What are some of the most important things LHCF has taught you?


New Member
LHCF taught me to wash my hair :lachen:
When i was like 8 years old-11 the only time my hair got washed was when i got a relaxer (how pathetic) i really didnt know..i thought i couldnt wash my hair often because i was black of course lol..my mom never said anything so i thought everything was cool..but through some kind of miracle i still had shoulder length hair.

my kid regimen:
=Wash hair when its relaxed (4-6 weeks) (i cringe lol)
=put a bunch of just for me pink lotion all through my hair then comb and brush it into a pony tail
=wear a COTTON bandana to protect hair at night
= get scalp greased almost every night

but really LHCF inspired me to go natural and taught me about Co-washes:trampolin ..basically EVERYTHING
The list is super long...but i'll post the most important
  • diff between moisture and protein
  • importance of moisture/protein balance
  • cowashing and its importance
  • hair patience
  • importance of a regimen
  • importance of finding styling products that work for YOUR hair
  • not jumping on every bandwagon but sticking with something long enough to see if it works for you.
  • the importance of baggying
This is just a short list...
LHCF taught me the importance and purpose of protein treatments. I knew that it was something important otherwise there would not be so many product saying that contained protein.
That fine hair is beautiful and you just have to learn how to care for it. My hair has never been as pretty or as thick (looking :look:) as it is today.
I've learned that everything I learned in the past is wrong....
I learned that:

  • I can wash my hair often and it won't fall out
  • co-washes
  • always new relaxed hair needed moisture but I learned so many ways like pre-poo, co-washes, bagging, moisture to ends and sealing
  • hair styles that give me a break from heat like braid-outs, and rollersets
  • OILS: Coconut, Olive oil, Tea tree oil, Peppermint oil, Rosemary oil, Castor oil, Carrot oil ( I don't even use grease anymore)
  • Covering hair at night using satin bonnet or scarf / Satin pillow cases
  • Protective styles
  • Low Manipulation
  • Combing only when hair is wet and saturated in conditioner
I have learned so much more but I think those are the most important
I have learned so much, but the absolutely most important thing has been to be much more self reliant when it comes to my hair and to not think that "professional" hair stylists are the ultimate authority on my hair.
I have learned so much, but the absolutely most important thing has been to be much more self reliant when it comes to my hair and to not think that "professional" hair stylists are the ultimate authority on my hair.
ITA and most of the time the stylist are the ones that screw you up
Wow, really good thread! :yep:

Let's see... I learned:
-that there are TONS of kinki-heads sporting long hair!
-that a chelating shampoo is important, esp. where there is hard water
-that silicone is not my friend
-about the fine balance of moisture and protein and thus why some products caused my hair to start breaking almost immediately
-that the basics of hair-care are the same no matter the hair type: patience, a gentle touch, and keeping moisture, protein, the acid mantle, and porosity in balance
-that I can dilute shampoo and it will work better than ever
-that "caring for" my hair is not synonymous with touching it all the time
-what the heck "baggy method" means :look:
-how to assess the cause of breakage instead of using the "fire at will" method of problem-solving
-that kinky hair can grow in excess of 6 inches per year (see CarribeanDream et al)
-that when it comes to product usage, "less is more" can work just as well
-that although length may be genetically determined, obviously, kinky does not equal short
-that I am not the only recovering product junkie out there
-that pictures to document progress are essential
-about ceramides! (even though I'm not relaxed)
-that a long head of hair only takes about 3 to 5 years (depending)
-that mini-Shirley-Temple spirals can form at the root of the hair
-that kinky hair can do a wash-and-go without becoming a fro! :yawn:

and finally, that once your hair is long, it is likely that you will experience the "public weave check"! :lachen:
Me and arr share a lot of the same lessons. The most important for me was learning patience and staying focused on the long term goal. I've applied that to a couple of other areas of my life with crazy success!

Thanks LHCF! The others are:
  • diff between moisture and protein
  • importance of moisture/protein balance
  • cowashing
  • hair patience
  • importance of a regimen
  • importance of finding styling products that work for YOUR hair
    • my hair doesn't mind some kinds cones and loves mineral oil
  • if your reggie is working then leave it alone. If it's not then you'd better find something that does (call it a bandwagon if you want too). You can't just read the threads and expect BSL next year.
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Stretching relaxers
The beauty of natural hair
That relaxed hair can be healthy
Protective stying
Not relying on heat
Detangling in the shower
Not combing everyday
To moisturize ends and seal

I'm sure there are a ton more but this list would be too long. :yawn:
The main thing LHCF taught me was to love my hair for what it is and to have patience with it, and then all the other techniques I learned here were easy to put into practice.
Among so many other things:
- the importance of co-washing
- the importance of moisture, and of maintaining the balance between protein and moisture
- the benefits of protective styling
- the dangers of overusing heat
In a nutshell, LHCF has taught me that knowledge (or lack thereof) and putting that knowledge into practice can make the difference between success and failure.
At the root, less (or fewer) is more (better).

Less manipulation.
Less product.
Less chemicals.
Less heat.
Less wearing it out (versus protective styling).
Less salon visits.
Less cutting (not necessarily trimming).
Less junk food (versus healthier eating).
Less comparison/competition (versus embracing and celebrating the achievement of my hair goals).
Less bandwagon-ing (every product isn't worth trying).
Less money (being creative with homemade hair recipes).
You gals have shown me the light on

*the importance of moisture vs. protein
*co-washing is fun (first winter my hair doesn't feel hard and dry)
*how to use products properly or find new uses for what I had
*how to be a product junkie (need to find a Keracare support group)
*moisturize my ends and seal them
*the courage to try to roller set (working up that nerve again, we won't talk about the frizzy mess it turned into)
*even when my hair is a frizzy h.a.m i still love her because God gave it to me and I just need to try again!
The most important thing is that I can do my hair MYSELF! I can wash, set, relax, trim all by myself and I do not need to go to a salon for that.

That brought me freedom. This sista is no longer a slave to a salon. No longer do I have to plan when to do my hair around my social calendar. If I need to wash midweek and at the end of the week, to have fresh looking hair, then I can do so.

I can wash my hair, rollerset, etc. and still make it to a late night movie with friends without thinking I need to get to the salon early to make sure I can leave 4 hours later. No more walking out of salons pissed because a stylist used too much grease in my hair or she didn't roll the hair tight enough or she didn't really shampoo the nape of my neck, or she didn't neutralize long enough. No more! No more comments about ooooooooo mami your hair is so dry or you need a trim. **** please! I look good even when I walk into their crummy salon just to show them how I handle my own.

I do it myself so I stay looking great!
So many things...I don't even know where to start!

how to stretch my relaxers
how to 'texlax'--which has helped the overall health and appearance of my hair
Importance of protective styling
Less heat is better
importance of using a satin scarf/pillowcase
moisture/protein balance
constant trimming isn't necessary
The wonder of the Jilbere shower comb (love this thing) and bone combs
How to rollerset
Importance of bunning and baggying
How to moisturize and seal my ends
Usage of various oils versus a ton of grease
Dominican products
introduction to SO MANY other products that I had no idea existed..

and a ton of other things that I'm sure that I've overlooked!

Introduction to the creditboardsforum, which has increased my credit score
Importance and tips on saving

The importance and power of a GOOD resume. (Thanks a million Stormy!!:yep: )
Lots of great job contacts

Importance and introduction to oil pulling
Green smoothies
various products to use for the skin
most recently introduction of various nail polishes
tons of delicious recipes
tons of workout tips

The 'Rules' book
The 'Why Men Love *****es' book
various other GREAT relationship advice from the women in that forum--thanks a lot Bunny and other women who have 'been there and done that'....

I'm very grateful for everything that I've read and learned in the Christian forum.
I don't post there often, but I read it EVERYDAY, and this forum has brought me through a LOT of rough days!!

introduction to the postive Law of Attraction

and just so many many, many other things that I'm sure that I've overlooked!

I thank God for forum. It has truly enriched and improved my life in so many ways!:yep:

also...patience of trying to be 'That Girl'...
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The most important thing is that I can do my hair MYSELF! I can wash, set, relax, trim all by myself and I do not need to go to a salon for that.

That brought me freedom. This sista is no longer a slave to a salon. No longer do I have to plan when to do my hair around my social calendar. If I need to wash midweek and at the end of the week, to have fresh looking hair, then I can do so.

I can wash my hair, rollerset, etc. and still make it to a late night movie with friends without thinking I need to get to the salon early to make sure I can leave 4 hours later. No more walking out of salons pissed because a stylist used too much grease in my hair or she didn't roll the hair tight enough or she didn't really shampoo the nape of my neck, or she didn't neutralize long enough. No more! No more comments about ooooooooo mami your hair is so dry or you need a trim. **** please! I look good even when I walk into their crummy salon just to show them how I handle my own.

I do it myself so I stay looking great!

Well preach it!!!! Tell it! Tell it! :lol:

*waves a raggedy copy of Sophisticate's Black Hair stolen from salon in the air*
Weekly deep conditioning and the value and use of protein treatments.

I knew nothing about protein treatments. I think the only time I ever had one in a salon was when I had my hair relaxed by an Italian salon owner who did a step before relaxing and a step between relaxing and neutralizing that I now realize were protein treatments. Given all the money and time I spent in salons over the years and just how weak my hair was for years, I'm still kind of mad that no professional ever suggested a protein treatment. Actually, I'm getting heated now thinking about it. But I'm going to let that go and be thankful to you ladies for making me realize that I needed them, suggesting products and telling me how to do them.

Regular consistent protein treatments and regular consistent deep conditioning have been the best things that ever happened to my hair. Thank you LHCF!!!
1. The difference and importance of moisturizing and conditioning products
2. Protective styling
3. The importance of keeping a hair journal and taking photos - thx Machiemoir :grin:
4. Patience and persistence are rewarded
5. The significance of Henna
6. Learning to balance protein and moisture - thanks Sistaslick!
7. The significance of Aryuvedic products
That CW are lifesavers
That I can wash my hair more than once a week if I wanted to
To look at ingredients to products
Moisture is the key!
To embrace my natural texture
To not follow the stereotypes that people make of black hair
So many things...I don't even know where to start!

how to stretch my relaxers
how to 'texlax'--which has helped the overall health and appearance of my hair
Importance of protective styling
Less heat is better
importance of using a satin scarf/pillowcase
moisture/protein balance
constant trimming isn't necessary
The wonder of the Jilbere shower comb (love this thing) and bone combs
How to rollerset
Importance of bunning and baggying
How to moisturize and seal my ends
Usage of various oils versus a ton of grease
Dominican products
introduction to SO MANY other products that I had no idea existed..

and a ton of other things that I'm sure that I've overlooked!

Introduction to the creditboardsforum, which has increased my credit score
Importance and tips on saving

The importance and power of a GOOD resume. (Thanks a million Stormy!!:yep: )
Lots of great job contacts

Importance and introduction to oil pulling
Green smoothies
various products to use for the skin
most recently introduction of various nail polishes
tons of delicious recipes
tons of workout tips

The 'Rules' book
The 'Why Men Love *****es' book
various other GREAT relationship advice from the women in that forum--thanks a lot Bunny and other women who have 'been there and done that'....

I'm very grateful for everything that I've read and learned in the Christian forum.
I don't post there often, but I read it EVERYDAY, and this forum has brought me through a LOT of rough days!!

introduction to the postive Law of Attraction

and just so many many, many other things that I'm sure that I've overlooked!

I thank God for forum. It has truly enriched and improved my life in so many ways!:yep:

also...patience of trying to be 'That Girl'...
WOW! thats good lhcf really taught you how make things better in your life overall :grin:
Frequent Washes are so much better
I now wash every night

Rollersets are where it's at!
I used to wear rollers anyway, but LHCF has really confirmed it for me
That CW are lifesavers
That I can wash my hair more than once a week if I wanted to
To look at ingredients to products
Moisture is the key!
To embrace my natural texture
To not follow the stereotypes that people make of black hair
I LOVE CO-WASHESSSSSSSS and after the drama i'm glad i embraced my natural texture also
*Patience is key (a watched pot never boils ;)

*Protective styling is my friend

*It's important to learn the proper balance between protein and moisture

*Trimming does not make the hair grow

*RETENTION is just as important as GROWTH! :yep: