coil out. I was pleasantly surprised to wake up this morning and see it still intact. I will probably try to wash and DC tonight though.

Val, post pics of your blowout. What kind of interview are you going to ? Job or school? Good luck on it!!
I'll post if it comes out good :lachen:
this interview is school related..... It's for a Thurgood Marshall Conference in a few weeks.... Made it through the first round.... tomorrow will be the deciding interview......I pray I get it
i decided to go back to co washing daily until november 1. so today i co washed with hairveda amala shampoo and moist condition 24/7. then i added whipped cream to wet hair and bunned.
Just a rinse with water, and use some giovanni direct leave in conditioner and coconut/castor oil to do a braid out.
How ironic! I had two interviews today.
Spraying my roots w/ Distilled water (hair in twists) and apply a dab of coconut oil.
Absolutely nothing :lol:. I woke up, took my bonnet off and was done! :lachen: tomorrow I'll wash, dc and rollerset and leave it alone until Saturday.
I've been rocking 3/4 wigs and I'm getting a little sick of it, so I'm thinking about attempting to straighten my hair. I haven't used my new hot comb yet and I've been waiting to try it out. I may blowdry and hot comb my roots. Or if I get too lazy I may just cowash, airdry, and start wearing my phony pony with bangs. :yep:
Absolutely Nada!! I'm chillaxin with a headband and a claw clip! :grin:


I did my wash & set on Sunday.
I just washed with Aveda DRC, and am DC'ing. I will moisturize with Qhemet Biologics Amla and Heavy cream and seal with coconut oil, and put my hair in two ponytails. I'll wear my wig over it tomorrow!

After watching crownofHisglory's youtube, I decided to try using the marble ponytail holders instead of the ouchless scruchies. I know as a child that's what my mom used in my hair. Even with the ouchless kind, I tend to still loose some hair, but with the marbles, I haven't lost any! These are a keeper for me :yep:. Just thought I'd share!
I wanted to do my weekly shampoo, dc but i think i'm trying to come down with something.:perplexed Maybe at this point i would be safer moisturizing and tying it up.
I'm pin curling my hair tonight. I wore my first pin curl today. It turned out good. Since I love the ease of this style I will be sporting it again tomorrow. I'll cowash or pre-poo/DC tomorrow night.

