<font color="brown">I think heat protectancts, balms, and serums are better for flat ironing. Here is the reason (this applies to those of us who use natural oils):
Some oils have low smoke points, which means that it will actually start to decompose or burn at a low temperature (releasing oxides, which can be harmful). For example, refined Avocado Oil can be heated to just under 500 F before smoking, while unrefined Safflower Oil will smoke when heated to just under 225 F. The smoke point for Extra Virgin Olive Oil is approximately 250 F. Many flat irons actually exceed this temperature.
As dontspeakdefeat suggested, it is better to add oils AFTER you are finished. That way you don't risk using oils that are not appropriate, and you don't create a situation that is going to expose you to oxides, which are harmful to your health (this is why we take vitamins that are high in anti-oxidants).
AngieK </font>