What are the Long Hair Care Forum Best Practices?


Well-Known Member
I know that practices like DCing, cowashing, low mani/low heat are common around here, but what do you think are the best regimens for hair growth, i.e. what practices have gotten the best results? Ayurveda? Dominican regimens? Head massages/Scalp Care? PH balanced products? Weaving it up? Vitamins? Growth aides like MT, OCT, and MN? Something else? What has given you the best results?

I'm interested because I am at the point where I can begin to tweak my regimen and I'd like to know where people have had the most success. Thanks in advance!
The people that constantly preach Keeping It Super Simple. When I stopped trying elaborate regimens, my hair thanked me for it. As did my fiance...
Lol I'm sure he did. SOs really like it when every time you go to the store you don't drag them down the hair products aisle!
Deep conditioning, protective styling (buns specifically), dusting, and low manipulation have been the most beneficial practices for my hair.

Patience and Consistence have been extremely helpful as well. :yep:
The best LHCF practices for me are:

-keeping it simple
-using seamless combs
-keeping my porosity in check
Here's my Quick & Dirty:grin::

Stretch Relaxers
Keep Protein/Moisture in Balance
Deal w/Porosity Issues
Deep Condition w/Heat *either Steamer or Heat Cap*
Moisturize & Seal
For the ladies who find porosity monitoring to be a best practice, what do you do to keep it in check? AVC rinses, porosity control, or adjusting products for PH like Kimmaytube? A combination of the three?
I'm trying to cut it down to only one line of products... but thats kinda hard at the moment when I have two textures on my head... But when I'm 100% natural I hopefully plan on only using one line of products (Skala) and essential oils. I know most people say Skala is a bandwagon :blah: but to me its actually one of my staple products and my hair LOVES it!
For the ladies who find porosity monitoring to be a best practice, what do you do to keep it in check? AVC rinses, porosity control, or adjusting products for PH like Kimmaytube? A combination of the three?

I do try to watch the Ph level of my products, but not that intensely.

I do a quick PC as a final rise on a weekly basis after DC'ing w/Heat.:yep:
Sulfur Based Products

Done and done! lol Its all I need
I'm glad i caught this thread because i'm thinking of changing up my regimen.

I wash my hair alot:

-Co wash 2x a week
-Poo and DC every weekend

And then i moisturize and seal daily.....my thing is...the other nite i was watching longhairdontcare's vid about her regimen the other nite and it made sense to me to have a super low manipulation regimen. She washes and blowdries her hair once a month.

Me on the other hand am thinking about washing my hair every 2 weeks or just weekly....i dunno...cause my scalp love water....but i'm texlaxed and i get matting and tangles everytime i wash my hair:whyme:....and then it is a lot of hair to deal with more than twice a week....i actually get tired!!:laugh:

So i'll see where i can tweak bc i would like a little more length and stop blacking out days just to do my hair.:grin:
@NikkiQ Why sulfur based products? Which ones do you use? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions, I guess I just want to get to the bottom of why people are doing what they're doing.
The most important things...

low and gentle manipulation ( I haven't used a comb in many months)
cowashing ( I haven't used shampoo in many months)
Protective styling
Protein/Moisture balance
I agree with this 100% also I like to add co-washing to this. Most of us need to practice patience and not compare your progress with any one elses b/c hair growth is different from head to head and this would lead to frustrastion.
Wet bunning. Hand downs, I've gotten THE most length in THE shortest amount of time. I used wet bun years ago before I knew it was a growing technique just to save time - back then I used the blow dryer and curling iron like crazy, and my only products were Optimum poo and con and Kemi Oyl. I didn't know a thing about deep conditioning, co-washing, etc. I do those things now, but I know it was the wet bunning that kept my hair healthy back then.
I'm glad i caught this thread because i'm thinking of changing up my regimen.

I wash my hair alot:

-Co wash 2x a week
-Poo and DC every weekend

And then i moisturize and seal daily.....my thing is...the other nite i was watching longhairdontcare's vid about her regimen the other nite and it made sense to me to have a super low manipulation regimen. She washes and blowdries her hair once a month.

Me on the other hand am thinking about washing my hair every 2 weeks or just weekly....i dunno...cause my scalp love water....but i'm texlaxed and i get matting and tangles everytime i wash my hair:whyme:....and then it is a lot of hair to deal with more than twice a week....i actually get tired!!:laugh:

So i'll see where i can tweak bc i would like a little more length and stop blacking out days just to do my hair.:grin:

I don’t want to hijack the thread from the OP, but me, too!

Although I co-wash every other day and DC twice a week because I love the feeling of wetting/rinsing my hair, I have been seriously considering curtailing that schedule in favor of roller setting twice a month (I wish I could just put my hair in some stank granny-Celie braids and keep it moving).

To answer the OP’s question, what has given me the best results is the incorporation of different oils into every hair product that is used.

hmmm, lets see...
protein treatments

i wanna incorporate porosity control again into my "regimen". I don't really care for deep conditioning.
I don’t want to hijack the thread from the OP, but me, too!

Although I co-wash every other day and DC twice a week because I love the feeling of wetting/rinsing my hair, I have been seriously considering curtailing that schedule in favor of roller setting twice a month (I wish I could just put my hair in some stank granny-Celie braids and keep it moving).

To answer the OP’s question, what has given me the best results is the incorporation of different oils into every hair product that is used.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: @ the bolded. I wear those under my wigs!
When my hair is as long and goreous as yours CelinaStarr, I hope I can keep it as simple as you do. Your hair is:lick:.

Thank you. :) My hair is the longest it has ever been. For me the less I do with it the more length it retains. Keeping it simple and low manipulation has helped me get here. :yep:
For the ladies who find porosity monitoring to be a best practice, what do you do to keep it in check? AVC rinses, porosity control, or adjusting products for PH like Kimmaytube? A combination of the three?
I have done all three. I began with ACV rinses, but now it's mostly that and using the pH balanced leave-in. It does wonders for keeping the moisture level of my hair elevated.

My vote goes to:

Low manipulation/PSing (braids/twists with extensions and wet bunning are my fave)
Moisture/protein balance
Here's my Quick & Dirty:grin::

Stretch Relaxers
Keep Protein/Moisture in Balance
Deal w/Porosity Issues
Deep Condition w/Heat *either Steamer or Heat Cap*
Moisturize & Seal

^This is what I've done to achieve growth and health. Let me also add cowashing.
@NikkiQ Why sulfur based products? Which ones do you use? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions, I guess I just want to get to the bottom of why people are doing what they're doing.

I've found that any products, like Bee Mine Growth Serum, that contain sulfur really does boost my hair growth. at 3 months post, I had 3" of NG before my install. I still apply it between my braids to maxamize growth while its in this sew-in for the next 2 months or so.
I've found that any products, like Bee Mine Growth Serum, that contain sulfur really does boost my hair growth. at 3 months post, I had 3" of NG before my install. I still apply it between my braids to maxamize growth while its in this sew-in for the next 2 months or so.
Do mean to get too far OT but does all sulfur based prods (i.e. sulfur 8) promote growth or just certain ones like the BM growth serum?